
Our view of the Galile

Friday, December 23, 2022

Woke- Parshat Mikeitz Chanuka 5783 2022


Insights and Inspiration

from the

Holy Land


Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

"Your friend in Karmiel"

December 23rd 2022 -Volume 12 Issue 10 29th of Kislev 5783


Parshat Mikeitz- Chanuka II



It’s a question that many of the commentaries ask on this week’s Torah portion and the famous biblical story of Yosef and Pharaoh’s dreams. Yet this year it hit me that it’s really the essence of everything. It’s what the parsha is all about. It’s what Chanuka, which is always around the time of year of this Parsha is all about. It’s what our return to Israel, our redemption. It’s about me and you. It’s a simple question, but as like all of my favorite ones, it’s one that your Rebbeim and teachers probably discouraged you from asking and told you it was a silly one…because they didn’t have an answer to it themselves. Because they were discouraged from asking their teachers and their teachers…back to Yosef in Mitzrayim. Yeah…those are my favorite questions, so let’s get started.


OK so Pharoah has a dream. Two of them in fact. The first one you have fat cows eating skinny cows by the Ya’or- the Nile river. The second dream is 7 fat juicy wheat bundles being devoured by 7 skinny ones. This is a troubling dream to Pharaoh. It upsets him for some reason. Skinny things shouldn’t eat fat things. And if they do they should become fat. It’s not fair, right…We all hate cows like that don’t we? That can eat whatever they want and not gain an ounce, while we just cut off a little sliver of the doughnut-just to taste of course and in honor of Chanukah. Purely l’sheim shamayim. And then another sliver and another sliver. Because slivers don’t have calories. Yet, we don’t for some reason remain skinny cows. So, this troubles Pharaoh. Even skinny Ephraim Schwartz appreciates this.


So, what does he do? He calls in all the smart men in Egypt. All the professional dream interpreter guys. The wise men, the magicians, the dieticians, and the life coaches. And guess what? None of them can figure out the dream. They come up with lots of alternative interpretations about dying daughters and conquering lands. They all miss the boat. Yosef is then brought up from the dungeon pit he was thrown into and wada boom wada bing, he gives Pharaoh the correct interpretation. 7 cows, 7 bundles of wheat whadaya know it is all about food. Skinny eating fat that means that there will be years of famine and years of plenty. And the famine years will swallow up the plenty years and there won’t be food. The days of plenty will be forgotten. Boom. What genius! What insight! What brilliance! Yosef even comes up with a plan for them, how they should store food during plenty years for hungry years. Make this man the prime minister. He’s amazing. He’s insightful. He’s tzofnas panayach- the revealer of the secrets hidden things. That’s the story. Aren’t you amazed? Or not…


See, I really don’t get it. And I’m sure you didn’t as well- you were just scared to ask… But don’t worry this is a safe space. Is Yosef really such a genius? Is his interpretation so brilliant?  I mean really, ask you own kids the question in modern times and lingo and see if they can figure it out. I have 7 fat juicy hamburgers and steaks in the fridge and they get eaten up by skinny ones and they still remain skinny. I have 7 huge fancy 20 dollar doughnuts with all of those creams and glazes and they are eaten by this simple cheap Israeli ones that they give out for free to Kollel families with a sprinkling of some white powder that most of it has fallen off already. What do you first think about? Food. Eating. Hunger. Is this really a difficult concept? The Nile is the fridge of Egypt. Cows and wheat are the food. Once I know that’s its food and we’re talking about being hungry then famine and years is not a far leap. And then once we have that down, then the solution anyone can give would be to stock up in the fat years for the lean years. Why is this so impressive? Why didn’t the Egyptians chap this? Why did you never ask this question yourself? You know you wanted to. You know it bothered you. Maybe its for the same reason that they didn’t interpret it as well that way… They as you were trained and conditioned not to…


Let me ask you another question. Yosef’s brothers come down to Egypt. They’re looking for Yosef. They obviously think that he’s still alive. Yaakov is not consoled, and they know that must mean he’s not dead yet. They hear about this Hebrew kid pulled up from a dungeon that is in charge of Egypt. He interprets dreams. He saves Egypt. He gets food. They even meet Yosef. Why don’t they put two and two together? How can they not chap? I know that when tourists who have taken me a few years ago take me again as their guide post-stomach surgery, they don’t recognize me. Gosh, I don’t even recognize myself. But you know what? They figure it out in a minute or two. My voice, my songs, my personality, they know I’m they’re guide. So really? Come on? Why is nobody chapping that its Yosef. Sure he’s a bit older, but please… they’re his brothers for gosh sakes? People recognize each other and siblings years and years later after the holocaust and other separations. Why aren’t they getting it? Again, why didn’t you ask these questions?


Let me throw you one more question. But this one you really may not like too much. You know Jewish history. You’ve been born and bred upon it. For some reason a major part of Jewish education is learning about all of the various important things that happened to our nation which is as the old joke goes. They tried to kill us, we won, let’s make a holiday and eat. It starts in Egypt and it’s pretty much been non-stop since then. Amalek, Philistines, Moabites, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Muslims, Crusaders, Europeans, Spain, Russia. It happens every century or so, particularly in Galus. We all know this. We all learned this. Hashem even tells us this will happen, and it is our fate as long as the shechina is exiled and we are not in our homeland with the Bais Ha’Mikdash. So can I ask you- politely- a simple question. Why are you still not coming to Eretz Yisrael?


Why are you building and investing in a bigger house addition in a country that you will probably very soon be killed in and thrown out of. You know it always happens. You know, that thinking America, Europe, Canada is not going to be different than anywhere else. You’re smart enough to realize that they thought Hungary and Poland, and Spain were different, and they weren’t. So why don’t you get it? We always think we are in a medina shel chesed- until boker tov it’s not anymore. And generally speaking, there’s really not a lot of time until the years of plenty get quickly swallowed up and you don’t even remember them in the years of hunger, persecution, expulsion, genocide and concentration camps. So why are you still there?


The answer I believe is that I think everyone is in some very deep sleep and are living in dreamland. You can’t really imagine it otherwise. It so doesn’t make sense. It’s incomprehensible and laughable-although nervously laughable-to even think that it can happen “again”. It’s different now. It’s democratic. There are laws. We’re civilized. The world is in a different place. It just doesn’t make sense. It’s just a bad dream that they don’t want to interpret-although the answer and future is staring them in the face. But it can’t really be the reality. How could fat years and fat cows become impoverished. How can it all disappear? Pharaoh doesn’t get it. His wise men don’t and Yosef’s brothers don’t either.


They don’t get that Yosef the dreamer who played with his hair and wore colored shirts and didn’t wear a black hat could actually be the man who brings the redemption. (Ouch..!) It didn’t make sense. He was a busy all day with dreams, we sold him down a pit. We’re looking for him in the brothels and houses of ill repute because that’s the type of guy he is. We wrote him off. That he would be the gadol ha’dor? Rav Chaim Kanievsky? That he would be Mashiach? That his dreams were right? That the great talmid chochom Yissachar and the wealthy baal haboss Zevulun who was just honored at the Aguda Convention would bow down to him. Would need to come onto this frei looking sheigitz for my food and even more so for my spiritual protection that the yesod of the Tzadik Yosef provides for us in Mitzrayim? That can’t be. We threw him out of our yeshiva. And despite all the overwhelming evidence contrary, that guy in the palace is no way our brother. He’s got nothing to do with us. They only saw darkness in him. They didn’t see the light of his flame, that should’ve woken them up.


Chanuka is that story again, but on the highest and deepest level. A little history lesson. Alexander the Great comes to Israel on his world conquest in about the year 300 BC. He conquers the entire world but due to a fantastic meeting with Shimon Ha’Tzadik- and non-coincidentally a dream that he keeps having that his victory comes as a result of this great Rabbi- he spares Yerushalayim which becomes the only place in the entire Greek Empire that is allowed remain independent. To show their gratitude they name every Jewish baby boy that year Sender after him. (It drove the kindergarten teachers crazy but prepared them for all of the future Yoilies, Nachmans and future Yosef Chaim Shemaryahus.) What a medina shel chesed the Greeks are! We became loyal and faithful patriots of this new empire. No more of those Obambabidenlonyians (you like that word) we have our man in the White House. We’ll call all of the Jewish kids Donald (appreciate please that incredible wild significance of calling Jewish kids Sender). We have Ramat Trump and we have official government recognition and World recognition. It doesn’t get better. It can’t get bad. We went to sleep. And then the bad dream came. And no one could understand how it could’ve happened.


Alexander dies. Generals take over. Israel is fought over by the Egyptian Greeks and Syrians. Antiochus the Syrian Greeks take over. But Jews are still sleeping and not getting the dream is over. They drank the Greek Kool Aid. The same one Pharaohs wise men did, the same one that the brothers of Yosef did. They didn’t chap the simple interpretation in front of their eyes because it was so dark and the bed was so comfortable for so long. They didn’t see the light of Yosef. They didn’t think that Eretz Yisrael could be frum again. That the Bais Ha’Mikdash and the Temple Mount could finally be holy. Sure they davened three times a day for that, but it wasn’t in their hands to make it happen. It was just crazy radical dreamers that actually believed that. The guys we threw in the pits. Who in their right mind is crazy enough to think that a small group of Yeshiva guys could pick up guns, knives and swords and “fife un” the UN, the world empire. That they could actually fight and throw out everyone of the holy land. That can rid the country of its secular assimilated Greek politically correct ideology that had ruled here for so long. To throw out democracy and finally establish the on Theocracy that the entire world has been waiting for us to finally shine out to the world.


But Matisyahu and his sons weren’t just dreaming. They, like Yosef realized that the solution and interpretation to their dream was in their hands as well. What Hashem wanted them to do He showed to Pharoah, and He showed to them as well. And they won. It wasn’t a dream. It was a miracle that revealed that everything in this world is a miracle. We woke up. The dream was reality. Isn’t it amazing that this week’s parsha is called Mikeitz- which not only means the end of, but also when we wake up. And just as Pharaoh woke up and it was a dream, so did we Chanuka time. It is this dream that is the light of Chanukah. It is the keitz- the end of the darkness. The end of the slumber. It's really really showing the world what “Woke” is really supposed to look like.


Today in Eretz Yisrael we are as well in the process of realizing a dream. 100 years ago this land was desolate, barren, almost Jew-less. Nothing grew. There were no cities. No farms. Forget about yeshivas and Torah like we have today. People were starving, child mortality was 80%. We were being attacked, persecuted and subject to humiliation from our cousins that were desecrating our holiest places. No sane person would move here. The dream land was America. It was the heiligeh communities in Europe. Everything was there in those medinas of chesed. It’s where the famine wasn’t. It’s where you could make a respectable living, have a nice house. You could vote, talk politics and shteig away in real mekomos ha’torah and not have to work the ground, plant, farm, build or fight. You know all of those goyishe type of things.


But there were dreamers that weren’t sleeping. Some of them may probably never even saw or learned the Chasam Sofer who writes that panting and working in Eretz Yisrael is as choshuv and Heilig as learning Torah. But yet they saw the light of Chanukah. They may have had colored coats and sandals instead of black hats and shtreimels but they were the children of Yaakov too. They were Yosef that may have been kidnapped from their religious upbringing as children, but their spark and flame was still strong. Their spark would extinguish Esau and Yishmael. They realized that miracles could and would happen if we weren’t asleep. We could return. We could make the ground flourish. It’s Hashem’s land He promised us. It’s the only place where His light could shine out from. They realized that that the keitz li’yemei harah- the end or the awakening from the days of bad were finally over. The geula is around the corner, we just need to stare into those candles and see it. If we do then we will once again see those miracles ba’yamim ha’heim ba’zman ha’zeh.



Have a miraculous Shabbos Chanuka and a glorious renewed month of Teves

Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz




It’s your favorite Rabbi Tour Guide!!

Check out my latest article and see me in a toga as we travel through the battles in those times in these days!

Dovid-Golyas, Bar Kochva, Philistines, Greeks and even Romans.

It’s all here



And then post share, and send letters to Mishpacha telling them how much you enjoy them!





“Men ken machen dem cholem grosser vi di nacht..”.- You can make a dream bigger than the night.




https://soundcloud.com/ephraim-schwartz/maoz-tzur  – In honor of Chanuka my latest song composition Maoz Tzur! Aren’t you ready for a new tune.. this one is great with Dovid Lowy doing my amazing arrangements and vocals!


https://soundcloud.com/ephraim-schwartz/haneiros-halalu   – And once your at it already why not use my fantazstically uplifting Haneiros Halalu tune for lighting your candles as well


https://soundcloud.com/ephraim-schwartz/al-hanissim  – And here’s my Al Ha’Nissim another amazing Lowy arrangement and vocals


https://soundcloud.com/ephraim-schwartz/chasof-zeroah -  Finally my first Chanuka hit Chasof Zeroa arranged and sung by Yitz Berry!!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPlQBpq1dvQ Hillarious Bardak Chanuka video- come on you’ve all done this…


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN8dTY1E4I8 If you have time Shlomo Calrebach the light of Chanuka inspiring Reb Shloimeh…





answer below at end of Email


3) The "Green Line" was set in the year:

Which of the following cities is located east of the "Green Line"?

a) Rosh Haayin

b) Umm al-Fahm

c) Ariel

d) Baqa al-Gharbiyye




Elisha’s Spring- 706 BC Elisha returns after the departure of Eliyahu to heaven in the fiery chariot to the city of Yericho, where he is greeted by the prophet students that had previously foretold him that Eliyahu would be taken. Yet it seems that although they intuited that Elisha was granted a new level of prophecy, they couldn’t seem to wrap their brains around the fact that the great Eliyahu Ha’Navi was truly gone. So after nudging and nudging Elisha about Eliyahu’s whereabouts, they send out search parties for three days to try to find him, in the valleys and caves in the Jordan Valley.


This is not the only time that there will be search parties in this area. From 1968-1970 after the 6 Day War, Palestinians (or former Jordanians to be more precise), that had fled the West Bank of the Jordan River- which today is Yehudah and Shomron-and lived in refugee camps there, would come over the River and launch terror attacks on Israel. This area then became known as the Eretz Ha’Mirdafim- the land of the pursuits. Soldiers would have to go cave to cave to try to find the terrorists and keep the area secure. Many soldiers gave their lives in this pursuit. Who knows? Maybe they were searching in the same caves where they were searching for Eliyahu.


Yet, after three days when they come back they tell finally tell Elisha that their mission failed. Eliyahu is really gone. He hated-to-tell-you-I-told-you-so’d them a bit and then he moved on to the next business at hand, establishing himself not only as a prophet, but as a miracle worker and one who is out to help the people. The people of Yericho tell Elisha that there is a local spring that has terrible water that comes out that everyone is getting sick from, that women that drink from it become childless, that brings disease. The commentaries discuss whether this was a recent thing that happened with the departure of Eliyahu or rather this dates back to the time when the city of Yericho, was cursed by Yehoshua when the Chiel and his family rebuilt the city after Yehoshua conquered it when we first came into the land and prohibited it from ever being rebuilt so it should stand as testimony to the miracle when Hashem knocked down the walls in our first entrance into the land. Chiels sons were all killed, yet the city ultimately was repopulated.


Elisha tells them to bring him a new empty glass which he then added salt to and then poured it in and the water became sweet. He promised them that it would remain that way forever which it is until today. This miracle is very similar to Moshe’s miracle of the sweetening of the bitter waters of Meriva when we first left Egypt. The difference though is whereas Moshe acted upon the command of Hashem, Elisha, like his master Eliyahu does the miracle on his own and Hashem acts according to the prophets command.


The spring of Elisha still remains in the outskirts of the city of Yericho, near the ancient Tel. We have testimonies going back to the times of Josephus and earlier of its location and its amazing healing properties. Unfortunately today we can’t visit the area as it under Palestinian Area A control which according to the big red signs outside the city is illegal for Israelis to enter and “MAY BE DANGEROUS TO YOUR LIVES”. Ouch! Yet Arabs go to this wonderous spring still and there is a beautiful fountain built upon them that they bathe in as well as using the water for agriculture of their fields there.    




A plumber went to the doctor. He said "Doctor, every time I try to sleep I close my eyes and see visions of PVC, copper, steel and corncob. Am I going mad?!"


The doctor replied "Relax. You're just having pipe dreams."

Just woke up from a dream about Roman numerals 5, 4, 1, and 500. It was VIVID.

Last night I had a dream where I experienced a completely new color. It was a pigment of my imagination


I had a dream the other night. I was in the old West riding in a stagecoach. Suddenly, a man riding a horse pulls up to the left side of the stagecoach, and a riderless horse pulls up on the right. The man leans down, pulls open the door, and jumps off his horse into the stagecoach. Then he opens the other door and jumps onto the other horse.

Just before he rode off, I yelled out, "What was all that about?"

He replied, "Nothing. It's just a stage I'm going through."


Moshe was talking to his psychiatrist. "I had a weird dream recently," he says. "I saw my mother but then I noticed she had your face. I found this so worrying that I immediately awoke and couldn't get back to sleep. I just stayed there thinking about it until 7am. I got up, made myself a slice of toast and some coffee and came straight here. Can you please help me explain the meaning of my dream?"

The psychiatrist kept silent for some time, then said, "One slice of toast and coffee? Do you call that a breakfast?"


Tim listened as I told him that the dream consisted of just one thing. A huge, bright, number -5-. It was made of gold and shined like the sun. Tim's eyebrows went up with curiosity. I continued to tell him that the first thing I did that day was to look up the local horse racing track contenders.

Tim raised an eyebrow. I told him that the number 5 contender in the 5th race was named "The Fifth Element." Tim started grinning. Then I told him of what I did to make sure I get my luck working in my favor. I ate 5 bowls of cereal for breakfast and drank 5 cups of orange juice. I went for a 5 mile jog to feel good. I spent 5 minutes in the shower washing off.  I dressed in the 5th shirt I found. I sat in my car for 5 minutes before beginning to drive, then I drove to the racetrack and parked in the 5th stall in the 5th row. I entered through the 5th admissions gate and bought 5 programs. I went to the 5th betting window and bet $555 on the 5th horse in the 5th race. I went and sat in the 5th row of the bleachers making sure there were 5 people sitting on both sides of me.I settled in and waited for the race to start.

"Well," said Tim. "Did your horse win??!?"

I frowned at Tim and said, "Stupid horse came in 5th."


It has always been my dream to be a multi millionaire like my father...My father has been dreaming of becoming a multi millionaire too..


I’ve always dreamed of swimming in a body of water filled with soda. Sadly it’s just a Fanta-sea.


Last night I dreamed I was driving a Ferrari in the Formula 1 championship race...I was fast, asleep.


I had the strangest dream last night, I fell asleep inside a muffler. I woke up exhausted.


I had a dream that I weighed less than a thousandth of a gram....I was like, 0mg.


Sam Levinson, the famous Jewish comedian told this story: When his parents were immigrants, escaping the prejudice of war-torn Europe, they fell under the spell of the American dream that the streets were paved with gold.

When pop got here, he found three things: First, the streets weren't paved with gold… Second, the streets were not even paved. And third, he was supposed to do the paving.”


I told my son to believe in his dreams, and my wife got mad. She is probably just cranky though since we both just got woken up by our son who had a nightmare.


Grandma's dream finally came true and she went to medical school. As a cadaver… Oy…!


Iranian president Ahmadinejad calls Trump and tells him, "Donald, I had a wonderful dream last night. I could see America, the whole beautiful country, and on each house I saw a banner."

"What did it say on the banners?" Donald asks.

Mahmud replies, "UNITED STATES OF IRAN."

Trump says, "You know, Mahmud, I am really happy you called, because believe it or not, last night I had a similar dream. I could see all of Tehran, and it was more beautiful than ever, and on each house flew an enormous banner."

"What did it say on the banners?" Mahmud asks.

Trump replies, "I don't know. I can't read Hebrew."


Answer is C -Shame on me for getting this one only half right. Maybe it’s because I ‘m too tired after a long day of touring, but I shoild’ve gotten this completely right. The Green line was not the 1947 Partition plan line that I had written as the correct answer. Rather it was 1949 Post War Armistice line that was never meant to be borders, just a cease fire agreement lines that evolved into the what today some leftniks and UN niks consider what should be the border of Israel. I got part II right though which was easy. The correct answer of course is Ariel. Rosh Ayin is in Israel and the two arab cities mentioned were all negotiated to be within Israel’s borders in those agreements and which Kvish 6 passes right next to on your way up. So with mhy first half wrong on this exam the score this week is Schwartz 2.5 and 0.5 for MOT (Ministry of Tourism) on this exam.


Thursday, December 15, 2022

Hot-Tikva - Parshat Vayeishev Chanuka Edition 2022 5783


Insights and Inspiration

from the

Holy Land


Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

"Your friend in Karmiel"

December 16th 2022 -Volume 12 Issue 9 22nd of Kislev 5783


Parshat Vayeishev Chanuka I


(What a great title!)


We were in the car having one of those typical Rabbi Schwartz you-really-should- move- to Israel discussions. They were Chasidim. They really loved Israel, or Eretz Yisrael as they preferred to call it. I was in one of my moods as it was the end of a full summer of touring and I wasn’t polite about it anymore. The politically correct Rabbi Schwartz had exited a few weeks before. I was annoyed at people just not getting the fact that it was really that time in history when everyone should be coming home already. There really is nothing left in America to stick around for besides… concentration camps at worst, but certainly expulsion, persecution and decrees are around the corner. The writing was on the wall. What were they hanging around there for? I was just frustrated, that they didn’t see it.


Yoily, then tells me that he really wanted to move to Israel. He loves it here. He said last time he was here even a few years ago, he even came very close to buying an apartment here. But at the end he backed it out. “It’s tzee heisss” in Eretz Yisrael. It’s too hot for him and his wife here. The temperature is too high and its very humid. It’s nisht far meer.. It wasn’t for him. It was at that point that I lost it.


I told him that I had a young man a few months ago that was raised frum, but his father told me that he was having trouble with him. It seems his son decided that he didn’t want to wear tzitzis anymore. It’s too hot, he complained. There’s no obligation in fact to wear tzitzis. It’s only an obligation if one is wearing a four cornered garment. But there’s no obligation to wear one in the first place. I asked Yoily if I should tell the young boy that he was correct. Tzee heis is a good excuse. After-all living in Eretz Yisrael according to many is not an obligation. You “just” get a mitzva if you live here, kind of like when you wear tzitzis (although settling the land is probably a lot more comprehensive and central of a mitzva-as the Torah repeatedly tells us it is the essence of all the mitzvos that can only properly be fulfilled here).


On the other hand, I could tell him how a little shvitz for a mitzva is good. I could remind him of the gemara that tells us about eventually the goyim will complain that they never had any opporotunities to do mitzvos and Hashem give them the chance to fufill the mitzva of sukkos. When they step in it though Hashem yanks out the sun and they start to shivtz and run out and say in their goyisheh Yiddish “It’s tzee heis!”. And then a I ratch it up a notch.


I ask them if they know why they are wearing those big long hot caftans and frocks and wool tzitzis. After-all there is certainly clothing like my shorts and T- Shirt which is a lot more comfortable. The answer I explained was that when their Zadyies and Bubbies came to America or the New World, or even perhaps centuries before in Europe, the great Chasidic leaders felt that it was important that the Chasidim wear these clothing so that they feel that they stand out. That they will always remember that they are not like the goyim around them. So that they won’t easily forget who they are and assimilate. That they will remember that the country that they are in, isn’t really where they are supposed to be or feel comfortable. It’s not their home. It’s not their people. We’re in galus and only there temporarily.


The problem though, I rudely pointed out, is that they are more comfortable in their shtreimal and beketcheh in the Diamond district in 5th Avenue or even in the halls of congress than they are when they come home to the land that is the inheritance of our forefathers. The land Hashem told us He gave us to live in. The land that is unquestionably the best, most natural and only place where we should ever feel at home. The land that should never feel tzu heiss… and even if it is, who moves out of their home when the air conditioning is busted? Out of their father’s home? Out of our Father in heaven’s home. I suggested that it would be much better if they tool off their shtreimal and beketcheh and put on a short sleeve shirt, shorts and even cotton tzitizis and it will be much cooler for them here. After-all I don’t think anyone will wear argue that living in Eretz Yisrael is less of a mitzva then the shtreimal, then the black hat and jacket? I think they made Aliyah since then… they certainly never said tzi heiss in my car.


As I read back what I just wrote, I realize that my mother will probably yell at me. I don’t usually pull punches in this E-Mail. I feel it’s why some of you still come here and read it each week and haven’t unsubscribed. You can handle my never really humble opinion, even though you may disagree with me. Or maybe it’s just the jokes at the end. But this time I think I got a bit carried away. I got aggressive. Obnoxious, perhaps. Certainly annoyingly Israeli-holier-than-thou because I live in Israel and you don’t attitude, that’s just a turn-off. But I just got frustrated that they don’t see the contradiction. You’re wearing a hot woolen pair of tzitzis, a lonf wool frock, a black fur hat… and your complaining that Israel is too hot. Really? Are you that blind? I just don’t get it.


Which then of course brings us to this week’s parsha and this incredible insight from Reb Moshe Feinstien who is troubled with the same issue, sort of. He notes that there is the famous gemara in Shabbos that discusses some of the laws of Chanuka. There it teaches us that the menora (or more accurately, Chanukiya, as they call it here) can’t be lit higher than 20 amos (about 30 feet) off the ground. As the eye only is sholeit-rules or can be see that high up. The Gemara than seems to intersperse a different seemingly unrelated midrash in the middle (by the same tanna), that Rashi quotes in our Parsha- which of course is never coincidental. It tells us that the brothers of Yosef threw him into the pit that the Torah tells us didn’t have any water, but it did have deadly snakes and scorpions in it. The question he poses is that is the connection between these two laws?


His brilliant answer is that the function of the lighting of the Menora is that one sees and contemplates the miracle of the lights. Not only the miracle of the 7 days that the oil burned for, but even the fact that anything that happens is truly a miracle from the Hand of God. It’s why, he answers the famous question of the Bais Yosef, that we celebrate 8 days of Chanuka even though the fact that the Menora burnt for the first day wasn’t a miracle. There was enough oil for that day. Yet, we recognize on Chanuka that everything is a miracle. It’s no more or less of a miracle that fire burns at all. It’s all the will of Hashem. The Menorah has to be in a place so that we can see it and our eyes can be “sholeit”- can rule over this idea. So that we can see the truth that is revealed in its light.


He notes that generally our eyes fool us. We miss the boat. The next midrash quoted in the Talmud tells us that. It points out that the brothers threw Yosef in a pit that was deadly. He should’ve died in that pit. Reuvein suggested that they throw him there- as a test to see if Hashem would protect him from the snakes and scorpions. It was like throwing Daniel into the lion’s den. And guess what? Yosef miraculously survived. The brothers should’ve hauled him right out after seeing that great miracle. They should’ve begged his forgiveness. They should’ve realized the folly of their ways.

But they didn’t. They were so consumed with jealousy and self-righteousness that they missed it. They doubled down on their shtreimel and beketcheh. They pulled him right out and sold him down to the Egyptians. They took the path that eventually brought us to the 210 years of slavery and grief. They let their eyes fool them, because the light was too high for them to see.


Chanukah more than any other holiday it is this light that has been so distorted. In Israel the Maccabees are celebrated as a basketball team, as a time for sport and athletics and Greek festivals obscenely enough. In non-orthodox circles in the Diaspora it is seen as a “winter” holiday right next to all of the other goyishe ones with more presents and with latkas and dreidels instead of trees and mistletoe. In the frum world its Jewishy acapella group goyisheh song knockoffs, fancy $20 doughnuts, and family Chanuka parties. In the most yeshivish circles it’s about Torah. All holidays are about Torah by the way in yeshivish world. Torah and tishes in the chasidish world. In truth though it’s really not about any of those things.


The story of Chanuka is about picking up a sword and killing idolators (and their Jewish backers by the way- fun fact- according to Josephus I’ve heard about 20% of the Greek army were Hellenized Jews).  It was about standing up to the world and telling them that everything else besides Hashem is baloney. It’s lies. It’s being willing to put your life on the line against a world empire to tell them that Eretz Yisrael is ours. It’s holy. Get your Greek behinds out of our Temple. NOW or we will fight you. We don’t care that you are a world Empire. That you have the United Nations behind you. We don’t care if it will offend your politically correct universal religion world view. Macabee-Mi Kamocha Ba’Eilim Hashem- We have Hashem. We really really do. And we don’t need to hide it or be embarrassed about saying it. We don’t need to live anywhere else, because we believe that He will preform miracles for us and will provide for us if we listen to Him and fulfill His will of living where He charged us to shine out His light from. He will take care of our children that they don’t go off the Derech. He will make sure we will have the food that we need, the parnassa that we need. We just need to see the light.


We read the story of the brothers and Yosef, Reb Moshe says, every year on Chanuka to help us open up our eyes. To see the light of Hashem and contemplate the miracles that he not only provided back then; but ba’yamim ha’heim ba’zman ha’zeh- He does it at this time as well. We need to get out of the darkness that we more often than not we have engulfed ourselves in. The darkness of exile that only the light of the only Jewish holiday that was Made in Israel can bring out to us. The snakes and scorpions that we may see in our other fellow Jews that we throw them down to, but we don’t see the miracles and light that Hashem provides for them as well. We need to gaze long and hard and let our eyes be cleansed and purified by the one true miraculous light and flame


. It’s a flame we can’t touch. We can’t use for our own personal benefit and agendas. We just need to see it and let our eyes finally rule over the darkness. It’s not tzee heis… It’s not tzee kalt…It’s just holy. It’s just Hashem. It’s just miraculous. It’s all miracles. We’re the Kohanim on Chanuka that can tap into it and share that light. We’re the Macabees that aren’t afraid to tell the world that. We’re the Chashmonaim that will do what Hashem wants us to do and the chips will fall where He wants them to. It is that light that will bring the Bais Ha’Mikdash home again. May it already be this year.


Have a light filled Shabbos and Chanuka

Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz



It’s your favorite Rabbi Tour Guide!!

Check out my latest article and see me in a toga as we travel through the battles in those times in these days!

Dovid-Golyas, Bar Kochva, Philistines, Greeks and even Romans.

It’s all here



And then post share, and send letters to Mishpacha telling them how much you enjoy them!





“Az es brent, is a fayer.”.- When something’s burning, there’s a fire.




https://soundcloud.com/ephraim-schwartz/maoz-tzur  – In honor of Chanuka my latest song composition Maoz Tzur! Aren’t you ready for a new tune.. this one is great with Dovid Lowy doing my amazing arrangements and vocals!


https://soundcloud.com/ephraim-schwartz/haneiros-halalu   – And once your at it already why not use my fantazstically uplifting Haneiros Halalu tune for lighting your candles as well


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VgaIkUkJIU   – Nissim Black’s latest awesome VICTORY!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16Z4WE-kt64    -  Tis the season for Acapella Chanuka tunes- Elton Johnuka.. Oy…


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwhAKe-UVOkBerri Weber’s latest Yosef…Fascinating…and good..




answer below at end of Email


2) The destruction of the First Temple occurred in the year:

It is commonly believed that The Broad Wall in Jerusalem was built for the journey of:

a) Thutmose

b) Sennacherib

c) Shishak

d) Nebuchadnezzar




Eliyahu’s Exit- 706 BC – The death or better yet the departure of Eliyahu Ha’Navi from this world is one of the most fascinating stories in Tanach. Unlike previous great men like Moshe or Aharon that died with a “kiss of God” Eliyahu doesn’t undergo any form of death. He remains alive according to our sage in Gan Eden and is sent back down to this world for specific tasks. Many great sages and simple hidden Tzadikim have had revelations of Eliyahu. In Tzfat in the ARI’Zl shul there is the room where Eliyahu studied with that great 16th century Kabbalist. Thus when he leaves this world it is not to die, but rather to wait until his moment when he will bring Mashiach.


The Navi tells us how he and Elisha his student were walking by the Jordan river talking in learning, that prevented him from being taken until a heavenly chariot and horses of fire came down to take him away. This is the same fire Elisha recognized from when Eliyahu brought it down on Mt. Carmel and to burn up the soldiers of Achazia. When Eliyahu is taken he leaves behind his leather cloak- which was made from the ram of the akeida of Avraham Avinu when he bound Yitzchak. That was the way that Elisha knew that he would replace Eliyahu. In perhaps the most famous eulogy he cries out “Avi Avi rechev Yisrael u’farashuv- Father Father the chariot of Israel and its horseman”. A rebbi is like one’s father our sages tell us and the power of Eliyahu was like its army to serve to defend us from our enemies. Without Eliyahu he felt lost and endangered. In fact our sages tell us that when Eliyahu left this world the empire of Rome was established. A new era had begun.


Elisha picks up that cloak and strikes the Yarden with it. And just as it had split for Eliyahu it does so for Elisha. The fact that it now split miraculously for him alone was as well as sign that he possessed and received twice the power of Eliyahu. For when it had previously split it was for two great men Eliyahu and Elisha and now Elisha alone had earned the level that it would split for him. Next week we being and explore the new era of Elisha and the reaction of his students to this new world.


After so long of Gehennom being just too hot, the inhabitants decide to steal a/c units from Heaven and install them, making the place a little more comfortable. When the inhabitants of Heaven learn what's been done, they lash out in outrage. "How dare you! We'll sue you!" they cried.

To which Gehenom's residents replied: "You can try, sure, but where are you guys gonna find a lawyer?"


“It's just too hot to wear clothes today," said Yankel as he stepped out of the shower. "Honey," he continued, "what would then neighbors think if I mowed the lawn like this?"

His wife thought for a moment, then replied, "That I married you for your money."


My pregnant wife asked me if I ever worried it would be too hot for the baby inside her. I patted her tummy, smiled and said, “Nah...it’s probably womb temperature!"

It’s so hot everyone is wearing sweat pants.


It’s so hot even the artificial flowers are dying.


It’s so hot I saw two hydrants fight over a dog.


It’s so hot even white collar workers are red necks.


It’s so hot my thermometer goes up to “Are you kidding me?”


It’s so hot Optimus Prime transformed into an air conditioner.


It’s so hot I saw a cop chasing a thief and they were both walking.


It’s so hot I saw a chicken lay an omelette.


It’s so hot the Statue of Liberty was asked to lower her arm.


It’s so hot I saw a heatwave and I waved back.


It’s so hot in the Apple store because they have no Windows.


Q: Which is faster, heat or cold? A: Heat, because you can catch a cold!


Did you hear about the Palestinian Space Agency mission to land on the sun? They went at night to make sure it wouldn't be too hot


The American tourist was bothering the waiter in an Israeli restaurant. First, he asked that the air conditioning be turned up because he was too hot, then he asked it be turned down cause he was too cold, and so on for about half an hour. Surprisingly, the waiter was very patient, he walked back and forth and never once got angry. So finally, a second customer asked him why he didn't throw out the pest.

'Oh, I really don't care or mind,' said the waiter with a smile. 'We don't have an air conditioner.'


An old Jewish man walks into a restaurant. He orders some soup. The waiter quickly brings his soup but the old man doesn’t eat. The waiter returns after some minutes. “Excuse me sir. Is there something wrong with your soup?”

“Try it and find out.” The old man responded.

“Is the soup too cold?”

Try it.”

“I-is it too hot?”

“Just try it.”

“Not enough vegetables, too much broth, does it smell funny?”

“What are ya, mishegas? Just try the soup!” The old man shouts.

Alright!” The waiter gives in. “Where’s the spoon?” He looks over the table.

The old man just smiles.



Answer is B -This one was easy although controversial. The answer they are looking for is 586 BC that’s the common archeological dating. On the other hand if one makes a cheshbon of the 410 years that Chazal tell us that it stood we date it about 165 years later in the year 422 BC. So there are a bunch of missing years that need to be figured out. Google the missing Jewish years and see Rav Schwabs article on this enlightening topic.  The broad wall in the Cardo is also pretty easy and basic as it’s an essential tourist site to tell the story of the great Pesach night miracle and the destruction of Sancheirevs army that took place here. So got it right of course and the the score this week is Schwartz 2 and 0 for MOT (Ministry of Tourism) on this exam.