
Our view of the Galile

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Ma... I'm Home- Parshat Yisro 2022 /5872


Insights and Inspiration

from the

Holy Land


Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

"Your friend in Karmiel"

January 22nd 2022 -Volume 11 Issue 17 20th Shevat 5782


Parshat Yisro

Ma… I’m Home!


Shani was on the phone again. My wife handed it to me with this look that said ‘You’re dealing with this’. I’ve had enough already. It was your bright idea to send her off to Detroit to board by your parent’s house while she was attending school there. I was fine keeping her here with us in Seattle. But, no, you wanted your daughter to have that wonderful special form of Detroit Jewish education that you and your siblings had. Well then, it’s on you to deal with all the complaints and the fallout. She’s in 7th grade for gosh sakes. She should be with her parents and siblings, not with her grandparents. What were you thinking? That this was going to be smooth?!


So, I took the phone and Shani began going on and on. Bubby doesn’t let me hang out with my friends… She hocks me about doing my work all the time… She took away my phone… I can’t handle this anymore. I’m not a baby. She reminds me to say Shema every night and brush my teeth. I didn’t tell her that I’m 50 years old and she still does that to me. Rather, I turned to my poor daughter who was clearly suffering from abandonment issues on the other side of continent 3000 miles away and who had seemingly forgotten what a pain in the neck her father was when she used to be living at home, and in that gentle, sensitive, caring fatherly way that I’m known for, told her quite plainly that I’m not that worried for her. I survived. She’ll survive. Everything will be alright. I turned out just fine and I’m sure she will as well. There was silence for a moment or two and then she asked if she could have Mommy back on the phone. I handed it back to my wife. I don’t believe I got dinner that night and I think she sent me directly to my room.


The next day the scene replayed itself. Only this time my wife hands me the phone even more exasperated. This time it was my mother on the phone. Uh Oh… Now I’m in trouble. I quickly brushed my teeth and said Shema and then took the phone.


Hi Ma! What’s up?”

And then it began. Shani doesn’t listen. She’s always on the phone. She doesn’t do her work. She’s always going out. This is impossible. I don’t know what we’re going to do with her. I stopped my mother at that point and once again quite sensitively and of course respectfully shared with her some important words and lessons.


“It’s all your fault, Ma” I said. “When I was a child, you cursed me that I would have a child just like myself one day. Well now I do. I guess you just never thought I would send her back to you, or something. Well, there you go. I guess you have to watch what you say. You never know when it will come back to haunt you…”


There was silence once again for a minute and then my mother asked if she could have my wife back on the phone. I went to my room on my own that night and grabbing the leftover cold pizza from the fridge on the way. I didn’t think I would be getting supper for a long time or at least until Shani graduated Elementary School.


Baruch Hashem Shani turned out great. The next year she boarded by someone else. I figured my parents deserved to be grandparents instead of parents once again and Shani deserved to have a Bubby and Zaidy rather than Daddy and Mommy surrogates. One year was enough for them to impart all the wisdom and teachings that I never absorbed and wanted her to get from “Bubby and Zaidy school” anyways. All was good once again, I had supper and was allowed out of my room sometimes.


Now I know you’re looking at me and thinking, what type of parent send away his 12-year-old daughter across the country to live by her grandparents for two years. Children need to be with their parents, my wife tells me. Funny, how when she became a grandmother though, that philosophy changed. As my grandchildren seem to be in my house more than my daughter’s- mostly because my dear wife “Saftie” goes over and picks them up all the time. But being a very big Rabbi with an encyclopedic knowledge of Torah stories and interpretations that many people miss- particularly the ones that can justify my warped parenting philosophies, I have no problem finding ancient Jewish justification for my ideology. In fact not only do we find that it’s a good thing to send your children away to Bubby and Zaidy for extended periods of time, it’s the prelude to the most pivotal event and parsha of our becoming a nation; The revelation at Sinai in our Torah portion.


Our Parsha oddly begins with possibly even a non-chronologically correct introduction to Matan Torah with the story of Yisro, Moshe’s father-in-law returning his wife and two children to him “achar shilucheha”- after Moshe had sent them over to Bubby and Zaidys house in Midyan; which I want to point out many used to call “Mo Town”. Now I know that may seem a bit confusing to you, as we had the story back in Shemos, before the plagues and the Exodus, when Moshe returns with his wife and kids to Egypt and they stayed over night and a snake came and almost swallowed him up because he hadn’t circumcised his child yet. But the Midrash tells us that when he got to Egypt his brother Aharon took one look at the wife and kids and asked Moshe if he was mad bringing them down to Egypt. There are enough slaves over here already. This is child endangerment. So, Moshe sent them back to their Bubby and Zaidys’ house and seemingly according to Unkelus and the Baal Ha’Turim even divorced his wife. Yisro now was bringing them back after the Jews had left Mitzrayim and trying to convince Moshe to take them back. This is the beginning and introduction to our receiving of the Torah. With this intro taken care of we can only now get to the Ten Commandments.


It’s a mind-boggling and troubling story and idea on many fronts. Why would Moshe divorce his wife? Why would Aharon of all people, the great ohev shalom and rodef shalom, who was known to be the Shalom Bayis go-to-guy for all Klal Yisrael’s marriage problems, advise his brother to send them away? It’s even more perplexing when you think about Moshe’s early childhood roots. His own father Amram we are told also divorced his mother, back when Pharaoh was chucking Jewish babies into the Nile, for fear and because of the pointlessness of producing anymore Jewish crocodile fodder for Egypt’s nefarious final solution. Yet, Miriam stepped in and convinced him that he must have faith. The redemption is coming. We can’t be worse than Pharaoh. And from that reunion Moshe is born. Yet here Moshe himself sends his wife and kids away? Where’s his faith? How and why would he want them to miss out on all the great miracles that the rest of the nation would witness firsthand? And of course, finally, why is this story the introduction to the giving of the Torah?


To answer these questions in the most Jewish of ways, there is one more question that I would like to ask followed by an amazing story- so hang in there it will be worth it. Commandment number five, at the centerpiece of the Big Ten is the mitzva to honor one’s parents. The Torah tells us quite unusually the reward for this mitzva, that if we fulfill it properly, we will merit a long life. There is only one other mitzva in the Torah where the Torah delineates this specific reward for its fulfillment and that is strangely enough the perplexing seemingly almost opposite mitzva of sending away a mother bird before one takes its baby eggs. I say opposite mitzva, because whereas the mitzva of honoring one’s parents seems to be about building and respecting the relationship between parent and child, by this Mommy bird we are literally doing the opposite. We’re chasing her away from her kids, so we can separate them from their mother. Yet, it seems that this is such an important mitzva that it is on par with one of the ten commandments and whose reward is long life.


One of my heroes of the last generation, who I’ve written about was Rebbi Yissachar Shlomo Teichtel, the author of the incredible work on the specialness and centrality of Eretz Yisrael and the return to the land that he authored in the middle of the Holocaust, called Em Ha’Banim Semeich- the Mother of children rejoices. In his introduction he explains the title of his sefer with the most personal of stories that happened to him during the war. In 1942 before Pesach, word got out in the Jewish community pf Czechoslovakia that the Nazi controlled government would be issuing a selektzia for all Jewish girls over the age of 16 who would be taken away and sent to camps. Rabbi Teichtel, who at the time had two daughters of that age, took them before Pesach and tried to smuggle them out of the country traveling to the border and assuring his wife that he would send word as soon as he arrived safely. However, before he made it to the border he was discovered and arrested along with his daughters and placed into jail. His and their fate was uncertain. When his wife got word of his precarious situation her Yom Tov of Pesach turned into days of sleepless nights, worry, tears and heartfelt prayers for her family.


Rav Teichtel writes that due to the incredible efforts of the Nitra Rav Shmuel Ungvar they were able to bribe the prison officers and achieve their release. Word was immediately sent home to his wife on the last day of Pesach and on Isru Chag she waited anxiously at the doorway to their home for their return. He then continues and writes


When they arrived, she burst into tears and overwhelmingly poured out all the emotions of her heart. On account of the profuse outpouring of emotions she was unable even to utter words of thanks to Hashem for the great miracle He preformed on their behalf. He who did not witness this reunion- the mother reunited with her daughters after such a dreadful captivity, the tears of the mother when she saw that her daughters had returned to their borders, the joy of the joyous mother of children- has never witnessed true feelings of joy.”


I imagine” he continues. “This will be the joy of our mother Eretz Yisrael when we all return to her bosom after the horrendous captivity that we are now experiencing.”


The Zohar Ha’Kadosh tells us that the mitzva of shiluach ha’kein is precisely this idea. It is to elicit in heaven the cries of the mother bird as she is being sent away from her children and the mercy of our Father and His longing for that reunion that we have awaited so long for. Do you know what the mitzva of kibbud av v’eim is about? It’s not just about hakarat ha’tov and showing the natural respect and appreciation to our parents for having brought us into this world or even connecting us with a sense of awe of the generations that have come before us. If that would be the case the mitzva would then be on the second set of tablets that deal with the commandments between Man and his fellow man rather than between Man and Hashem. The mitzva rather is about understanding or perhaps even instructions- as the word Torah literally means-about what the essence of our lives is all about; being the treasured nation of Hashem that will shine that light to the entire world.

The core of our essence is that we are children of Hashem. We have a Parent that loves and cares for us and brought us into this world because He loves us and wants us to appreciate that love. For us to recognize that, He programmed into all of humanity that natural love for a parent to a child. Yet the biggest danger and most painful form of destruction of that purpose is when the child is oblivious to the love that is there for them. When they take their lives for granted. Their parents for granted. Their existence for granted. Hashem tells us that the essence of a long meaningful life on this world is only when we honor, appreciate and revere that core of who we are. For without it we are exiled. We are sent away from our Father. This isn’t a punishment in as much as it is the method of awakening us to how much we miss Him. How much He loves us. How much we need Him back in our lives. It is to elicit that cry of the mother bird. It is to bring us back to our Mother Eretz Yisrael once again home and see her rejoice.


The prelude to our receiving the Torah is the return of Moshe’s wife and children to him. To be that medium between our Father in heaven and His children that had been separated for long, he had to experience how special that relationship and the longing of his own for his family. Aharon, the peacemaker upon seeing Moshe coming with his children to the house of slaves perhaps saw that there needed to be a mitzva of shiluach ha’kein to elicit that longing in Moshe himself to be the one that could bring Hashem back to his nation. To reveal and appreciate how all the Torah that will be revealed on Har Sinai through our nation to the world is really all about a child appreciating their Parent and the parent showering that love back upon them.


But there is an even deeper idea than that as well in this story. Those two children of Moshe, Gershon and Eliezer, the Torah tells us are named after two different incidents in Moshe’s life. Gershon is named because he was stranger in a foreign land and Eliezer is because Hashem had saved him from the sword of Pharaoh. We know their names already, but yet they are repeated here because their names represent the circumstances by which Jews assimilate and forget their father. There are so many of our brothers and sisters who don’t have a connection with our history. They missed the great miracles. They were raised in a strange land. They never had a Pesach Seder. As well there are others that have suffered so much persecution. So much pain and so much suffering. The Jew has been beaten out of them on the surface. They feel orphaned and that they have no father as they are so far away from seeing His light.


 Those two sons Moshe returns and brings them to the Mt. Sinai as well, thus telling us that they are also and all of their namesakes as well in similar circumstances through our history also have a Father waiting for them.  They are as much a part of our nation as the rest of the family. They are our brothers and sisters and our family is only complete with them standing side by side with us on Mt. Sinai. That is the only way that we can shine that special light and love we share from Hashem to the rest of the world.


Our Mother bird is waiting for us. The land is bringing back it’s children. The gates are opening up again. And Hashem is standing on top of His mountain with His cloud of glory to welcome us back and embrace. We have finally come home.


Have a Torahdikeh Shabbos

Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz


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“Yedeh mutter denkt ir kind iz shain.- Every mother thinks her child is beautiful. 



answer below at end of Email


12)  A bridge in the North of Israel, over the Jordan or the Yarmuk River, which was exploded on "the Night of the Bridges": ______________.  Subsequent to this attack, the following historical event occurred:


a)  Operation Agatha (“Black Sabbath”) (ha’shabat ha’shechora)

b)  The Altalena Affair

c)  The "Unfortunate Affair" (parashat esek ha’bish).

d)  The Syrian armored attack on Degania



https://youtu.be/9q09ui2jBaU  – In honor of the Yartzeit of Rav Belsky’s composition Shimru Shabsosai beautiful


https://youtu.be/lLMjOUH2DjU  - Ki Keil Melech- a brand new Eitan Katz niggun and release. Amazing!


https://youtu.be/Q2uWgOkiycI – Moshav Band with a Tu Bishvat inspiring song Adam Eitz Ha’Sadeh


https://twitter.com/i/status/1483486345939066889 - Incredible video of Reb Hershel Shachter singing HaBein Yakir Li with his wife on the piano. Holiness..


https://youtu.be/HJ75MiANJBg - Yes!! Abie Rottenberg and Baruch Levine in this amazing Musical journey of his greatest hits.




Remembering the Day -Parshat Yisro- We have finally reached the ten commandments and of course the “official” mitzva of Shabbos. Zachor es yom Ha’Shabbos l’kadsho- remember the day of Shabbos to sanctify it. In the second recounting of the Ten commandments in Devarim the Torah changes the terminology and tells us Shamor es Yom ha’shabbos- we should guard the day of Shabbos. These two aspects we’re told reflect both the positive commandment of remembering and all of the negative commandments of refraining to do work. I believe that most of understand and relate to the negative thou shall nots aspects of Shabbos with it’s myriad of laws and details, but on the other hand the commandment in our Parsha of Remembering the day we really don’t get. What does it mean to remember the day?


The most obvious explanation of this mitzva is of course the biblical command we have each week to make Kiddush. To sanctify the day with our statement that today is the day of Shabbos. Rashi and other meforshim all understand that the mitzva to remember the Shabbos is not just a once a week mitzva. It’s a mitzva that we have all week long. If you see something nice and tasty during the week, then buy it for Shabbos. In doing so you fulfill the mitzva of remembering the Shabbos on Wednesday or Tuesday even!. As well when we recite our daily psalm that was recited in the Temple at the end of our morning service it begins with the words “today is the _____ day of Shabbos. Again another mitzva of remembering the Shabbos during the week, by counting all days for Shabbos. Amazing!


But perhaps even most fascinating is the Ohr Ha’Chaim Ha’Kadosh who tells us that merely saying the word Shabbos is already a fulfillment of the Mitzva. For the Zohar tells us that Shabbos is a name of Hashem and whenever we say the word Shabbos we infuse the world with that holiness that comes when we say the name of Hashem. In fact my dear friend Reb Sruly Besser in his weekly “Real World” parsha talk mentioned that in the old days the men in the Mikva would wish each other a gutten zibenteh- a good seventh day as they didn’t want to say the name Shabbos- a name of God when they in a room where there were people in stages of undress.


The story goes of Reb Aryeh Levin who after davening on Friday night would walk over to the Kotel on Friday Night and wish each soldier individually a “Gut Shabbos”. His son once asked him why in his  advanced age and perhaps even in the cold winter this was such an important task for him that could sometimes take over and hour. He responded that each soldier that says the words Good Shabbos, or Shabbat Shalom back to him fulfills this positive commandment of the Torah to remember the day of Shabbos. Such an important mitzva and such an easy one to share with every Jew. In the merit of our Good Shabboses that we say Hashem blesses us with the best gift that He possesses.




The Sins of Shlomo- 827 BC-   With the wisdom of Shlomo and the wealth comes corruption. The Navi is harsh with Shlomo in describing his fall. The Torah gives various commandments to a King who is pretty much given free reign in many areas. Yet the Torah tells us that he is not to get a lot of horses for fear that he may take people down to Egypt. As well he is not allowed to take too many wives, the maximuim being 18. Well according to our sages Shlomo went a bit overboard on both of those counts. Our sages tell us that he had over 900 wives and 300 concubines. Which if you make a cheshbon pretty much makes him in Sheva Brachos every week of his life. Although being the smartest of all men, I’m sure he was never short any Sheva Brachos Torah.


To make matters even worse most of his wives were not even Jewish. They were from all of the nations of the world. Ammonites, Moabits, Hittites and even the daughter of Pharaoh who he married the same night as the Temple dedication. According to some commentaries these wives converted, yet it is clear that their conversions weren’t sincere as they continued to worship idols afterwards and even build altars on Har Kamosh – which is another name for the Mt. of Olives which is dierectly across from the Temple Mount. When he married Pharoah’s daughter she got him inebriated and he even slept through the Temple dedication and sacrifice on opening day! His mother Batsheva was sent to awaken him and boy did she give it to him. Incidentally the source that we have for the last time of prayer- sof zma tefilla being the 4th hour of daylight is because that’s when Kings arise actually comes from that first morning when Shlomo slept in!


The reason for Shlomo’s downfall really is because our sages tell us that he was too smart for himself. He thought the rules and laws don’t apply to him. He obviously did he what he did for the sake of heaven. He thought by making these marriage allegiances he would be bringing all of the nations of the world closer to Hashem. He felt it was the Messianic era. The Temple was built. He was the 15th generation since Abraham. The moon so to speak was at its peak. Yet he failed. And the moon set. Hashem said that he would not avenge Shlomo in his lifetime in the merit of Dovid his father, but ultimately his kingdom would be doomed. And thus the era of the greatness of Israel begins to fall.



 “Parenthood is a journey except it's just traveling from room to room putting away the same toys all day long.”

 “Parenting is mostly just informing kids how many more minutes they have of something.”

 “I asked my mom if I was adopted. She said, ‘Not yet, but we placed an ad.’"

 “My favorite part of parenting is after I drop my kids off at school. I’m kidding. It’s after they go to bed.”

 “Having children is like living in a frat house — nobody sleeps, everything's broken, and there's a lot of throwing up.”

 “Save your voice calling for your kids. Just open a bag of chips and they'll materialize out of nowhere.”

 “Hell hath no fury like a toddler who’s sandwich has been cut into squares when they wanted triangles.”

 “According to my kid, the perfect amount of time to stay at the park is five more minutes.”

 “A two-year old is kind of like having a blender, but you don't have a top for it.”

 What am I doing right now, you want to know? I’m currently helping my son search for his chocolate that I ate last night.

 Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing."

 Before having a kid the most important thing to ask yourself is: Am I ready to watch the exact same cartoon on repeat for the next 4 years?”

 “Having one child makes you a parent. Having two kids makes you a referee.”

 “Can’t find your kids? Don’t worry; sit on the toilet. They’ll find you.”

 “Just because I'm a mom doesn't mean I'm not spontaneous anymore. Will I get out of these pajama pants today? Maybe... maybe NOT. You just don't know.”

“Then suddenly you're a mom declaring ownership over swept dirt on the kitchen floor yelling DON’T YOU DARE WALK THROUGH MY DIRT PILE!”

 “Hi, my daughter will be late to school because she can zip her jacket by herself."

 cience fiction legend Isaac Asimov related this story about his Jewish mother in “It's Been a Good Life.”

“My mother, who came from Russian, decided to go to night school and learn how to write English. One of the teachers finally asked her, ‘Pardon me, Mrs. Asimov, are you by any chance a relation of the brilliant Isaac Asimov?’”

“My mother, who was four feet, ten inches tall, drew herself up to her full height and said, proudly, ‘Yes. He is my dear son.’”

“‘Aha,’ said the teacher, ‘no wonder you’re such a good writer.’”

“‘I beg your pardon,' said my mother, freezingly. ‘No wonder he’s such a good writer.’


Answer is A – I believe they messed up this question at least the first part. There were 11 bridges blown up the night of the bridges by Israel fighter forces to send the message to the British that they weren’t letting us in, so we’re not letting them in. However in the North on the Jordan River there was Gesher Bnos Yaakov which I knew and guessed but it’s not near the Yarmuk which is lower by Chamat Gader and Naharayim. The Bridge over there which I forgot the name originally is called El Chamma bridge but that’s not on the Jordan. So I’m not sure what they wanted. I’m going to count my answer as correct as it is over the Jordan although I suspect that they wanted the other one. Part 2 of the question was easy the aftermath of them blowing up the bridges was that the British went nuts on Shabbos and raided and arrested tons of Hagana and Irgun soldiers. So the score is now Schwartz 9.5 and 2.5 for MOT (Ministry of Tourism) on this exam.

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