
Our view of the Galile

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Our "Cousins" - Parshat Lech Lecha 2023 -5783


Insights and Inspiration

from the

Holy Land


Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

"Your friend in Karmiel"

October 27th 2023 -Volume 13 Issue 3 14th of Cheshvan 5784


Parshat Lech Lecha


Our “Cousins”


You may not like this E-Mail. I’m not even sure I will like it. It’s not something I’ve fully digested yet. These days though things are moving so fast that it’s hard to digest anything. And since this is the post-stomach-surgery-Rabbi-Schwartz, bichlal I need a lot more time to digest things. But yet Hashem is the one that is presenting us with this meal. We’re meant to be eating it and taking it all in. All of it, with all it’s flavors and tastes. With all it’s nuances. The bitter and the sweet. The tears and the songs. The spirit and the sadness.


Let’s start off with what I’ve already digested. The sweet part. Klal Yisrael is united like never before. I saw videos of Chasidim in Square town dancing with an Israeli flag by a wedding and secular Tel Aviv soldiers holding Belzer Chasidim on their shoulders- and they’re not light- singing Avinu She’bashamayim- Our Father in heaven we love you.


There are chareidim running to join the army, and others running around comforting the bereaved, making and delivering food and supplies to soldiers and families that have been evacuated from the South and even picking fruits and vegetables in these farms- that may not have even kept in Shemitta in the Gaza border, because they don’t have any workers to do it for them. At the same time the number of soldiers that are wearing tefillin and tzitzis daily, the amount of secular Jews that have started lighting Shabbos candles, observing mitzvos and are davening regularly is unprecedented. We are one. Just like that.


At least in this regard the salvation of Hashem has come k’heref ayin- like the blink of an eye and wiped out all sinat chinam from amongst us. That prayer of Avinu Malkeinu has been answered. Hashem has given us the first taste of what Mashiach’s time will feel like, as the Rambam describes, when there will be no hatred or jealousy or fights between us. And it tastes really good.


As well He gave us the next course of what it can feel like when the world is turning to us and supporting our mission. When it sees us as the light Hashem has chosen to chase away and obliterate the darkness. At least some of the world. OK well… at least some of the world leaders are saying so for now. Although as we can see there are certainly too many that have joined TEAM Nazi-Hamas and evil and the Dark Side as well. We always knew there were antisemites out there, but the fact that 51% of 18–24-year-olds in the United States and 25% of the general population, according to the polls I saw, feel that Hamas was justified in chopping off Jewish babies’ heads, raping its daughters and burning families alive while dancing and desecrating in their blood is definitely a serious wake-up call. Statistically one out of four of your neighbors on your block feel that you and your children’s death is justified because you support Israel, because your Jewish. Because your part of the Tribe.


Your children that might be on college campuses around the country may have felt somewhat nervous or in danger until now. But, that ain’t nothing compared to what we’re talking about now. Guess what? Every other kid there on their campus thinks they should die. 51% is a big number. That’s still indigestible. Is it as indigestible as the Holocaust and the false sense of security of “this will also pass” that our grandparents felt in Hungary, Poland and Germany in the 1930’s?  I don’t know. As I said, I’ve got a small stomach these days.


That the U.nited N.othings hate us was always a given. That the hate-filled squad of AOC and all those NY’ers that vote for her and that there would be tens of thousands around the world protesting on behalf of these sub-human animals, is also not a chiddush- not something that was unexpected. Yet, that there are major companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Deloitte, Mastercard and McKinsey that have come out on the side of the poor Gazan refugee victims. That business-is-business is something Jews more than anyone else understand, certainly when it comes at the cheap price of the blood of our children and attempted Genocide of our nation. Yet, to see it up close when not even 80 years after the Holocaust have past is hard to swallow. But as we Torah-studied Jews know from long ago from our sages- ‘Esau soney es Yaakov’- that Esau hates Yaakov, is not a trend. It’s a halacha; one of the basic laws of the universe like gravity, like one plus one equals two. It just is.


Yet, the hard part that I wanted to write about this week isn’t about Esau. It isn’t about our “errant” brother of Yaakov. Maybe we’ll get to him on that parsha. This week it’s about our cousin Yishmael- the Arab world. The Arab world about whom-I often pointed out to my tourists, it never says hates Yaakov. There is no such Halacha. In fact historically we Jews until the last century have always faired better under Muslim rule than Christian, Pagan, or Atheist countries. Always. Arabs in the past always merely wanted money out of us. They weren’t blood-thirsty animals that the Cossacks, Crusaders, or inquisition was. They weren’t Nazis or even Stalin. We’d pay off Achmed a few shekels and we’d be fine. It wasn’t always fun. There definitely were Jewish deaths and murders. But they weren’t genocidal. They weren’t Esau.


Things changed when we returned to Israel. When Hashem began to bring us home. When as Rav Moshe Shapiro brilliantly writes on this week’s parsha, we entered the final era of this exile, as described by the Gaon of Vilna, The Maharal, the Zohar, the Midrash and Rambam amongst many other sources, the era of the Galus Yishmael. When we will suffer under our cousins’ hands. This is it boys and girls.


The Midrash of the Pirkey D’Rebbi Eliezer writes over 2000 years ago


(Chapter 32) “There are 6 whose name was given before they were born. Yitzchak, Yishmael… as it says ‘and you shall call his name Yishmael. And why is his name called Yishmael? For in the future Hashem will listen to the cry of our nation because of what the children of Yishmael will do to us in the land at the end of days… As it says ‘Yishma El V’ya’aneim- God will hear and answer us.’


His name is Yishma-el because it is through the atrocities he will commit against us- that seemingly will be worse than anything Esau ever did to us, that will cause to cry out like never before to Hashem and be answered. As I said, we’re there.


Who is this Yishmael? What is he about? What is his power? And how are we meant to defeat him? Rav Shapiro, quotes the Maharal of Prague that explains that the vision of Daniel in which he sees four beasts rising up from the sea to destroy us correspond to the 4 exiles that we must endure until our redemption. The first is a lion is Babylonia, the second is a bear which is Persia/ Media the third is a leopard which is Greece and the fourth which is a combination of the previous animals is Rome and is the longest fiercest of all of them.


Yet, the Maharal continues there is a fifth exile; Yishmael. He is not part of this prophecy because he is not compared to an animal. He is what Hashem described as what is wrongly translated as a Pereh Adam- a wild man. I say wrongly translated, because in Hebrew the adjective follows the word it describes. So an Ish Tov is a good-man. Tov describes the word, ish-man. A talmid chacham- is a student of a sage. Student is the noun and chacham is the adjective that describes who he is a student of. Thus it follows that in the case of the word pereh adam, it’s accurate translation would be a man-like wildness. His essence is wild, yet it appears like a man. But he’s not human. He’s a wild being at his core.


A wild beast- a chaya, human beings have rule over. We can conquer and rule over and even subjugate them. It’s what Hashem told Adam in the Garden of Eden our job is. The other four nations that will exile us, Daniel sees as wild animals that we can and did ultimately overcome. Yet, Yishmael, is not a wild beast. He’s the only nation, besides Israel that is described somewhat as an adam- a man. He’s fascinatingly and terrifyingly even more powerful and frightening than the animals that terrorized and murdered us in the past. Because he has a certain power just as we do. And is even our equal in many ways. It is for that reason our sages were terrified of the era when Yishmael takes the reigns and teams up with Esau. It’s at the point that we are at a loss.


Who is this man/beast? How is he born? What is his origin? His DNA? This week’s parsha tells us that Yishmael is a product of Avraham and Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian maid-servant who happens to be the daughter of Pharaoh. He is the combination of both worlds. He’s got Avraham’s faith in Hashem like no other nation. Unlike Rome, the pagan worlds of Greece, Persia and Babylonia or even the Atheists and Communists of Russia and the Christian worlds, they are not idolators. They don’t believe that God has children with women and kills them for the world’s sins. Yishmael believes in the same God that we do.


In fact Reb Moshe writes that he had heard that Reb Yehoshua Leib Diskin would not walk in front of an Arab that was praying in the same way that Halacha prohibits walking in front of a Jew that was praying! They’re davening to Hashem, and in some ways their dedication and willingness to sacrifice everything in His name comes from Avraham’s faith and willingness to sacrifice himself and be thrown into the fiery furnace of Nimrod because of that faith. That’s scary. That’s not a chaya. That’s an adam- like Avraham, that has power that other nations don’t.


Egypt on the other hand threw something else into this DNA. The Torah tells us that the difference between Egypt and Israel is that Israel is a country that is not like Egypt where…


Where you sowed your seed and which you watered by foot, like a vegetable garden


Egypt has plenty of water for its fields. They just kick a bit with their feet and they’ve got the Nile River that flows all over and they’re good to go. They don’t need heaven. They don’t need prayer. They have it all right there under their feet. In fact, that’s why he suggests that we find that Yishmaelim worship the sand under the feet. Wherever they walk they define as being holy. The holiness is right on the ground they walk on. It’s wherever they decide it should be.


 Eretz Yisrael stands in stark contrast to that.


But the land, to which you pass to possess, is a land of mountains and valleys and absorbs water from the rains of heaven,


For things to grow in Israel. To survive in this hilly mountainous range, we need rain. We need to turn to heaven. And thus Hashem tell us.


And it will be, if you hearken to My commandments that I command you this day to love the Lord, your God, and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul, I will give the rain of your land at its time, the early rain and the latter rain, and you will gather in your grain, your wine, and your oil. And I will give grass in your field for your livestock, and you will eat and be sated.


Our existence is dependent on our connection to Hashem. Fearing Him. Following His ways. Doing what we’re supposed to be doing on this world. We have that connection. The snake in the garden of Eden’s curse, as the Kotzker Rebbi famously said, was that his food would be the dust of the earth. He never needs to turn to Hashem to get His next meal. He thinks he has it all. That is the danger that the snake Satan lives with and threatens the world with.


The danger and DNA of Yishmael, which is different than any other nation is that they believe in God with total faith, yet they define that whatever they do here in this world as Allah’s work. It could be the worst atrocities, but it’s what Allah wants them to do. They don’t look to heaven. They bow to the ground under them. Hitler, the Nazi’s, the Vatican and even Stalin tried to cover up what they did. Not these guys. They’re Facetiming live and claiming that it’s Allah, as they burn families alive and decapitate babies. It’s distorted faith on steroids. And that makes them more dangerous than anyone else.


The Mahral, notes that they are in fact the only exile that is not considered a malchus; a kingdom or empire, unlike Persia, Rome, Babylonia and Greece. Because they don’t have an independent kingdom. They live in tents. They are all over the world. They believe that the whole world is Gods or Allahs just as we do. They are the only other nation that Hashem’s name “E-l” in their name. Because they are also about the kingdom of Hashem. But rather than looking to Hashem for what His will on this world should be, they define it by what they’re animalistic tendencies and the dust of their feet determines it should be.


The antidote to them as we see at the end of this weeks parsha is Yitzchak. Yitzchak who as we will see next week is willing to be sacrificed and give up everything because Hashem told him to. Because he doesn’t have a will other than Hashem’s will. That act of the binding of Isaac- where he literally was tied up so that he has no personal natural physical inclination that would prevent him from giving himself up and which is the ultimate submission to Hashem-is the epitome of the opposite of Yishmael.


That act takes place on Har Ha’Moriah; our Temple Mount. And it is for that reason, Reb Moshe writes, that the Arabs have always tried to disconnect us from that and ban us from going and worshipping there. This is despite the fact that Jerusalem has no mention or place in their Koran. It’s because fundamentally they understand on a spiritual level that it is the place that stands in stark contrast to all they do and want, and claim. And we do as well.


How do we beat them? There’s only one way. It is total submission to Hashem. It’s the declaration that we have no power besides Hashem. In gematria the difference between Yishmael and Yisrael is 90 which is the letter Tzadik. The difference between us and them is knowing what a tzadik is. Tzadik Hashem bechol derachav- Hashem is righteous in all His ways. We look to Hashem and nullify ourselves to His will. That’s our power against them.


What does that mean? Its declaring that loudly to the world and to ourselves. It’s not the army, the iron dome, or our tanks that will win us this war. It’s certainly not Biden. It’s not about politics. It’s about revealing the oneness that comes from us when we say Shema Yisrael Hashem Echad together. All of us. It’s when we not only bite the bullet about all the petty divisions, the “religious” disagreements and disputes. The “my” form of Judaism that defines our religion by the way “I” think it should be. By the type of Kippah that “I” wear, the nusachI” daven, the mitzvos “I” think are more important, that “my” Rabbi tells me I should put all my focus on- because that’s what’s really important. It’s about understanding that Hashem wants us all together to say it’s Him. All of us. And if you don’t get that, then there’s still too much “you” in equation. There’s too much “me…” There’s too much Yishmael.


One of the reasons why I started off saying that this is hard for me to digest, is not only because it’s hard to believe that we really are at the doorstep of Mashiach, and that we’re really facing off with the last major challenge and birth pangs of a new and final day, although that is pretty wild. Rather it’s because perhaps because I’m an American, and perhaps maybe even because I was raised with an out-of-town mentality. I find it almost abhorrent to myself to stereotype and suggest that there is a concept of DNA and spiritual tendencies and genes yada yada…Particularly as a Jew who knows his history and whose nation has been the target of all the worlds worst stereotypes and racial slurs, I’m even more sensitive to that. As I think probably we all should be, naturally.


We all bristle when we hear someone say “You Jews…” and we should when we hear someone say the same about “Blacks” “Puerto Ricans”, “Mexicans”, “Germans” and yes as well even Arabs. There were good Poles that saved Jews, there are many productive and successful Blacks, Mexicans and all minorities. And yes, there are many Arabs as well that serve in the Army, that are not animals. That want peace. There have been many Druze soldiers that given their lives to save Jewish lives. There were Arabs even in the 1929 Massacre of Chevron that hid and saved Jews. Here in the North we have relatively good and even friendly relationships with many Arabs. I certainly do, with many that express scorn on the Palestinians and expressed real horror and even empathy about what took place. Maybe they all aren’t Yishmaelites. We find that Yishmael himself (as you can see in my new Tefilla-Prayer of the week column below) does teshuva. So it’s hard to read and learn something that paints with a giant stroke an entire nation. I’m digesting it still, as I said,


Yet, at the same time I see the truth of it as well as it regards to us. What this Yishmael has done to us is make us realize that we are really one nation. We are all the same. We all have the same heart, spirit, same God. See, until now we may have looked at our own brothers and sisters as being totally different than us. We may have even felt more comfortable with some of our goyim “friends” who shared our “value” system more than those in our “family”. The frum might have felt more comfortable with republican American Trump loving goyim or Christianvangelicals than their liberal left-wing (what they described as) “self-hating” Jews. Those left-wing non-Orthodox Jews may have felt more comfortable identifying with their liberal pundits than their Chasidic or religious Chareidi brothers and sisters. Yishmael came and reminded us that it was all stupid. It was all wrong.


We are and always will be one and will be closer to those of our blood, our history and destiny because we come from Avraham and Sarah- not Hagar. We are descendants of Yitzchak and will give our lives for one another. We are a nation of unbreakable faith. We went through the smelting pit of Egypt together, we sang at the splitting of the sea together, and we all stood on Mt. Sinai and heard Hashem tell us that we are His chosen nation. All of us. It is in our DNA. Because there is such a thing as a spiritual DNA. This last bit of exile is to fight against Yishmael and remind ourselves of that. It’s no wonder this parsha and promise of the end of days is called Lech Lecha. For we are going toward ourselves. Our truest shared essence. That’s the way we get to the land we have been promised. It’s the final thing we have to digest.


Have peaceful Shabbos,

Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz 




Ah hundert hayzer zol er hobn, in yeder hoyz a hundert tsimern, in yeder tsimer tsvonsik betn un kadukhes zol im varfn fin eyn bet in der tsveyter - A hundred houses shall he have, in every house a hundred rooms and in every room twenty beds, and a delirious fever should drive him from bed to bed..



answer below at end of Email


11.The first Crusade left Europe in the year ___________.

Where can remains of the sugar industry from the Crusader period be found?

A. On the Galilean coastal plains

B. In the mountains of Jerusalem

C. On the slopes of mount Hermon

D. In the Jordan Valley




https://soundcloud.com/ephraim-schwartz/shomer-yisroel  My latest moving composition- the prayer of all of us in this horrific war- Shomer Yisrael- Dovid Lowy did an amazing jobs on the vocals and arrangements


https://soundcloud.com/ephraim-schwartz/kum This week’s Parsha my Kum song! Amazing!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6W8GxuBYNM- and this is the original with translation of that song…Elokai Neshama… it should be a merit for him…


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h6dIEQMz3s   - On her 3754th yahrtzeit Benny Friedman and Baruch Levines V’Shavu Vanim new Mama Rochel song. Chayala Newhaus incredible lyrics..


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJD4j4mdc10   Mama Rochel new song by Ari Zoldan great war footage


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3oXuVBZ0Cs    A Dedi Tribute from Yanky Briskman and Yedidim


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvOYgHCihIUMaccabeats Song For Chayalim




Prayer for Children This week’s parsha of Lech Lecha contains perhaps the one prayer that we wish now more than ever was never prayed. It is the prayer of our Patriarch Avraham when being told that he would have a child. He would have Yitzchak, who would inherit the land of Israel. Avraham’s response was to pray that his son Yishmael should live before Hashem


Lu Yishmael Yichyeh lifnanecha- It would be enough if Yishmael should live before you.


This prayer Reb Elimelech Biderman suggests and even proves is the secret why this cursed nation that we suffer from is still around. Yet in this prayer there is a powerful message, he finds in what the power of prayer can accomplish.


In Parshat Chayei Sarah we are told that when Avraham dies Yitzchak and Yishmael come to bury him. Our sages note that although Yishmael is the older brother by 13 years he allowed Yitzchak to go before him. From here they derive that Yishmael did teshuva. He repented. In fact we even have great Jewish sages throughout history that had the name Yishmael. Most notably the Kohen Gadol that went into the Holy of Holies and even gave Hashem a blessing. So Yishmael ultimately did teshuva.


On the other hand we note that Esau, the wicked son of Yitzchak and the brother of our Patriarch Yaakov, never did teshuva. He remained wicked until his head was chopped off in his attempt to prevent Yaakov’s children from burying our Father in the Machpela cave. Why is it that Yishmael did teshuva and Esau didn’t?


Rav Biderman answers and derives from here that it is because Avraham had davened for Yishmael while Yitzchak didn’t. Now it is not because Yitzchak didn’t love Esau that he didn’t daven for him, rather it was quite the opposite. The verse tells us that Yitzchak loves Esau because he “hunted him with his mouth”. He tricked Yitzchak. He would ask him questions in halacha regularly. He pretended to be righteous. Yitzchak had no clue that he needed to daven for him.


Avraham on the other hand realized and knew what Yishmael was. So davened that he should “live before Hashem” That he should get the fear of God upon him. That he should reform and that he should return. And his tefilla worked. Because prayer always does, particularly prayer for one’s children. For we are like Hashem in that prayer- we are a Father asking for his children and we turn to Hashem as a Father as well. The tefilla for Yishmael worked despite the fact as we said that he was really by his nature almost beyond hope. He was a pereh- adam a wild man. Yet, the heartfelt prayer can work. And that is the last for us as well. Never stop praying for our children. Our Father in heaven is always listening.




Life after Death- a Prophets last message- 633 BC Elisha had led the nation for 66 years after his Rebbi, Eliyahu’s death during the kingdom of Yehoshafat and his children Yehyochaz and Yoash. While he was alive there was a degree of protection for the nation. When he died the native Moabites across from Jordan started to maraud the people of Israel. And here’s where an amazing story takes place; the final miracle of Elisha.


The Navi tells us that there was a funeral that was going on and when they came to bury the person, they heard Moabites coming and so they put down the body and fled. The body touched the bones of Elisha and came back to life again. Pretty cool!


Now who was this person and what was the point of the miracle. There are two opinions amongst the Midrashim. The first is that this was a wicked person. And it was unbefitting for Elisha to have him buried next to him. So Hashem brought him back to life again and had him walk away and then die again somewhere else for the honor of the grave of Elisha.


Another more fascinating opinion is that this was in fact a righteous person. It was none other than the husband of the prophetess Chulda whose name was Shalom Ben Tikva (what a great Zionistic name!). He would sit by the city gate and hand out water to all of the pilgrims to Jerusalem. It’s interesting that one of the gates on the southern wall of the Temple Mount is called the Chulda gates. Despite the fact that the entire Temple Mount outer complex is only from the 2nd Temple period, but according to some it got that name because the Talmud tells us that Chulda the prophetess would sit by city gates. Maybe with her husband, Shalom, giving out water to pilgrims.


Even more fascinating is that Chulda and Shalom after he was resurrected, we are told went home and had a baby. That baby’s name was Chanamel Ben Shalom, who also plays an important part in the history of our nation. For he was the uncle or cousin of Yirmiyahu whom Hashem commanded to redeem his field before the destruction of the Temple. He did so and they had it signed and sealed for all times by his servant Baruch Ben Neriah. The message being that one day, there will be houses bought and sold in Jerusalem once again. Fascinatingly enough in the City of David we have found remnants of Bullas- clay seal that actually has the name of Baruch on it. Could it be from that document.


But the cool thing is that what the message to Yirmiyahu and to us was that Jerusalem may look dead but it will come back to life. Who better to get that message from then Chanamel, the child that was born from the resurrected father Shalom. Amazing! Perhaps as well one day soon we will see Gaza and maybe even Lebanon returned to its Jewish hands where it belongs as well…See, always a timely message in this column as well…




Every day the News reports of another Hamas commander killed in an air strike in Gaza? How many commanders are there? I’m starting to suspet that just like every guy in Lakewood calls himself a Rabbi, every Muhammed and Ahmed in Gaza calls themselves a Commander


The difference between us and them

Hamas terrorist- Mommy, look at me! I killed 10 Israelis!

Israeli Soldier- Mommy look at me I saved 10 people!


A Jew for Palestine protestor is like a chicken demonstrating for Colonel Sanders


In times of tragedy we send humanitarian aid and doctors to the world and they send us their world leaders- every one gets what they’re lacking…


A reminder for those in Gaza on October 29th we turn the clock back to the Stone Age


Israeli soldier to Hamas terrorist “How old are you”

Terrorist- “Next month I’ll be 24”

Soldier- “Wow, you’re optimistic”


This war has it’s benefits. When ever my children start fighting I put on my ringtone that sounds like a war siren… Works great!


Achmed- “Fatima! Did you finish cleaning the house?”

Fatima- “All I have left are the steps”


It’s God’s job to judge the terrorists. It’s ours to arrange the meeting…


And just like that I haven’t seen any Black Hebrew Israelites proclaiming themselves to be the “Real Jews”  over the past three weeks. Weird…


Neturei Karta- “We were Pro-Hamas before it was trendy”


Proven Conversation winner with Pro-Palestinian activist.

1) Ask him if he feels Israel has a right to respond to terror against it’s citizens.

2) When he tells you “No!” then ask him “Why”

3) Wait until he tells you something stupid about “how violence only leads to more violence and makes the situation worse and will hurt innocent civilians”

4) Punch him in the face

5) when he tries to punch you back explain to him how violence only leads to more violence…

6) If he agrees with you. Punch him again in the face.

7) and again and again and again until he understands that sometimes you have to punch back…


Why do we need to report that there were 500 people killed in Gaza. Why not just say that theire unemployment level is down by 10% percent.


The answer to this week”s question is A – Got this one right too. The first part was easy. I go over Jewish history dates with all my tourists all the time. I can do this in my sleep. So 1099 was an easy year to remember. As far as part two I wasn’t sure. But I took a good guess, Akko was the Crusader capital so it made sense that would be where they grew sugar. I was right, Baruch Hashem! So doing not bad on this exam so far with the score being Rabbi Schwartz at 8.5 point and the MOT having 2.5 point on this latest Ministry of Tourism exam.

Friday, October 20, 2023

God's Soldiers- Parshat Noach 2023 5784

 Insights and Inspiration

from the

Holy Land


Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

"Your friend in Karmiel"

October 21st 2023 -Volume 13 Issue 2 6th of Cheshvan 5784


Parshat Noach


God’s Soldiers


We called them the i-phone generation. They’re soft. They don’t have what the soldiers of old, that we read and learned about and memorialized and perhaps even made into super-heroes, once had. Once there were giborim. Once there was an army that knew and understood what it meant to fight. To put their lives on the line. To roar like a lion and jump into battle and do everything that it takes to achieve victory and wipe out our enemy. This generation… these kids… They’re Tik Tok. They were raised in the Corona years. They’ve got therapists. They’re woke. They know Facebook. They don’t know war.


I was wrong. We all were wrong. I’m in awe. I truly feel unworthy to be living in the generation of these heroes. Story after story. Sacrifice after sacrifice. Without fear. Without hesitation. For me. For my family. For my country. For us. I heard once from Rabbi Berel Wein and I’ve shared with many of my tourists what he had told me he had heard from the Ponivezher Rav back in 1947. He gave them a speech in Chicago while he was raising money to rebuild his yeshiva. He said to them prophetically that was confident that the handful of soldiers in Israel would ultimately win the British and the Arabs and establish a Jewish state in Israel.


But if I only had students- talmidim, that had that same sense of sacrifice, of responsibility for Am Yisrael, that same fire and determination that these soldiers have, we could have a Torah state in Israel as well… But I don’t have them… We’re not even close…”


Learn up from these boys, what it means to burn with holy fire for the Jewish people.” He told those students. “Because that’s what Klal Yisrael ultimately needs.”


I shared that story and would tell my tourists, that we once had soldiers like that but today I’m not sure if we have them anymore. I was wrong. We have them. They’re out there now. They’re poised, they’re ready. Too many have already given their lives, but in their deaths like Shimshon took down so many Philistines with them. There is a strength. There is a fury. There is fire that his so holy that is emanating from them, that as I distributed meals, and supplies to them I was almost scared that I would get burnt by it. I felt like I was the Levi that was privileged to stand in the Temple and hand the Kohanim their vessels or sing songs to inspire them in their service of Hashem. We’re in good shape Am Yisrael, and I’ve never been prouder of my nation.


But there’s something that is even more powerful that I’m seeing that to me is the ultimate game changer. Something that I believe differentiates the current army of Israel than any other army since the founding of the State and perhaps even since the time of the Maccabees army led by the High Priest Matisyahu. That is the identification that our strength and power is all from Hashem. That there is no atheists in a foxhole the world knows, but that the national songs of the soldiers in every base that is on our lips is

Od Avinu Chai- our Father in heaven is alive,

 Anachnu Ma’aminim Bnai Ma’aminim- we are believers the children of believers,

Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokai- Hear Israel, Hashem is our God,

is amazing and inspiring.


Soldiers are davening, they are wearing tzitzis, putting on tefillin, taking on mitzvos and those are the soldiers who until now may have identified themselves as Chilonim-non-religious secular Jews. That’s not even to mention the tens of thousands of Batei Midrash on the front lines that are learning Daf Yomi, that are reciting Tehillim, many who have left their Batei Midrash or more accurately relocated them to their army bases on the border of Gaza until they enter. This is biblical. There’s no kochi v’otzem yadi- I don’t believe there has been a war that this country has fought since our founding that has Hashem’s name plastered all over it like an Army banner as does ours today.

Eileh b’Rechev v’eileh ba’susim- they have tanks, they have terror-

V’anachnu b’sheim Hashem Elokeinu nazkir- and we come armed with the name of Hashem that our soldiers have repeatedly been invoking.

And this is from the I-Phone generation…


Yet it is not just our young men and women that I fear I have underestimated in the past. And that perhaps we all have. It is ourselves as well. In this week’s parsha I saw such an amazing and powerful idea from the holy Reb Shloimeh of Radomsk that has the power to be a game-changer for all of us. He notes a perplexing Rashi on our parsha. The verse tells us that Noach and his family only entered the Ark when they were forced to by the water that was coming down. Rashi comments that this because


Af Noach m’katnei amana haya- Also Noach was small in faith

Ma’amin v’eino maa’min- he believed and he didn’t believe that the flood would actually come.


Reb Shloimeh asks, how this was possible? For over one hundred years Noach had been not only building this Ark, but he had been warning the world and Hashem Himself had told him that it was coming more than once. How could Rashi and our sages tell us that he was someone who was short on faith; this most righteous man of his generation? The answer he gives opens up entire new worlds, which is really as I said in my E-Mail last week what we are here to do.


He says that Noach’s failing was not in any lack of faith in Hashem. He knew it was real. He had dedicated his life to the idea. Hashem had told him personally it was happening. Rather, Noach’s lack of faith was in his own power to change the fate of the world. That through his prayers Hashem not only would spare the world but was in fact waiting for him to do so. As opposed to Avraham who in fact prayed for the people of Sodom and who understood that was what Hashem wanted him to do, Noach didn’t. He assumed that Hashem’s decree was a Divine fait accompli. He didn’t understand that the tefillos of the righteous could change that decree. That we are partners with Hashem in Creation and the world. That is the middas ha’Rachamim the attribute of mercy, that Hashem combined with the pure middas ha’din that he put into the fabric of the world. It was in that area that Noach was lacking in faith.


He notes that Moshe Rabbeinu got that message though and passed it on to us. After the sin of Golden Calf, Hashem as well wanted to wipe us off the face of the world. Yet, he consulted with Moshe and Moshe understood that he has a say. He told Hashem to forgive us and turn over His decree.


V’Im ayin- and if not…

Mecheini na mi’sifricha- erase me from your book.


Our sages tell us that the word erase- “micheini- erase me” has the same letters as the words mei noach- the waters of Noach. Moshe was telling Hashem that I learned from Noach’s flood what I need to different. I understand that if you present me with an apocalyptical situation- a decree from Heaven, that what you are telling me is that it is within my power to do something about it. That You are listening and waiting for my prayers, my merits, my share of our Partnership to do something. That we can do something as well.


If Hashem has blessed us with such an army in our generation, that we didn’t think we would ever merit to realize. Then these Kohanim are the representatives of the nation. Their power comes from us. They are our shluchim- our agents to do the work of Hashem. And the rule in the Talmud is that the messenger or agent only has as much power as those he represents. That means that we have power that we never thought we had as well at this time. In this generation of Mashiach.


We can unite like we never did before. And we are. We can connect to our soldiers like never before. And we are. Our prayers, our charity, our mitzvos, our kabbalos- resolutions and the merits that we accumulate at this time can change everything, just as much as we understand that our soldier bullets do. Even more so perhaps. Every word of Torah learned is a game changer. Don’t underestimate it. Don’t be Noach of little faith.


There is something else that is different about this war than any other war that our country ever fought before. Unlike the War of Independence, The 6-Day-War or the Yom Kippur we are not fighting this time for our existence. There is no one out there that believes that the State of Israel is at risk of being wiped out. This is not even a war of deterrent our security as our previous numerous Gaza or Lebanon incursions, or “operations” were. This is a war against evil. Against darkness. It’s a war of the vengeance of Hashem and eradicating evil and those that distort and wish to eradicate His name as it shines from each of us here from His Holy Land on this earth. To win a war against darkness the weapon with the most power is light. And each of us have that light. We each have a nuclear weapon in the arsenal that is our soul that is waiting for us to explode on our enemies. Ignite it. Set it off. Rain it down on them.


I like many I have talked to feel frustrated that Israel hasn’t just opened up it’s nuclear arsenal in our “textiles factory” in Dimona and set it off already and created a much needed parking lot in Gaza and in Lebanon already. Its frustrating to know that we have the power to do so and instead we might be sending Jewish boots on the ground putting our children, our brothers and sisters and family at risk with a land invasion. Yet, understandably perhaps we don’t want to cause any “innocent civilian” casualties or deaths, or maybe more cynically we wouldn’t be able to handle the world outrage if we did go nuclear. Yet the truth is there is an even more powerful weapon and light that is in our hands. And that spiritual nuclear weapon won’t have one casualty that Hashem doesn’t want to wipe out. Its our light, our prayers, our unity. Hashem sent us a decree this year and He’s waiting for us to unleash that force. He wants us to go spiritually nuclear. Our soldiers on the front line are girded and ready to do what they have to do. Are we as well? This a war that Hashem has drafted every single Jew on the planet to fight. Your “tzav shmona”- your draft notice, is that hole in your heart that you felt and feel when you turned on your radio, tv, internet, opened up your newspaper that morning after Simchas Torah. We’ve been called to serve. To serve Hashem-just as He told us when we left the exile of Egypt- on the Mountain of Hashem. Are you ready to fight?


Have safe, quiet and restful Shabbos,

Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz 



“A hunt hot moyre far a shtekn un a ruech funr tzitzes.” .- A dog is afraid of a stick, and a devil is afraid of tzitzit.



answer below at end of Email


10.The type of rock which the "Mushroom" in the Timna park is made from is ___________.

What is the average precipitation in the Arava?

A. Around 20 millimeters per year

B. Around 80 millimeters per year

C. Around 150 millimeters per year

D. Around 200 millimeters per year



https://soundcloud.com/ephraim-schwartz/yizkeraim  A memorial prayer for the brutal murder of the kedoshim demanding their blood be avenged by Hashem and the Rosh Hashana prayer. I composed this after the kidnapping of the three young man by Gaza and it’s first war.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvjrh7LHlrw    I  can’t stop watching and feeling the holiness of this holy soldier Yehudah Bacher singing this song two days before being killed in the Simchas Torah Massacre…and crying


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6W8GxuBYNM- and this is the original with translation of that song…Elokai Neshama… it should be a merit for him…


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h6dIEQMz3s   - I’ve been playing this new Doni Gross Benny Freidman album all week to all my soldiers


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQn90-LkuQA    Shlomo Carlebach Tzitzis saves a soldier life awesome


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kaj9WVkPe2s   Amazing say Shema Yisrael clip (Hebrew)


https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LPnwSW9deYI   You can’t not get emotional watching this soldier sing to his daughter before going out to battle




Tehillim We’re at war. It’s a war that the Torah and the Rambam rules that halachically is a mitzva. When an enemy rises up to destroy it is the obligation of everyone- even a groom from his chuppa, even a Kohen or Levi to go out and fight and destroy the enemy. Yet, not all of us are soldiers. Not all of us even know which way to hold a gun or are even in places where we can join the actual fight. Yet, the halacha tells us that there are two mitzvos in war. The first is to fight and the second as the Rambam brings it is to daven.


Rambam Laws of Taanis (1:1) It is a positive Torah commandment to cry out and to sound trumpets in the event of any difficulty that arises which affects the community, as it states: "When you go out to war... against an enemy who attacks you and you sound the trumpets...."


This practice is one of the paths of repentance, for when a trouble arises, and the people cry out to Hashem and sound the trumpets, everyone will realize that the trouble occurred because of their evil conductThis realization will cause the removal of this difficulty.


It is not the soldiers or the fighting that will remove the evil, it is our prayers. Fascinatingly enough the Rambam describes those that don’t pray. That rely on the soldiers along. That believe that what is happening has nothing to do with their prayers is in fact the cause of an even furthering of the troubles.


Conversely, should the people fail to cry out Hashem and sound the trumpets, and instead say, "What has happened to us is merely a natural phenomenon and this difficulty is merely a chance occurrence," this is a cruel conception of things, which causes them to remain attached to their wicked deeds. Thus, this time of distress will lead to further distresses.


Perhaps even more frightening is that the Rambam quotes a verse to support this idea and you’ll never believe what word it uses to describe an intensification of the trouble


This is implied by the Torah's statement "If you remain indifferent to Me, I will be indifferent to you with a Chamas- vengeance." The implication of the verse is: When I bring difficulties upon you so that you shall repent and you say it is a chance occurrence, I will add to your [punishment] an expression of – Chamas -vengeance for that indifference to Divine Providence…


So we’re soldiers as I said above and our weapons are our prayers. The most powerful of all our prayer weapons is the book of Tehillim- Psalms by King David. In my shul I try to shake things up by reciting psalms that are not the traditional ones selected that everyone knows by heart. And it’s amazing if you go through the book how many of them mention the word Chamas in them.


In this week’s Torah portion we are told that Hashem decided to destroy the world because it was full of Chamas- which Rashi explains means robbery. Fascinatingly Unkelos translates it as chatufim which means kidnapping in modern Hebrew. The ten commandments prohibition on stealing as well understood by our sages to be the kidnapping of people. Hamas steals souls. Our job is to restore and fight him by bringing the spirit of life in the world. We do that with our prayers with our Tehillim. When someone steals something they take it from its proper place. Our Tehillim puts it right back where it belongs.


I once heard an incredible idea about Tehillim. The singular word for Tehillim- Psalms would be Tehilla- a psalm or prayer. That word is a feminine word. The plural of it should be Tehillot- which is in fact a word that is used in our daily prayers numerous times. So why when we refer to our Psalms do emasculate it and make it Tehillim? The answer is because through our prayers we have the power to transform the world from the feminine receptacle natural aspect of Creation, from when we are merely receivers of Hashem’s benevolence, to a world where we are the masculine. We are the ones that are breathing the life and transforming and creating new realities.


Rashi tells us this week that the wicked move Hashem from the chair of mercy to the throne of Judgement. The Righteous though, through their prayers do the opposite. We move Hashem to the throne of mercy. We can change the decrees. That’s what Noach did ultimately when he left the Ark and Hashem remembered him. That’s what we do whenever we pick up that Tehillim- not Tehillot. We become players. We become soldiers. We become Creators. And we’re on the path this year to making a whole new world.




Keep on Hitting- 633 BC With the death of Yehoyachaz and amidst the terror being rained down on the kingdom of Israel in the North by Chazael the King of Aram today’s modern Syria, we are introduced to his son Yehoash of the North. He took over in the 37th year of Yoash of the kingdom of Yehuda and he ruled for 16 years in the North. I know it’s confusing two kings with the same name, but hey it is what it is…


Yoash, we are told, much like his father did evil in the eyes of Hashem. He kept the idolatry and worship of Yeravam, and his golden calves in Tel Dan and Beit El- both where there are still remains of those Temples today- although in Tel Dan you can really see it. His father had done some teshuva and Hashem promised that he would bring salvation, but it would come in his sons reign. And Hashem kept his word. Yet that prophecy that they would ultimately conquer Aram came with the death of the prophet Elisha, who even Yehoash despite being a sinner revered. I mean how can you not, the man was literally a miracle maker like his teacher Eliyahu.


As Elisha get sick, Yoash comes to visit him and he echoes Elisha’s own call and plea to his Rebbi, Eliyahu

Avi Avi Rechev Yisrael- My father, my father Chariot of Israel its horsemen.


Elisha mysteriously tells Yehoash to take a bow and arrow and to open the window and to start shooting towards the East. Yehoash obeyed and Elisha told him that it was a sign that he will smite Aram in the battle that will take place in Aphek- which fascinatingly enough is the portion of Yehuda. Today that’s not far from Rosh Ha’Ayin.


He then told him to shoot the arrows at the ground. Yehoash did so as well three times. But then he stopped. That’s the problem with us Jews we cop out before the job is done. Elisha got angry and told him that had he continued 5 or 6 times then we would’ve been successful in wiping out Aram entirely. Now it was just as going to be a temporary victory. Those were the last words of Elisha and with that he died.


There’s a fascinatingly eternal lesson- that is so timely about what we have to do when we go to war. We need the prophet and his prayers, but we as well need our soldiers and our leaders and kings to know that sometimes they have to keep going and not be satisfied with a half a victory. Is this a timely column or what?


Next we still have one more post-mortem miracle of Elisha. Stay tuned…




If a siren goes off while Biden is here you don’t have to worry about him hitting the ground to take cover. He’s usually falling down there anyways.


The UN is calling on the Israeli government to allow technicians into Gaza to ensure that rockets don’t misfire again onto innocent civilians taking shelter in hospitals.


A generation has grown up in Israel thinking that elections are something that you go take part in every half year while school is only one year on and one year off…


The US Secretary of Defense was here last week, the Chancelor of Germany today, tomorrow the President of the US is coming and next week the Prime Minister of England will be here. At least the Ministry of Tourism is doing their job…


It’s better that we don’t get shlepped in right now to a war with Hezbolla. We don’t have the ability to provide Humanitarian help on two fronts…


Weather forecast for Gaza- it will be raining missiles all day


For all of the Gaza refugees that have fled to Sinai. From experience you can survive there for at least 40 years and if you get thirsty for water just hit a rock twice… It worked for us.


If you want this war to end right not- get vaccinated- The Ministry of Health


Why are you blaming the government for this? They haven’t done anything…


Two Arabs are sitting in the Gaza Strip, enjoying a quiet pint of goat milk.

One takes out his wallet and starts flipping through his family pictures, "This is my oldest son. He's a martyr. This here is my second son. He's also a martyr!"

The second Arab nods, “They blow up so fast, don't they?"


Say what you will about Hamas......but their education system is top notch. Over 90% of the children in Gaza become "Rocket Scientists"


Why does Gaza keep firing rockets at Israel? It keeps them occupied.


Where is the Hamas headquarters? Depends on where the Israeli missile hits.


The Hamas wheelchair-bound commander, a one-eyed, triple-amputee terror boss, Mohammed, ordered the Israel massacre.After turning down  serious job offers from the BBC., New York Times and CNN


Israel Army Spokesman- Despite the restrictions and limitations of flights to Israel, all planes to Gaza will function as normal


The UN is demanding we have a proportional response. So in the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange we established that one Jew, Gilead was worth 1027 Arab terrorists. So for 1350 Jews that they killed multiplied by 1027 would come to a proportionate response of 1386450 dead terrorists in Gaza. We will be happy to oblige.


Woke- (adjective) pronounced Wok (woker, wokest)- chiefly US slang aler to and concerned about social injustice and discrimination unless it’s about slaughtering Jews. (see also hypocrite).


My Jewish mother-in-law- “quickly help me clean up the house right now. God forbid a missile will hit here and then the photographers will come to take pictures and it will be a mess.”


God willing as of next week Pango will be active in Gaza as it will be one big parking lot.


We ask that the Israelis please stop publicizing the names of all of the Hamas terrorist leaders that have been killed. Their families have not yet been informed.


So there I was sitting there in my bomb shelter after the siren went off and after 5 minutes my neighbor told me that we could leave. I told him that I wait 6 full minutes. My other neighbor waits just into the 5th minute, while that guy from Holland left three minutes ago…


One wife at home with 6 children wrote that she understood why the call-up for reservation miluim rate was for so high and why this war might go on forever. The soldiers have a concert everynight with Hanan Ben Ari and Ayal Golan, they get free hot meals, cigarettes, haircuts and pedicures and massages from therapists. Barbeques every other night, truckloads of food and all types of treats. This war is going to go on forever… It’s amazing that they didn’t have a 150% sign up


The answer to this week”s question is A – So I definitely would’ve skipped this question on the exam. You’re allowed to skip 5 questions. Geology is not my thing and neither are numbers. I’m a word person in case you haven’t figured that one out. But I guessed anyways and got it right! So there!! So the type of earth is sandstone, the mushroom in Arava rocks and Solomons pillars that are magnificent there are formed by the erosion of this soft rock. The precipitation I knew was low so I went with 20 Mm and what do you know? I was right! So that makes the new score Rabbi Schwartz having a 7.5 point and the MOT having 2.5 point on this latest Ministry of Tourism exam.