
Our view of the Galile

Thursday, February 18, 2021

True Evil- True Joy- Parshat Teruma/ Zachor 2021 5781

Insights and Inspiration

from the

Holy Land


Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

 "Your friend in Karmiel"

February 19th 2021 -Volume 11 Issue 19 7th Adar 5781

 Parshat Yisro / Zachor

 True Evil- True Joy

Nuuu… Are you guys getting ready for Purim 2021? Do you have all your Corona themed shalach manot ready yet? Do you have those little plastic syringes to fill up with some whiskey "shots" for the real vaccine many of us parents have been imbibing in? Maybe you picked up a third ear or a horn to place on your forehead and have "Been Vaxxed" T-Shirts made up already. On the bright side though this year all of those wealthy people that run away for Purim to Miami because they can't deal with constant overflow of dancing yeshiva guys collecting, will be able to spend Purim at home this year. Although I imagine the phones will be ringing off the hook as it seems that the plan this year is for them to be tele-collecting instead. What a joy… At least for the yeshiva guys it will be easier dealing with the rejection and cold calls with a bottle next to them. But the truth is I think we will all miss them this year. And hopefully this will lead to us maybe even appreciating them more next year…

It's going to be a strange Purim though, perhaps even the strangest of all of the holidays we have gone through over this year.  See, all of the other holidays are pretty much family oriented. They take place in our home and with our immediate family. Sure there were some that couldn't be with their usual extended family for the Seder, for Sukkos, for Chanukah parties but at the end of the day those holidays aren't as much about community. Purim on the other hand is primarily about being together and bonding with our neighbors and friends; celebrating, reveling, drinking, sharing, giving, entertaining and bringing simcha to others. My family has heard all my jokes already. I don't like to drink alone. I love giving Shalach manos and entertaining so many people, seeing everyone's costumes, dancing with random people in the street in middle of traffic. It's my one time a year to be a Breslaver. For everyone to be Breslav.

Now I know that real Breslavers can do this by their own, on their own, without anyone else. I've seen plenty of lone Breslavers laughing hysterically to themselves and dancing randomly when they thought no one else was looking; usually somewhere around the hills of Meron or the kever of the Rashbi. But for the rest of us we need other people to do that with. Maybe this year's Purim is about finding that inner Breslaver that can rejoice all alone as well. We need that extra simcha this year more than other years. Perhaps it's finally time to do it different than we've done it before.

With that in mind I decided to do something to get ready for Purim that I've never done. Something I really don't like doing at all. In fact, it's really quite the opposite of a Purim preparation. It's something that I do or at least consider to when I need to start getting into the Tisha B'Av mourning mode. But this year I believe I had new insight into the ancient wisdom of our sages that established that we read the Parsha of the mitzva to remember the evil of Amalek the Shabbos before Purim. I never really understood how recalling the hatred we have for our enemies is meant to translate and be the segue to the happiness of Purim. But I figure that they know what they're talking about. So I decided to give it a shot and that is how I found myself  last week spending a few hours watching a six-part documentary on the most recent Amalek of our times, titled True Evil; the Making of a Nazi. What I wouldn't do for this E-Mail inspiration for you…Yeah… I agree with you… It's really getting time to get this Rabbi out of the house and tour-guiding again…Things are getting desperate.

What intrigued me the most about this series, which examined 6 of the top Nazis Officers under Hitler YM'Sh (Goering, Goebbels, Eichmann, Himmler, Speer and Van Braun YM'Sh- may their names be obliterated), was the premise that it was based on. They were trying to understand the answer to two questions: How did the Nazis end up doing what they did? How did it happen that educated, civilized people were transformed into twisted monsters capable of unimaginable cruelty? These very questions trouble anyone visitor to Yad Vashem. It's the reason why the State of Israel brings heads of State there even before they bring them to the Kotel. It's probably as well the agenda of why so many-not me- feel that it is important to teach the world about the Holocaust to take college students on March of the Living. For if we understand how it happened then perhaps we can somehow make sure that it never happens again. As if what is at play here is some type of psychological conditioning that can be overcome with education and awareness. And in truth, what they are really saying is …. it's as if Hashem had nothing to do with it…

Now I don't want you to get me wrong here. I found the series fascinating, enlightening, horrifying, devastating and quite frankly frightening. To watch and see how each of these seemingly civilized individuals were able to put into place the Nazi machine that took a nation…actually a few nations…actually an entire world to a place where they either committed or ignored the atrocities that were being committed is mind-blowing. To see and understand their slow infectious process they developed to overcome their past humiliations and disgrace a sense of false racial superiority. Watching the footage of how they instituted a cancel-culture and control of all media that would only broadcast the messages they felt were "politically correct" was eerily very relevant. The demonization of those that differ and the legitimation of violence, of burning and destroying out of anger and rage as a means of achieving their political and social restructuring couldn't be more 2020. It was baffling to hear them speak about the moral rectitude of their positions. They were the righteous ones. They were leading the world to a better tomorrow. They were obliterating the evil and protecting the masses from the dangers and threats we posed to the world. As I said it was terrifyingly too familiar on so many different fronts.

Yet despite its relevance and many fascinating new insights I learned from this series, particularly about each of these individual Final solution devisors and implementers personal lives, from their early childhoods to their insecurities, their proclivities and the psychological profiles that allowed them to lose their souls and commit these crimes, I still felt that the producers of this series missed the boat. Their theories don't explain the millions of Germans, Ukrainians, Poles and frankly most of the world that were both active and passive partners in the Holocaust.

There is an oft quoted line that I hate, about the how the victims of the Shoah went like "sheep to the slaughter". It makes it sound as if that explains the millions that were murdered as mindless followers. But what about the millions that went to slaughter those sheep or that stood on the sidelines watching and jeering, or that pretended that they didn't know about what was going on, or didn't want to know. Were they also sheep? Were they also psychologically "messed up", traumatized, brainwashed as Goering, Goebbels and Himmler. Did the whole world have bad childhoods that led to them doing and allowing this to happen? I don't think so… And as politically incorrect as it may be to say so neither is that the Torah viewpoint we have passed down to us from our sages throughout the generations.

This week before Purim we are obligated to read Parshat Zachor. We have been reading it for over 3000 years now. The obligation, being a biblical one, historically precedes the holiday of Purim by a good 1000 or so years. The reason we need to read it is because it's lesson and message are an eternal one. It is a lesson that started the moment we left Egypt and continues until today in the International Criminal Court (ICC) that seeks to destroy us. The message is that there is an eternal battle and enemy of the Jewish people. Esau sonei es Yaakov- Esau hates Yaakov.

This hatred that we are told that they have for us has nothing to do with their childhood or Mommy issues. It has nothing to do with settlements. It has nothing to do with money, with politics, with Jewish control or parasitism. It doesn't make a difference if we are religious or not, or if we build museums, create " Anti-Semitism awareness programs". It won't change if we have our own country our own State and our own army. They don't care if we find the cure to cancer, Covid, or help people in Africa, Haiti or in Gaza. It's not why we are doing those things and we know that they will hate us anyway and they will try to destroy us.

There always is Amalek. There always was and will be that antisemitism- which is really a polite word for what we have suffered and been subjected to. I say this because in 2020 we think of antisemitism as someone calling us dirty Jew, someone desecrating a synagogue or writing graffiti on our mailbox. Amalek-antisemitism and hatred that exists always and that we need to wrap our brain around each year when we read this parsha is the one that wants to kill us all; men women and children. It is Nazi hatred. It is real True Evil. It's the one that that sees in every Jew-no matter how distant- a holy spirit of the true God, that as well needs to be eradicated.

To a certain degree the hatred Amalek has for us is much like a form of Corona. It is a disease.A pandemic that can sweep the world, that really has no explanation besides Hashem. Like Amalek, which the Torah tells us first targets attacks the nechashalim- the high-risk, weaker elements the disease ultimately targets everyone. There is no cure for it. Occasionally there may be a herd-immunity that might make it dormant for a bit, but ultimately it will mutate. The pandemic will bring rage. It will make people behave inexplicably. It will make the very air they breathe toxic to them. It is an evil that can wipe out any humanity they possess. Yet, as it comes from Hashem. We know there is a Divine purpose in it. It is there to bring us, and through us the entire world, to the ultimate Redemption and Revelation.

There is a fascinating sefer that I have connected to very much this past year called the Eim Ha'Banim Semeicha written by Reb Yissachar Shlomo Teichtel during the years of the Holocaust. {My connection with the sefer began when I discovered that my great-grandfather and namesake Reb Ephraim Ebert personally met with him and received his sefer before fleeing with his family during the war years and ultimately moving to Israel.} Reb Teichtal began his life as a vocal anti-zionist before the war who viewed the movement to establish a secular Zionist State in Israel before the coming of Mashiach as an aberration of Hashem's will. Over the years of the war though, he made a full 180 degree turn to the degree that he saw the failure to return to Israel and the relaticve comfort the Jews had in Galus away from our homeland as being the Divine cause of all of the calamities we have ever suffered. Eim Habanim Semeicha is his description of this transformation and the sources that he finds for these ideas.

In his sefer he reads into the text of this eternal mitzva to remember Amalek, the true reason he sees why Hashem infects the world with this sickness and hatred; what Hashem wants from us. He writes this under Nazi occupation. He writes this having lost all that he had. He writes this as he grapples with the same questions that the documentary I watched posed. Why? How? Yet unlike their conclusions and profiles he looks at our parsha and finds a different answer and message.

He writes how Hashem has told us that throughout the generations as the Jewish people are in exile there will be an Amalek that rises up- b'derech b'tzayschem mi'mitzrayim- as we on the way to leaving the constraints that prevent us from serving Hashem. It is in fact telling that the biblical attacks of Amalek always come on the cusp of us entering Eretz Yisrael and leaving an exile. As we leave Egypt, before entering the land of Israel, as the kingship of Israel is being set up, prior to the kingship of Dovid taking reign and before the Jews return for the second commonwealth to build the 2nd Temple. They come to prevent the impending revelation.

Their attack is on the weak, the tired, the nation that has suffered so much, for so long. We are weary. We are ayeif v'yageya… They attack us without any fear of Hashem. They attack us because they feel that by destroying us they would destroy Hashem's presence on this world. We hold that key and that mandate. Without us, Hashem would have no place in this world. And they are right about that last point. We are Hashem's people. He needs and wants us. There is no King without a nation. And thus the Torah tells us that it is for this reason that they will ultimately fail.

However, the Torah admonishes us, to remember that

It will be when Hashem will finally allow us to rest from all of the enemies that surround us, all of our troubles, all of that hatred to finally abate.

B'aretz asher Hashem elokecha nosein lecha nachala l'yirishta- that there is a land that we are meant to inherit; a place where we are meant to reveal His Name from.

"Don't let it go up in your heart to remain here in exile, rather strengthen yourselves to return to your forefather's inheritance and through this

Timcheh es zecher Amalek- We must wipe out Amalek.

However, if you remain there in their lands, it will not only be that Amalek and their hatred will not be wiped out, but rather we will  eventually strengthen them. We will put our energy into building their lands, rather than the land of our forefathers.

The entire reason Hashem is telling us to remember this is so that their lands and their ways will be disgusting to us and we will return to the place where we are meant to be; where our forefathers were promised we would be.

The Torah repeats the words Lo tishkach- you shall not forget, because Hashem knows how weak we are. How when things get easy, we look to make amends and put the past behind us and move forward with them. We forget very quickly the terrible things that happened and we are easily pacified and appreciative of the kindness, the endearment and the livelihood opportunities they provide us with. Particularly if we become very successful and flourish. And we forget our homeland and our inheritance. It for this reason the Torah repeats that we should never forget. For it is for this reason that Hashem has brought this hatred and all its troubles upon you…"

End Quote. Ad kan Leshono…

Do you know why we have to read Parshat Zachor before Purim. Do you know why the secret of us achieving the true happiness we are meant to experience on this special holiday that heralded our return to Eretz Yisrael, requires a trip down our horrific memory lane first? Because the truest and realest of happiness comes when we realize how special and how important we are. How Hashem has programmed into creation that there are enemies that identify in even the Jew that is the farthest from Judaism, that spark of Hashem that is revealed and that can never be extinguished.

 Sure we can be happy getting dressed up, singing, dancing, drinking and reveling, but that's just surface happiness. That's just a temporary vaccine that eliminates the symptoms of a long and excruciating galus. Real happiness is when we can even be alone- when we can be in bidud, we can be Auschwitz and we can still sing ashreinu ma tov chelkeynu- how fortunate we are and how fortunate is our lot. We can look at the face of those haters that Hashem has placed in the world and recognize that they are there because we are on the cusp of redemption. We will obliterate them from under the heavens because we are as Eternal as our Creator.

We have not forgotten since the beginning of our leaving from Egypt that Amalek will always be present. The Holocaust led to the mass return of Klal Yisrael to our land after 2000 years of longing, just as the Torah said it would happen when Amalek is defeated; as we "rest from our enemies that surround us". Purim 2021, after of year of training and Corona boot-camp of self-reflection and spending time away from our usual communities, we are prepared to finally express that inner joy of our specialness for a different type of Purim. A Purim where we can feel that happiness even alone. For we possess the knowledge that we are never alone. We each are always connected to Hashem. Amalek taught and continues to teach us that. And as what will hopefully be the last Corona holiday we need to celebrate comes upon us- we've pretty much done them all by now- may we merit to sing and dance and celebrate and rejoice how lucky, special and loved and how close we are to finally sharing that happiness with the rest of the world together in the land of our Fathers redeemed.

Have joyous Shabbos,

Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz


This week's Insights and Inspiration has been sponsored by my dear friends and tourists Josi and Delly Parnas from Antwerp in honor of the engagement of their daughter Michal to Michael Reh of Antwerp. Mazel Tov!!! I'm so excited for you and for Michal. May the young couple be a source of tremendous yiddisheh nachas to you and to all of Klal Yisrael as they build a bayis ne'eman b'yisrael. They have incredible role models to look up to and I'm sure they will share that special light that you guys possess with the entire world!

Mazel Tov!




" Az der soineh falt, tor men zikh nit fraien, ober men haibt im nit oif." When your enemy falls, don’t rejoice; but don’t pick him up either.


answer below at end of Email

17) Herod the Great built a fort in Jerusalem in honor of:

A) Herod Agripa (Agripas)

B) Augustus

C) Pompey (Pompeius)

D) Mark Anthony (Marcus Antonius)


 https://youtu.be/zGz_eVHddfo  – Benny Friedman's latest release "A Yid"

https://youtu.be/uP35iBYjVes - ZUSHA sings this Dov Shurin classic Mishenichnas Adar

 h0 ttps://youtu.be/5Prhl6SOFec - Nissim Black's awesome new video Hava Nagila with my favorite Corona Talmid Reuvein Aizenberg!

 https://soundcloud.com/ephraim-schwartz/techelet-mordechai - Getting closer to Purim I give you my next Purim Composition Techelet Mordechai- This one arranged and sung by the one and only Yitz Berry… Get off your feet and start dancing!


 Beyond Space - Parshat Teruma This week's Parsha which is full of all of the measurements and plans for the Mishkan/tabernacle and its vessels was made for architects. Or not. See if one starts to crunch the numbers which at first glance seems rather tedious and complicated and quite frankly boring compared to the rest of the Torah until now which is full of exciting stories and even fascinating mitzvos in last week's parsha, we start to see that a lot of the numbers just don't add up or seem too realistic. Take the Aron where the tablet were placed. If you crunch the numbers our sages note that the Ark with their 10 Amma poles would not fit in the space alloted for it in the holy of Holies. As well the Keruvim with their extend wings also take up too much space. And in fact our sages tell us that it only worked miraculously. They didn't take up space in the physical world.

 As we move further along with the construction we find that the central pole that would hold the whole thing together was one single pole that needed to miraculously bend around the corners. The curtains that covered the Mishkan were between 28 Ammah and 31 ammah if we figure an ammah is about a foot and a half, we're talking about skins of animals that were 40 to feet large! Even the beams for the Mishkan were about 15 feet tall and a few feet wide! Who designed this thing?!  The magical central beam was 70 ammos more than 100 feet long. Can you imagine that they shlepped that all the way from Egypt! And we thought that Herod had crazy construction ideas. Well it seems that he was certainly right about designing the Temple in a beyond comprehension kind of way. Why was all this miraculous wonder necessary?

 The answer our sages tell us in a similar way that this Mishkan was just the blueprints for what would eventually be the Temple in Eretz Yisrael and in the temple itself in Jerusalem there would be all types of extra-spatial miracles that would take place. The entire nation of millions of people would gather in Jerusalem multiple times a year and they would all fit on the temple mount. They would stand pressed together which in itself just wouldn't work based on the space and yet when they would bow down there would be enough room for everyone. Each year the Jews would come and would experience this. Each year they would realize they would taste an existence that was not bound by physical space. We would know Hashem. We would experience something other-worldly. We would know we are divine.

 We are told that Eretz Yisrael as well has that miracle to it. It is called Eretz Hatzvi-the land of the deer. Just as deer skin stretches and stretches as you pull it, so to the land will grow and grow to absorb more and more of its people. It will spread all over the world. When one comes to Eretz Yisrael most people are amazed at what a tiny country it is. At the same time there is a sense of awe at how much there is here. How everything is here. It is a land that encompasses the entire world and its glory will spread to the entire world. This tiny little piece of land is the center of the Universe. It is the most fought over. It has made more headlines. It's the most recognized. It has brought more light than anywhere else for as the Mishkan it is the physical resting place where Hashem's shechina is and will be revealed. And there is never enough room for that.


The Ark is coming home…almost - 872 BC-  I always get a kick when the parsha coincides with a topic I'm covering in this column that is currently covering the Navi era. It's like there is a divine hand that works through this weekly E-Mail. It's obvious in honor of all you guys that make it down this far in the E-Mail. Hashem likes it when you do… and so do I!


Well this week we have finally arrived at the moment when the Aron begins its final journey back to Jerusalem. It has been over twenty years since the Aron which was captured by the Plishtim was returned to the Jews. After the devestation it wreaked upon them and even upon the Jews of Beit Shemesh when it was brought back there on wagons sent by the Plishtim, the Jews had moved it to Kiryat Ye'arim, today's Telshe Stone where it languished in the house of Avinadav waiting to return home. With Dovid building his city in Jeursalem and taking care of the Philistine threat the time had finally arrived. In honor of the occasion the Navi tells us that Dovid ordained 30,000 men to join him. If the Ark was going to return, it wouls be symbolic of the Torah returning to Yisrael it would herald in an era of peace and the light of Hashem to the world. For that there would need to be Rabbis and Teachers and thus Dovid prepared the nation.


Now there is a fascinating nuance as to where this Ark is described as being. On the one hand were told that it was in Kiryat Yearim or as it is referred to here as being called Ba'alah. On the other hand, it described Dovid going to a place called Givah to get the Aron. So where is it. There are some commentaries that suggest they are close to one another and this is not the Giva that is mentioned previously in the portion of Binyamin where Shaul lived. On the other hands there are those that suggest that it is the same and in fact perhaps there were even two arks that were being returned; one with the complete tablets and one with the broken ones. Archeologists have fun with this question as well. But regardless it seems that this big party did not go the way that Dovid had planned.


It seems that Dovid had made in error in halacha. He had ordered that the children of Avinadav, named Uzza and Achiyo to place the Ark on a wagon and transport it that way. This was a no-no as the Ark first of all needs to be carried on the shoulders of only those from the Levite family of Kehat. Not good. Again different commentaries and midrashim suggest what Dovid's mistake was and what he did or said to deserve the error to come forth from him. Some say that Dovid assumed it was only when the ark was in the wilderness it needed to be transported that way, some suggest that this was the other ark with the broken tablets, and others suggest that Dovid thought that it would be a big Kiddush Hashem to transport it on the miraculous wagons it was returned on by the Philistines. But he was wrong.


The navi tells us that upon arriving at the Goren of Nachon the wagon slipped and Uzza reached to grab it with his bare hands, not a smart thing to do, and he was killed. This happens right in front of Dovid and his men's festivities of singing and dancing. Imagine the scene of a Hachnasat Sefer Torah with a huge party and then the Torah falls and the person grabbing it dies. Now multiply that by a million and you can start to appreciate the trauma of the event.


When this happens Dovid names the area Peretz Uzza and leaves the Aron by the house of Oved Edom Hagitti while he introspects and decides how to be worthy to bring the Aron to Yerushalayim and atone for his mistake. It sits there for three months and next week, the Shabbos of Purim god-willing we will learn the verses of the singing and celebrating and wild dancing that Dovid does when it comes home. As I said isn't it great when things work out in that timely way…



 Rabbi Altmann and his secretary were sitting in a coffeehouse in Berlin in 1935.

"Herr Altmann," said his secretary, "I notice you're reading Der Stürmer! I can't understand why. A Nazi libel sheet! Are you some kind of masochist, or, God forbid, a self-hating Jew?"

 "On the contrary, Frau Epstein. When I used to read the Jewish papers, all I learned about were pogroms, riots in Palestine, and assimilation in America. But now that I read Der Stürmer, I see so much more: that the Jews control all the banks, that we dominate in the arts, and that we're on the verge of taking over the entire world. You know – it makes me feel a whole lot better!"


After the assassination of Tsar Alexander II of Russia, a government official in Ukraine menacingly addressed the local rabbi, "I suppose you know in full detail who was behind it."

"Ach," the rabbi replied, "I have no idea, but the government's conclusion will be the same as always: they will blame the Jews and the chimneysweeps."
"Why the chimneysweeps?" asked the befuddled official.
"Why the Jews?" responded the rabbi.

 Yitsy and Henya, a young orthodox couple, were expecting their first baby. Suddenly, Henya’s water broke on Shabbos and they had no choice but to call for a taxi to take them to the hospital’s maternity ward. Because Yitsy wanted to try and minimise the Shabbos violation, he told the dispatcher that he must send them only a non-Jewish driver.The taxi quickly arrived, but when Yitsy and Henya were getting in, they overheard the dispatcher on the two-way radio ask the driver, “Have you picked up the anti-semites yet?”  

 So Hitler YM''Sh was being driven by limousine driver for a ride in the Baarian countryside when all of a sudden a pig ran out from one of the farms and was run over by their car. The driver in shock requested permission from Hitler to go into the farm and apologize. Hitler agreed but on the condition that he hurried up as they had to get on the road already. After a good 20 minutes or so with driver not returning, Hitler went to go see what was taking so long. Much to his surprise he saw everyone there singing, dancing and drinking as they paraded the driver around on their shoulders.

"Votts goink on here" Hitler demanded to know.

"I'm not sure" said the driver " all I know is that I told them that I am Hitler's driver and I ran over the pig by mistake and they started dancing…."

 So the story goes that Ignace Padereski the post-war president of Poland was talking to President Wilson discussing his countries problems and demands.

"If the United States does not help and fund our rebuilding then", warned Paderweski, "then my people will be so angry that many of them will go out and massacre Jews."

"And if your demands are met what will happen?" asked Wilson

"Why, my people will be so happy that many of them will go out and massacre Jews!"

.Soon after Hitler rose to power Germany was deluged with anti-Hitler joke. Purple with rage Der Fuhrer demanded that whoever was responsible for the non-Arayan humor be brought before him personally. With a few days the Gestapo captured an outstanding Jewish comedia who was known for his biting humor and he was brought to Hitler's bunker.

"What's your name Jew?"  Snapped Hitler

"Karl Mittleman" replied the Jew

Hitler repeated a joke about himself and asked if Mittleman wrote it.

"Yes", confessed Mittleman

Hitler than recounted several others and each time Mittleman acknowledged his authorship.

Der Fuhrer eyes glazing stalked around the room in a frenzy and screamed "How dare any Jew be so impudent? Don't you know that I am the leader of the third Reich of millions of Germans destined to last a thousand years!!"

"Now hold on" said Mittleman "don’t blame me for that one. I never even heard that joke before.."


Yankel the peddler of sea food was shouting his wares from his stall in Berlin

"Fish for Sale, Fresh Fish! Nice fat fish as fat as Goering.."

A Gestapo officer heard this raucous chant and dragged the peddler to a year in the concentration camp. After serving his term the Jew returned to his business and again loudly announcing his merchandise in the same sing-song voice

"Fish for Sale, Fresh Fish! Nice fat fish as large as…"

As fat as what ? snarled the voice of the same Gestapo officer who had sneaked up behind him.

"…as fat as last year" finished off Yankel.


During the early part of the Hitler Regime prior to the Final Solution German Jews were teaching their children to conform outwardly at least to Nazi customs for the sake of survival.

Yankel was teaching his son how to conduct himself when eating in a restaurant.

"When saying a blessing" he reminded the young boy "the correct form of saying a blessing is to thank God and the the Furherer"

But suppose the Furher dies" queried the young boy


Answer is D –This is a pretty basic question. It's really about understanding the Temple Mount 101 which of course Herod created as a big platform. On one end there was the temple and on the northern west corner of the Temple Mount. This would look over the Beit Hamikdash and where the clothing of the Kohen Gadol were stored during his period. It was also the last stronghold of the Jews at the time of it's destruction. It's of course called Antonia after the patron Mark Antony who was buddies with Herod. Anyone that has any knowledge of the Temple mount should know that and especially a tour guide. Although I don't think I ever mentioned it to any tourists but there you go. So I got this one right and the score now stands at 14 for Rabbi Schwartz and 3 for the Ministry of Tourism on this exam.

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