
Our view of the Galile

Friday, November 26, 2021

A Spin on Dreidel- Parshat Vayeishev/ Chanukah I

 Insights and Inspiration

from the

Holy Land


Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

"Your friend in Karmiel"

November 27th 2021 -Volume 11 Issue 9 22nd Kislev 5782


Parshat Vayeishev


A Spin on Dreidel

It's an ancient tradition that we try to observe. We light our menoras, we have Chanukah parties, we sing holiday songs, and even compose a few and of course we eat latkas and being in Israel jelly doughnuts. And there is of course dreidel. Now perhaps when we were kids this custom was fun as we sat around spun our sevivon / top and counted out pennies from the pot. The tradition has that it began when the Greeks forbade us from learning Torah, the Jews would secretly study and when the Greeks would come in they would hide their books and pretend to be playing dreidel. Although that may be the source, it seems that the custom to play is only a few hundred years old or so. But that's good enough for me.

Now pennies or even shekels and spinning tops were just not going to cut it for my chevra in yeshiva. It was too childish and no fun or challenge. So it seems the yeshiva world- although some of our Rebbeim would probably protest at us hijacking that distinguished title, came up with other alternatives to fulfill the concept. The dreidel became a deck of cards and the game was given some name that had some chassidic spiritual mystical element to it; Kvittlach. In reality I believe that it's just yeshivisheh blackjack. Poker, with some herring thrown in for good measure. It involved some money changing hands. But everyone knows that Chanukah gelt is a mitzva, right? I guess the only connection that it had with the original custom was that when the Rebbeim would walk in they would hide the cards and money and pull out a sefer and pretend to be studying. So it's almost like the real thing.

I personally was never a gambler. Probably because any gelt that I did have I used to buy sufganiyot and shwarmas. I tried learning the kvittlach game once but it was beyond me. I still have no clue what an elevaroon is. Maybe an elevated macaroon? Instead I went to visit my good friend in more of a "fun" yeshiva. Those were "my 'other' boys". My yeshiva was where I would learn. Theirs was where I would go when I needed to get away for a bit.

 It was late at night, after seder of course, when I arrived there. My buddy Yanky was sitting down with some of my friends discussing the Chanukah night activity for the evening. These were not kvittlach people. The typical card games were too lame. One of them finally came up with a great idea. Monopoly! Now I was a big board game person. Risk, Stratego, chess, games that required using our yeshivish noggin and beating someone else with our incredible strategies. Conquering the world, killing kings capturing flags. We were good at that. Monopoly is a luck and throw of the dice game. What's the kuntz?

The boys smiled at me and pulled out the game. They replaced the monopoly bills right away with shekels. Now I know that shekels are painted to look like monopoly money. I tell my tourists so that it's that they shouldn't confuse it with real money. Otherwise your typical American could get sticker shock hearing repeatedly that it's 100's of shekel for this and for that. But once you realize it's not real money, it's only shekels then it's not so bad.

But this was different. Monopoly with real money, albeit shekels is a totally different game. Do I buy this? Do I build? All of a sudden these question have real financial consequences! Hmmm. It sounded interesting. Not having any money, I sat down to watch (Ok maybe I chucked in a few shekels…Shhh…). The game became more and more intense as the night wore on. The trading got heavy, the arguments and under the table deals were heating up. And all of a sudden…Boom, the door opened.

 In front of us stood Rabbi G., the Rosh yeshiva. Now this was not my yeshiva. I wasn't too worried. But, it was still scary watching his face as he took in the scene before his eyes. He looked at Yanky with a stern glare and asked him what was going on. Without batting an eye Yanky turned to his Rosh Yeshiva and told his Rebbe,

"Can you believe this? He wants me to trade him Pacifc and Atlantic for Mediterranean and Park Place., what does Rebbe have to say about that?"

I will never forget Rabbi G.'s expression and response. He looked at Yanky. He understood his boys. He knew when to fight 'em, when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.

"What!" Rabbi G. said, "Mediterranean?! Even Kollel guys don't live on Mediterranean…!" and with that he walked out and left as if he didn't see a thing.

Oy…. Those were the days. I think Yanky got his schmooze on the evils of gambling the next day, but in my opinion the wisdom, self-control and wit of that Rebbe, taught me an even more important lesson. One has to see the big picture of connecting with your students over losing it all over a game of monopoly. It's a lesson I will never forget.

It's Chanuka this week, My Chanuka box is out with all my Chanukah paraphernalia. Menora, silver polish, candles wicks, oils, and Happy Hanukah signs and of course dreidels. What is the deeper concept behind this dreidel? Now we know that there are four letters Nun Gimmel, Shin and Hey or Pey, which stand for Neis Gadol Haya Sham - A great miracle happened there or alternatively Po-here. The difference of course is depending on if you are playing in Israel or the Diaspora. Although I understand that Satmar and some other-shall we call them "not-pro-Zionist" of our brethren-don't use the "peh-here" ones even in Israel either. They claim it’s a Zionist invention. Although a gambling game of spin-the Jewish-top would seem like a lame place to start declaring religious indignation about foreign secular influences. But hey... I would never crash anyone's fun or party as Rabbi G taught me.

But the truth is that there is something sacred about the dreidel spinning game. There were great Rabbis like the students of the Baal Shem Tov, the Chasam Sofer, and I've been told that even (lbl'ch) Reb Chaim Kanievsky has mentioned that his father the Steipler played dreidel with them as children. It's fascinating that when they went through the concentration camps storehouses where they Nazi's kept the items they confiscated from the Jews many dreidels were found. It seems that the Jews who were limited by what they could bring with them to these camps, somehow felt the dreidel was something to bring. One can imagine the clandestine games in their barracks late at night. They may not have been able to light a menora, but at least they had something to remind them of the miracles of old and to give them faith that it could happen again.

There are many different insights about the dreidel game. The Bnai Yissachar sees it as the difference between Chanuka and Purim. Whereas on Purim we spin the gragger from bottom, Chanuka the dreidel is pun from the top (excuse the spun…oyyy). On Chanuka the miracle came openly from Hashem. It was clear that He was running the show. The Jews did not merit redemption or the miracle as most of them had assimilated. Hashem had to spin that dreidel from above. On Purim we fasted, we prayed and we repented. We were the ones turning that Divine grogger. We made the noise and Hashem in kind responded.

Rebbi Nachman of Breslav has an incredible insight into the dreidel game though. He notes that the dreidel is like life. We spin and we spin and we fall. Sometimes when we fall we are gadol- we are great we win. Other times we are Nunnisht nothing. Sometimes we pay, sometimes we lose half, but yet we pick ourselves up and spin again. Sometimes it's our turn and the next spin it could be my neighbors and other game players turn. Life is constantly spinning and we are constantly waiting to see where it will fall. Some spins are longer and some are shorter. The one thing that unites all of the players though, is when the top is turning you can't see the letters. When it is spinning around and around they all look like one. That is the message we are meant to internalize about our lives. We are all on a dreidel and we are all part of the miracle. Today's shin could be tommorow's gimmel.

The parsha that we read this week before Chanuka Vayeishev (and you thought I'd forgotten about this part of the E-Mail…shame) is also like a dreidel and completes this message. The Rokayach notes that almost every single verse in the parsha begins with the letter vav, which translates as "and". And this… and that… and this… and he came… and he settled …and he went… It’s a parsha on the move. It's a parsha that is constantly spinning. The vav is like that little handle on the top of the dreidel that Hashem is spinning. Yosef is the favorite child. He got a colored coat. He got the first gimmel. But then he is thrown down in a pit. He falls. Shin. Yaakov is settled and happy. Gimmel. He falls in mourning for his kidnapped son. Shin Reuvein is the oldest, and he loses his position, Yehuda is the leader and he falls. Tamar is on the bottom and then she rises up. They all ultimately rise again. It's one continuation. They're all spinning. It's ironic that the parsha is called Vayeishev- and he settled because no one seems settled after the first verse. But the Torah is not ironic. It is settled like our dreidel. It falls, but then rises and spins again.

Do you know how many verses don’t start with vav in the parsha? Eight. Yup. Eight days of Chanuka. Interestingly enough there is another book that also has every verse besides eight that start with the connecting letter vav that unites it all together; that is spinning the entire story. It is the book of Ruth. There as well, people are rising and falling. Elimelech, and his two sons are the leaders and they flee Israel and ultimately intermarry and die. Naomi who was once the big Rebbetzin comes back as a pauper. Rus is a former princess and she now is begging for wheat and charity. It's an amazing story. But the end of that story is the birth of the grandfather of King David; the beginning of the messianic line.

That messianic line of King David had its start in our parsha. The beginning of the driedel game started already centuries before with Yehuda and Tamar the ancestors of Boaz. The great miracle is happening here. Do you know what the gematria of Nun Gimmel Shin and Hey is? 358. Do you know what else has that same gematria? Mashiach.

The top is spinning. This Sunday night we will light our menoras. We will sing Maoz Tzur. It's a song about all of our exiles. We start with Egypt, we go through Bavel, Chanuka and Purim. We conclude with the final exile that we are still in and ask Hashem to bring Mashiach. Then we pull out our dreidel and watch it spin in the glow of those candles. May the dreidel of Klal Yisrael finally land on that winning letter. We want the gantzeh pot. It's time for the Nes Gadol.

Have a winning Shabbos and a Happy Chanuka

Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz



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" “Ainem’s mazel iz an anderen’s shlemazel."– One’s good luck is another’s misfortune.."



answer below at end of Email


4) According to the resolution for the partition of the Land of Israel, Nahariya was to be in the territory of the _____ State.

The partition proposal was put to a vote at the UN following the recommendation of:

a) The Jewish Agency (ha’sochnut ha’yehudit)

b) The Arab Higher Committee


d) Recommendation of the great powers - the Soviet Union and the USA



https://soundcloud.com/ephraim-schwartz/al-hanissim   – Chanukah is coming time to enjoy your favorite Rabbi Schwartzes Chanuka compositions here's my Al Hanissim


https://soundcloud.com/ephraim-schwartz/haneiros-halalu- And of course my haneiros halalu… we'save the chasof for next week.

https://youtu.be/NinkEVhCmc4 - Nissim Blacks latest song and video "Change" the man is mamash the holiest rap star I know

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiskf_lZXv8   – Tis the season once again traditional Chanukah acapella musical knockoffs songs this is West Side Story by Six13


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd_vS0IINIE  - "Illuminating" by Maccabeats




The Super Power of the day- Parshat VayeishevThis week's Torah portion introduces us to Yosef and all the ordeals and challenges that he went through, the pinnacle of which our sages tell us is that "test" that he had in avoiding the temptation and seduction of the wife of his master Potifar. The Medrash tells us that Yosef has told Hashem, that his father Yaakov underwent challenges and tests as did Avraham and he seemed to be having an easy life. As a result Hashem responded that he would give him an even greater challenge than they ever went through and thus the story begins. Lesson one. Be careful what you ask for in life.


What made the challenges of our ancestors so difficult the sefarim tell us is that Hashem to a large degree upped the ante of their Yetzer Harah to the point it where it really was almost unhumanly possible to resist. For example by Avraham when Hashem told him to take his child whom he loved for a sacrifice, Hashem increased Avraham's love for Yitzchak so much it was almost impossible to go through with the command. Similarly when Yosef was being seduced again and again and again by this woman, Hashem removed all his natural inhibitions and increased his desire to such a degree that it was too difficult to pass up.


How then did Yosef survive? So the Divrei Shmuel suggests that the Torah reveals this to us by telling us when this happened. It says Vayehi ka'hayom ha'zeh- and it was like this day, when the final temptation took place. The Midrash there says, what day was it? You guessed it/ None other than Shabbos Kodesh. Why is this so significant? Because on Shabbos, he tells us, a Jew is given extra super spiritual powers to lift themselves up from the bottom and rise to places that one could never reach during the regular weekdays. Shabbos, is when the entire world is elevated. We can make even the mundane holy and special. How? Because Shabbos possesses that super-power and energy into a Jew that connects him so close to our Creator that no forces of evil have and weight.


It was from Shabbos that Yosef was able to tap into and overcome his yetzer harah and run out of the house. In the same way that Hashem tells Avraham who thought he could not have children that he needs to go outside and count the stars. They are both things that happen outside. Outside of the physical world, outside of the normal constraints of nature and human capability. Leave the physical world and enter the Shabbos world. There the rules and game changes. There every Jew can rise up from the ashes. And thus each Shabbos when we sing Lecha Dodi we repeat this theme. His'naari his'o'reri- shake off the world, awaken and shine that light. It is the super power of Shabbos.




Unfinished Business end of Yoav- 837 BC- Shlomo Ha'Melech tried to be a nice guy when he inherited the reigns from Dovid by sparing his brother Adoniyahu, but sometimes a kings gotta do what a kings gotta do. And with Adoniyahu's attempted coup by asking Batsheva to give him Dovid's maid servant Avishag who kept him warm at night as his wife, he knew that there were still forces that unless they were taken care of would always be a thorn in his side. And thus he orders his loyal servant Benayahu ben Yehoyada to kill Adoniyahu, and he does. One down. Two more left to go in Shlomo's eyes.


The second person on his hit list was Aviathar the Kohen who had backed Adnoniyahu. Here unlike Adoniyahu, Shlomo had mercy. Aviathar was faithful and loyal to Dovid. As well, he was the only surviving Kohen from the city of Nov that Shaul had destroyed while he was seeking to Dovid who hid there. So Shlomo felt that to a large degree a bit of guilt over the death of their family as it was because they were seeking his father Dovid that the entire city was killed. Thus Shlomo ordered that Aviathar would be banished to his home city of Anatot. Today the city of Anatot is located off of Highway 60 near the valley that runs down to Nachal Perat. Those that do that incredible water hike can see where the arab village of Anata still stands. Incidentally that is also the city where the prophet Yirmiyahu was from.


Finally the last person to be dealt with was Dovid's former general and nephew, YoavYoav had taken matters into his hands too many times. Killing his cousin Ammasa and Shaul's general Avner and now once again he had supported and encouraged Adoniyahu in his rebellion. Shlomo orders Benayahu to kill him, however Yoav seeing the writing on the wall runs to the Altar and grabs on to its corners and refuses to leave claiming that the Altar will protect him and not thinking that Shlomo would carry forth his decree in such a holy place. He was wrong.


Where was this altar and why didn't it protect him. Different midrashim suggest that it was not in the Temple, which had not been built yet obviously and it was located in either Shilo or Givon. Only the altar in the Temple had the power to afford sanctuary. The ones in the temporary location didn’t have that power. Regardless Shlomo gives the order and Yoav is killed there and his body is buried in the Midbar/ wilderness. The once proud general will not have a tomb that anyone would or could visit. Next week Shlomo' malchus really starts.




What did the father dreidel say to his daughter when he came home from work and found her still in the shower? What! You're still not dry and ready?

What did the dreidel tell the doctor? I've been having these dizzy spells

Q: What do you call Hanukkah gelt that you gamble with? A: Chocolate chips. 

Q: Did you hear about the two dreidels that fell in love? A: They met at a spin class. 

Q: How did the dreidel feel about calling in sick? A: He felt a little gelty.

"My son is something else," Mrs. Finkelstein told her friend. "He traveled to Las Vegas last week in a $25,000 car and returned a few days later in a $100,000 vehicle."

"Wow! He won that much money?" her friend replied. "He must really know how to gamble."

"Well, not really," said the mother. "He went in our car, but had to return by bus."


When Rivkah was called up for jury service, she asked the judge whether she could be excused.

"I don’t believe in capital punishment," she said, "and I wouldn’t want my views to prevent the trial from running its proper course".

The judge liked her thoughtfulness but had to tell her that she was perfectly suitable to serve on the jury.

"Madam," he explained, "This is not a murder trial, it's just a simple civil lawsuit. Mrs F is bringing this case against her husband because he gambled away the entire $25,000 he had promised her for her birthday so that she could carry out a make-over on her kitchen."

"OK," said Rivkah, "I'll join your jury - I could be wrong about capital punishment after all."

A rabbi, a minister, and a priest were playing poker when the police raided the game.

Turning to the priest, the lead police officer said, "Father Murphy, were you gambling?"

Turning his eyes to heaven, the priest whispered, "L*rd, forgive me for what I am about to do." To the police officer, he then said, "No, officer; I was not gambling."

The officer then asked the minister, "Pastor Johnson, were you gambling?"

Again, after an appeal to heaven, the minister replied, "No, officer; I was not gambling."

Turning to the rabbi, the officer again asked, "Rabbi Goldstein, were you gambling?"

Shrugging his shoulders, the rabbi replied, "With whom?


Moishe meets Arnold at their social club and asks how Abe’s funeral went the other day.

"It went OK, Moishe," replied Arnold, "but at the end of the Rabbi’s eulogy, I had to try and stop myself from laughing aloud."

"Why was that?" asks Moishe.

"Well," says Arnold, "throughout his marriage to Miriam, she was always telling me what a mean man he was. He never had a steady job and the money he brought home to her wasn't enough for food and clothing, let alone holidays. Yet he drank heavily and often stayed out all night gambling. Altogether, a good husband he was not. But at the funeral, the Rabbi spoke of how wonderful the deceased was - so considerate, so beloved, so thoughtful to others. Then, when the Rabbi had finished, I heard Miriam say to one of her children, "Do me a favour, David, go see whether it’s your father in the coffin."

Rabbi Bloom gets on the train and as soon as the doors close, a priest gets up, goes over to the rabbi and says, "Good morning rabbi. I have a question to ask you. Why is it that everybody thinks Jews are smarter than Gentiles?"

Rabbi Bloom, who is not up for an argument, says, "I’m sorry, but I am just a simple rabbi and I’m not really able to participate in such a discussion."

But the priest insists. "Look, no harm meant rabbi, but I have a theory and I need to test it out in the form of a bet. I’ll pay you $100 if you can ask me a question that I can't answer. But if I can ask you a question that you can't answer, you must pay me $100."

Rabbi Bloom replies, "But I’m a poor rabbi - I only have $10 on me."

The priest hesitates then says, "OK, rabbi, it’s my $100 against your $10."

Rabbi Bloom realises he can't get out of this so he agrees, but on condition that he asks the first question. The priest agrees.

"OK," says Rabbi Bloom, "what animal has scaly skin, the body of a cat, the face of a squirrel, the ears of a mouse, webbed toes and swims under water?"

Surprised, the priest admits that he doesn't know and asks the rabbi for a few more minutes to think about it. The rabbi agrees.

2 minutes later, the priest takes $100 from his wallet and gives it to the rabbi. The priest then asks the rabbi, "So what animal was it?"

Rabbi Bloom replies, "How should I know?" and gives the priest $10.


Answer is C – So my first wrong answer on this exam. Well, no entirely wrong. I did know that UNSCOP the United Nation something Commission of (on?) Palestine were the ones that prepared the Partition Plan. But I actually thought that Nahariya was included in Israel's portions as it was a Jewish city. However had I thought about it for a few seconds I would've remembered that the top of the upper Western Galile was in Arab hands and so the original plan it was meant to be part of the Arab State. So another I guess it's 50/50 on this one leaving the score at Schwartz 3.5 and .5 for MOT (Ministry of Tourism) on this exam. .

"Real Estate" - Parshat Vayishlach 2021 5782

 Insights and Inspiration

from the

Holy Land


Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

"Your friend in Karmiel"

November 19th 2021 -Volume 11 Issue 8 19th Kislev 5782

Parshat Vayishlach

"Real" Estate

They're back. Baruch Hashem after a long year and half tour guide shemitta year, you guys are finally trickling back into the holy land. Welcome home! For the first time in so long this past week I was working every day once again, and boy did I make up for lost time. I was all the way up the borders of Israel in Metulla and Rosh Hanikra a few times, down by the Dead Sea a few times, In Chevron and Gush Etzion and of course the holy city of Yerushalyim. I'm officially back in the saddle and looking forward to the upcoming month as my open slots are getting fewer and fewer.

Now the saddle that I'm sitting in is Baruch Hashem a lot more comfortable these days since my stomach surgery. I fit into it a lot better than I did before. It's been cool running around with my renewed agility that I never really had before in this new thinner improved body. Although I did warn my tourists in advance that if when I'm walking in front of them my pants happen to fall down they shouldn't take it personally. I just haven't gotten around to buying new clothing yet that's not sliding off of me. I know that's not the view of Eretz Yisrael that they were paying me to see… Yeah.. it's time start wearing suspenders at least, I think.

It's been weird and strange getting back into it. I almost feel like a tourist myself, seeing all our old stomping grounds. On the one hand it's been amazing being back and seeing so many of my "people" at all the different sites I used to frequent that I haven't seen for so long. At the same time it's also been very sad to see how many stores, restaraunts and attractions have been shut down and who's windows are shuttered; the one's that weren't able to make it through the long haul. Tzfat's art gallery row is like a ghost town. Other places that had just opened with high hopes in the pre-corona boom have new owners, some even are on the third. It hasn't been easy. The country has changed. And seeing it once again through the eyes of my tourists who were fortunate to make it in here gave me a new perspective as well of how much we should never take the gift of Eretz Yisrael for granted.

This week's parsha, like every parsha, is as well timely one. For this week we read about the return of Yaakov to Eretz Yisrael after his 20-year galus in the diaspora. So don't you complain about being locked out of here for a year and 9 months and 24 days or so (who's counting?). Imagine being locked out for 20 years! As well this parsha is really the first one when the children of Israel first come to home. It's their Aliya parsha. It's fascinating to think about it, that the 11 of the 12 tribes, all of them besides Binyamin, were not sabras. They were all Olim chadashim to Israel. Or as a friend of mine sent me a Meme this week. WELCOME TO ISRAEL-SERVICE NOT INCLUDED.

Now what does Yaakov do after not being here for so long. What do you do when you come back her after this long break. Interestingly one would think that he went to the Kosel to daven, he kissed the ground on the tarmac, or maybe even hit up his old favorite shwarma store. Yet the Torah tells us that the first thing he did, even before building his mizbayc to Hashem, was that he purchased some real estate.

Bereishis (33:19) Vayiken es chelkas ha'sadeh asher nata sham ohalo…b'me'ah kessita- and he purchased the portion of the field where he planted his tent… for 100 kesita.

Rav Zalman Sorotzkin notes how fascinating this is. Here Yaakov is finally home. There is no more Esau, No more Lavan. He is finally back in the holy land that he dreamed of and the first thing he does is buy a field. The truth is he really didn't even need to buy the field. It wasn't like he was even building a house, as the verse tells us. He was just planting his tent. Back then and even today you can plant your tent any where and no one really cares. He wasn't planning on hanging out there for long. He was on his way back home to Chevron. Why bother buying?

The answer is that he couldn't resist. He knew that owning land in Israel is in Rav Sorotzkin's words, "Buying a Piece of the World to Come". He missed and longed for home for so long and nothing would stop him from walking straight from the airport to the first broker he could find making sure that he had a piece of this forever. That his children as well would know and recognize that this land is forever ours and is really the only "real estate" that a Jew can ever own.

What's even more fascinating is that our sages tell us that there were three places where the Torah goes out of its way to tells us were purchased for "full price" even telling us how much they cost. They are the cave of the Machpela buy Avraham in Chevron, the tomb of Yosef in this field in Shechem that Yaakov purchased and the Temple Mount which was the granary of Arvana that King David purchased. This was done, our sages tell us, in order that the gentiles will never be able to claim that this was stolen from them; that we are occupiers. Ironically enough of course, there are no three places in the world more so than these three places that the gentiles in the form of the United Nations and historically all of the world as well has thrown that claim against us. This of course has taught us the most important lesson of our Jewish lives. Never pay full price for anything again.

Yet of course the commentaries explain this idea, that of course the fact that the Torah tells us that we bought the land would never be a convincing argument for the Goyim that just want to destroy us and are jealous and can't fargin our few hundred Kilometers of holy place in this world. Waving a chumash at them was never going to work. It was about us having this knowledge. It's we that sadly enough need convincing sometimes, that we are not occupiers. That we are the original owners of this land. That in fact it is they that stole our biblical honestly full priced purchased land. If we believe it. If we have the confidence that to be able to declare that to the world, than they will accept it and appreciate it as well. On the other hand if we believe that America, England, Spain, Portugal, Babylonia, Persia and Greece are our home and we are just tourists in Israel, then how can we expect them to believe it.

But on an even deeper level we have to appreciate the significance of these three particular locations that are meant to be the source for this faith. What are they meant to symbolize? Now I can understand the Temple Mount, obviously as being essential. That is our connection to Hashem. It's what Eretz Yisrael is all about. It's the place that we are meant to build into a Bais tefilla l'kol ha'amim- a place of prayer for the entire world. Chevron, as well I understand as it is the burial places of our Patriarchs and Matriarchs. It is where we come from; our roots and our traditions. It is in their merit that we turn to Hashem and that he forgives us and hears our prayers. But what is so important about Shechem. What is the secret of the tomb of Yosef? What role does that play in our eternal perspective.

The answer is that Yosef is the Jew that is in exile and thrown out of his holy land. He is the Jew that lives in the pits, prisons and death camps of Egypt. As well he is the Jew that lives and flourishes in the palaces of the kings and achieves unprecedented success financially and politically in a land that is not his own. He is the Jew that left Israel at a very young age and will never see it again for the rest of his life. But perhaps most importantly he is the Jew that knows that he has a field in Shechem that is waiting there for him that his father purchased when he first came to the land. It is calling to him every day. It reminds him that as far as he is been, as impossible as it seems and was to ever get back home. It's still his home. It's the only real one that he has.

Before Yosef dies he commands his brothers that they will take him back to that land of his. They will return him to that field. It may seem like Egypt is his country. He's the 2nd to Pharaoh. He's a king. But that's not his country. It's not ours. It's not where he wants his eternal resting place to be. For 210 years the Jewish people were locked into exile in Egypt. Yet for that entire time they never forgot that lesson of Yosef and the Shechem that was waiting for him. That was calling to them. That field reminded them of the promise Hashem made of Pakod Yifkod Elokim eschem that Yosef told them about. That Hashem will take us out and bring us back home once again. It is that field that is still calling to us today.

One of the tourists that I was with was looing at some real estate here when they were here. It was time, he said. It's not just because America is shutting down for us Jews-which quite a few people have called and told me. Rather it's because the past year and a half that I realized I couldn't be here and I couldn't come, made me realize that I need to have a place here that I know will always be my home. He's not the only one that has spoken to me this way. Corona and the shutdowns have changed the way we view our connection to Eretz Yisrael. My tourists are growing up. Up to heaven, that is of course. Up to Israel. Whereas in the past many longed to visit Eretz Yisrael, Klal Yisrael is more and more coming to the point where we are realizing that's not enough. We need to own it. We need it to be part of us. We have to have a place in it with our name on the door.

I know that this is not realistic for everybody. Whether financially, emotionally, or for other familial considerations. But just because it's not realistic, doesn't mean you shouldn't say it. It wasn't realistic for Yosef in Egypt either. Probably a lot more unrealistic than it is for you. But that didn't stop him from saying it. From longing for it. His father purchased it for him when we first came to the land. And he purchased it for us too. May we soon see you here back again. But let's not just tour this time. Let's go buy you at least a little one of those door name tags that has your families name on it. Let's check out some communities. There's a field somewhere here that's destined for you. It's time to at least pitch that tent.

Have a incredible Shabbos,

Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz




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" Besser bay zikh krupnik, eyder bay yenem gebrotns." -Better barley soup at home than a roast at someone else’s home



answer below at end of Email


3) The name of the prayer written on ceramic tablets in the Church of the Visitation in Ein Karem, Jerusalem: ________

Its prefiguration:

A) Hannah’s prayer

B)) Elizabeth’s prayer

C)) The prayer of Moses on Mount Sinai

D)) The Priestly Blessing (Priestly Benediction) (birkat hakohanim),




https://youtu.be/JgWQNFpKYrs - Sight of Sunrise- what a beautiful story song/ very Journeys like by Chananya Hoschander

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RhMdFSslbs   – My tourist introduced me to this great song hilarious Yiddishe Taiovs- a Goy will never understand- Motty Illowitz…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vWjQTD_r1M  - What's Shabbos Parshas Vayishlach without this song from Reb Shlomo….V'Nisgav


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZYivKwVmJc  – Or of course this one from Yonatan Razel "Katonti"



Beyond Borders- Parshat Vayishlach- I have been learning the tractate of Eruvin the past few months in my Amud Yomi program. It is a complicated mesechta that deals with the laws of the different methods that one can construct in order to permit "carrying" on Shabbos. See the Torah prohibits someone from carrying anything from a private to domain to a public one, or carrying more than a few feet in a public domain. As well the Torah prohibits one from even walking a far distance of about 3/4 of a mile outside of the city limits of one's house called a techum- a boundary.


The Rabbis extended this prohibition of carrying from the purely public domain- which is really only a huge thouroufare where there are hundreds of thousands of people traveling to an even quasi-public one like our regular city streets for fear that people would forget the original prohibition. They however permitted it if one enclosed the area with semi door like "reminders" like string over two poles. As well the prohibition to carry past one's techum can be extended if you place food at the edge of your boundary thereby establishing your place there on Shabbos. That buys you an extra 2000 amos from where you can travel.


It's a complicated tractate and a fascinating series of laws with much details. Little did I know that in this week's parsha Rashi tells us that our great ancestor Yaakov was busy with this law as well and it is in fact one of the few sources that we have that our forefathers observed the Torah- by intuiting it- even before it was given.


The Parsha tells us how when Yaakov first entered the land of Israel after 20 years in exile by his uncle Lavan, he arrived Erev Shabbos right before sundown.


Bereishis (33:18) And Yaakov came complete to the city of Shechem in the land of Canaan when he came from Padan Aram and he encamped before the city.


The Midrash picks up on the strange terminology of encamping before the city and states-

"He arrived Erev Shabbos with last rays of the sun and he established techumin- "border extenders" while it was still day. From here we see that Yaakov observed the Shabbos before it was given. "


In that merit the Midrash continues that Yaakov unlike Avraham where it does not say he observed the Shabbos only inherited the land as far as he could walk. Yaakov was promised that his children would inherit it "without borders" as it says

 U'faratzta yama vkedma tzfona v'negba- and they will burst forth west, east, north and south.


What is the symbolism and the quid pro quo of this mitzva which seems just a minor technicality, asks the Nesivos Shalom. As well, why is this the one mitzva where it chose to reveal to us that Yaakov observed the Shabbos. If you ask me, it could've told us he ate a good chulent, he rested or even lit Shabbos candles. What makes techumin so significant?


He answers brilliantly, and it's really such a powerful idea and thought to think about. The Torah tells us that Yaakov came complete to the land of Israel. What does it mean complete? There are three levels of existence in Jewish thought. They are known as Olam, Shana and Nefesh or A'sha'n. Acronym form. Olam is the physical material world. Shana is time, and nefesh is the human soul. The source of the entire physical world is Eretz Yisrael, where it all started from and where the world receives it's bracha from. In time the holiest source is of course Shabbos where once again we find it is the Mekor ha'bracha. And lastly for nefesh the Jewish people the 12 tribes of Israel, and descendants of Yaakov are the source for all blessing to the world. All three of those came together that Friday. Yaakov and for the first time the children of Israel arrive in Israel and of course what other day than right before Shabbos. Think about that if you arrive here with a plane delay right before Shabbos and don't feel bad. It's the way we first came here ever!


What Yaakov does at that moment of total completion, hen all of the pieces of the existence are all lined up for the first time since the creation of the world, is that he establishes techumin. He says that we move beyond the established boundaries of this world. We can connect heaven to earth and bring Shabbos even further than what at first seems to be like its boundary. On Shabbos the physical world becomes holy. Your stew becomes a chulent, your physical pleasure it basking in the goodness of our Creator. And the Jewish people can move and bring their light beyond all borders. That is the quid pro quo that Hashem establishes on that first Shabbos we have in Eretz Yisrael as a nation. There will never be any limits to what we as a Jewish nation can do if we have the Shabbos. It may seem like a mere 24 hour day, it may seem like we have restrictions all around us, it may seem like we are merely mortal. But Shabbos tells us that all of that is not true. We are divine. We are holy. We are eternal and we can transcend all borders and techum when we bask and tap into this holy day. It is that same light that we can experience each Shabbos, It still calls out to us today. 




Adoniyahu's demise- 837 BC- With Dovid deceased, Shlomo his son take rule at the young age of 12. His brother Adoniyahu's attempted coup before he took the reigns was put down in the one of the final acts of Dovid. Yet Dovid had warned Shlomo to watch out for his enemies and to avenge their betrayals. Particularly his father told him to keep his eyes on Yoav, Dovid's former general. Well sure enough Shlomo didn't have to wait too long. For Adoniyahu, it seems at the behest of Yoav headed over to Shlomo's mother Batsheva's house, in what was a devious attempt to slowly wrest the kingdom back. He told her that he accepted Shlomo as the king, yet he was wondering if she could do him a small a favor.


What did he want? He wanted to marry Avishag the Shunamite, who was the young maidservant that was brought to Dovid at the end of his life to "keep him warm" at night when he was sick. Now although Dovid never married or consummated anything with her, you know how the rumours go… And thus Adoniyahu figured that if he would marry her than people would assume it was as if he was inheriting Dovid's throne and kingship. For the law is that no one is allowed to marry any of the wives or even consorts of the king. Batsheva didn't realize this was his plan and she innocently asked Shlomo to agree. He of course being the smartest guy in the history of the world recognized it for what it was. In addition the saw Yoav's hands all over this. He immediately ordered the death of Adoniyahu, who had been warned by Shlomo when he was anointed not to pull any shtick.


Who will carry out the punishment for Shlomo? So we are introduced to a new figure who will play an important role in Shlomo's kingship. Benyahu ben Yehoyahda. I actually passed his tomb yesterday as you leave Tzfat on the way to Biriya. We'll talk more about him god willing next week.




A landlord in Brooklyn has three shops in a row, all for rent. The first prospective tenant shows up, and says he wants to rent the shop on the left.

The landlord says, "Fine, what kind of shop do you have?" The guy says, "A men's wear shop." The owner tells him he gets free signage and asks what he wants on the sign. "Men's Wear," says the man.

A second guy comes along and wants to rent the right hand shop. When asked he says he wants "Men's Wear" on his sign. The landlord tells him that the left hand shop will be the same. "No problem," says the man.

Finally a little Jewish fellow named Moishe Applebaum comes along to rent the middle shop. The landlord is most concerned because this guy also has a men's wear shop. The landlord asks him what he wants on his sign. Moishe replies: "MAIN ENTRANCE."


Feivel was an Ehriliche Kollel Rabbi who had a wife and 12 children and needed to move into a new home as his rental agreement was coming to an end but was having difficulty in finding a new home. When he said he had 12 children, no one would rent a home to him because they knew that the children would destroy the home.

He could not say that he had no children, he could not lie, after all he was an ehrliche yid..

So, he had an idea: he sent his wife for a walk to the Bais Ha'Chayim cemetery to daven at the grave of his Rebbe with 11 children. He took the remaining one with him to see homes with the Real Estate Agent. He liked one of the homes and the agent asked, "How many children do you have?”

He answered : "12 children.”

The agent asked "Where are the others?'

Feivel answered, with a sad look, "They are in the cemetery with their mother.”

And that's the way he was able to rent a home for his family without lying.


Chaim Yankel decided to try his hand at being a real estate agent and he was thrilled when he got his first listing. He wrote an ad for the house which had a beautiful second-floor in-law suite that could be accessed using a lift chair that slid along the staircase.

The homeowners were upset that Chaim Yankel didn't get them any showings and Chaim Yankel himself was confused so he showed them his advertisement. Trying to make the in-law suite sound enticing he wrote: "Mother-in-law suite comes with an electric chair."


I tried bidding on a shopping center in a real estate auction, but I was outbid at the last minute. I guess the old saying is true: You can't win a mall.



" I want you to know something,” Chaim Cohen, a New York real estate agent said to some potential clients. “I’ve been studying with my Rabbi and he’s given me some guidelines about what I can and can’t say when I am showing a house. He said that I have to be completely honest so I have to disclose a home’s negatives, but I can also highlight the positives.”

“OK…” said the prospective buyer.

"So in this home”, continued Chaim, “the disadvantages are that there is a chemical plant one block south and a slaughterhouse a block north."

"What are the advantages!?" inquired the prospective buyer.

"The advantage is that you can always tell which way the wind is blowing."


What does a british real estate agent care most about? His proper tea


What do you call a detective in the real estate business? Sherlock Homes


A frog goes into a bank. “What can I help you with?” asks the Teller.

“I’d like to apply for a loan” says the frog.

“Oh” says the Teller “you need to speak with our Loan Officer, Miss Whack”.

The Teller leads the frog to Miss Whacks office and, informs her that the frog wants to apply for a loan. “What kind of loan are you in the market for?” asks the Loan Officer.

“Any loan will do” says the frog “I want to buy a Lilly pad.”

“I see.” says the Loan Officer “Well, in order to apply for a loan, I first need to know your name. What is your name?”

“My first name is Kermit” answers the frog.

“Your first name is Kermit?” asks the Loan Officer.

“Correct,” answers the frog “and my last name is Jagger”.

“Your name is Kermit Jagger?” The Loan Officer asks incredulously.

“Correct,” says the frog “my mother was a frog and my father is Mick Jagger.”

“I see” says the Loan Officer “Well, in order to secure a loan, the bank needs some type of collateral. Do you have any real estate, bonds, precious metals, etc?”

“No,” answers the frog “all I have is this.” The frog produces a miniature, pink elephant and holds it up to her face.

Flustered, the Loan Officer (whose first name is Patty) snatches it from the frog and storms off to the Bank Managers office.

“Sir!” she says as she barrages into his office “there’s a frog out there who wants a loan for a Lilly pad, and he says his name is Kermit Jagger.”

“Kermit Jagger?” Asks the Bank Manager.

“Yes,” she says “his mother was a frog and his father is Mick Jagger. Anyway, all he has for collateral is this tiny, pink elephant thing. I don’t even know what this is!”

The Bank Manager exclaims:

“That’s a Knick-Knack, Patty Whack, give that frog a loan. His old man’s a Rolling Stone!”



Answer is A – I'm really amazed that I got this one right as well. Chrisitianity and all it's bubbeh maysehs are my week point- obviously. But I guess you can't get somethings out of your mind. And somehow the word Magnficat remained in my brain. This church in Ein Karem is where the Christians believe that Yoshka's mother met her cousin Elizabeth who was pregnant and they have this prayer or song on the wall in a bunch of different languages. What shocked me was that is a total steal off of the tefilla of Chana who was barren in sefer Shmuel. Steals and unoriginal plagurism in the Christian faith of older sources that they try to pass off as their own is called prefiguration. But it was shocking to see those Hebrew words from Tanach being misused and translated in their idolatrous beliefs. So maybe that's why I remembered it. So another one right with the score being Schwartz 3 and 0 for MOT (Ministry of Tourism) on this exam. .