
Our view of the Galile

Friday, June 24, 2022

Azza Audacity- Parshat Korach 2022 5782



Insights and Inspiration

from the

Holy Land


Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

"Your friend in Karmiel"

June 24th 2022 -Volume 11 Issue 37 25th Sivan 5782


Parshat Korach


Azza Audacity


It was in my opinion it was the blackest day of the history of the State of Israel. It was August 15th 2005. But perhaps the more significant date was that it was the 10th of Av; the day that we are told when the real destruction of our Temples burnt to the ground after its fires were started on Tish B’Av. I was sitting with my tourists in the Gush Katif Museum located in the Golan Heights where 20 families had moved to after being thrown out of their homes by the Israeli government on that day. Yossi was there and was sharing with us his story- but again, a more accurate word would probably be the nightmare- that he and his family along with the other 8600 residents of the 17 settlements that had dedicated their best years building, that had put suffered so many tragedies and overcame so many challenges developing. On that one day that all came crashing down. The government that had sent them there, that had encouraged them to settle the land of our ancestors and that had repeatedly told them of the strategic significance of their lives there betrayed them.


Yossi, recalled that day for us. They had naively believed that it would never happen. There was so much support from communities around Israel. In his house on that day there were 40 youths, friends of his children and friends of those friends. He hadn’t packed a thing in his house. Everything was the way that it always was. Their clothing in their drawers, their silverware in their cupboards, their bookshelves full of all their holy books. It wasn’t that he was fooling himself or living in denial. By that day when thousands of soldiers marched in the gates of their settlement of Kfar Darom, named after the city of the Mishnaic sage Rabbi Eliezer Ben Yitzchak who lived in the ancient city of that same name nearby, to remove them, they knew that their worst fears were about to be realized.


Yet, in Yossi’s word, he believed that if the soldiers came into their house and they saw a Jewish home with all of it’s holy books on the shelves, with it’s mezuza proudly on the door and with its Shabbos table candelabra and Kiddush cup all set, that somehow they would realize the travesty of what they were about to do. That the army of Israel and they themselves as soldiers of that army who had dedicated their lives to ideologically and spiritually to build and defend the State and its citizens was not there to throw Jewish families as our enemies had done to us throughout our 2000-year-old exile in every other country, from our houses, our homes and our communities.


But he was wrong. The soldiers that were selected for this horrible task were brainwashed. They selected soldiers from elite units that had too much to lose to disobey orders. It was like talking to robots. They were given a few hours to pack up their things and then they would have to leave or suffer being forcibly removed by the very army that Yossi was decorated and had received heroic medals serving in. And so tearfully they packed up their stuff.


As they exited their house an army of soldiers dressed appropriately in black stood in their yard to escort them out of the settlement to the waiting bus. Yossi, however told the soldiers that they needed to leave his yard. He would leave and he would walk with his family and entourage to the buses without any force, but he didn’t want any soldiers standing there. They left his yard and stood out on the street and Yossi once again barked at them to move out away from his home. This was a march that he felt strongly that he didn’t want any military standing around him or his children when he walked it. And once again the soldiers respectfully complied.


When I asked Yossi why he felt so strongly about this, his answer brought tears to my eyes. He told me that he knew that what was happening was a decree from Hashem. It was not something that was explainable. It was something that had a bigger and greater plan. It didn’t make any sense to him, but many things don’t. Yet he knew that his children would be traumatized and that they would never forget this moment. What was most important to him though, was that his children should never confuse what was happening to them with the Israeli army; with the soldiers that were carrying out this harsh decree of Hashem that was implemented by the secular if not wicked government. He wanted his children to one day have the privilege and honor, as he felt he had, in serving in the army. In putting their lives on the line for the nation of Israel and to defend the country Hashem had promised our ancestors and returned us to. He didn’t want this moment to scar their relationship with the love and dedication to Eretz Yisrael and its brave fighters that he spent his and their whole lives inspiring them about.


Much as the Jews that went into Exile in the times of Nebuchadnezzar or the Romans after the destruction of the 1st and 2nd Temples on this very day thousands of years prior to the expulsion from Gaza, recognized that it wasn’t the gentiles that were culpable, but rather mipnei chata’aeinu galinu mei’artzeinu- because of our sins were exiled from our land. So, he felt that this was the plan of Hashem and that his children should know that as Jews we need to point our fingers inward rather than at the messengers of Hashem that carry out His harsh decrees.


Yossi’s story seared into my heart and brain as I opened up this weeks Parsha of Korach. I read the Rashi and Midrash about Korach’s claim to Moshe of a house that is full of Jewish books shouldn’t need a Mezuza on it. A Jew that is wearing a garment made entirely of blue wool shouldn’t require tzitzis and I think about Yossi’s house. I think about Jewish houses and how many of them just like his throughout all our generations we had to leave. That we were exiled from. That had become swallowed up by the earth as Korach’s house did. They are Jewish houses. They are holy. They are full of Mitzvos. I can understand how an enemy of ours, A Nazi, A Crusader, an Arab army or a Roman or Babylonian could so heartlessly throw us out of and destroy those “small temples” we had built. But if Yossi was shocked that an Israeli soldier could do such a thing, how can we not stand perplexed of how Hashem, Who is really behind the scenes, could allow such a thing to happen to us.


This was the dilemma of Korach. This was his claim. The nation is holy, our homes are perfect. We all heard Hashem, not long before reveal Himself to us and we witnessed the miracles that took place. Can it be that we would lose that stature? That we need an intermediary. That we would lose it all one day and be swallowed up alive by the very ground that we were chosen to elevate Him from?


Sadly and tragically the answer is yes. The answer is yes, we can lose it all because we are missing the one most important component. We are forgetting that it’s not about our homes, our sefarim, our families and our ideologies. It’s about revealing the will and presence of Hashem in this world. It’s not about what we think. It’s about what He wants. Our sages tell us that Korach was a smart person, yet he was fooled by his vision, perhaps even spiritual vision, of the way that history was meant to play it out. He saw Shmuel that would anoint Dovid Ha’melech come out of his descendants. But the problem was einav’ hi’ta’aso- his own eye fooled him. It’s not about our vision, even our religious vision. It’s about Hashem’s plan and will.


Yossi stood outside of that bus with his family and told them that this was not the first time that Jews were thrown out of our homes. In Gush Etzion the four settlements were massacred by the Arabs in the War of Independence. It took us 19 years until the 6- Day war to return and restore Jewish life to the hills were Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov and the tribes of Israel had lived. We will return here, he told them. But that was easier. There it was the gentiles that had thrown us out. The fact that this is happening by our own people is much more harsh. It is a sign we have much more that we have to fix, to rectify, to atone and do teshuva for. But we will return. It may take a year, five years, ten years or twenty or fifty years. It may seem like a long time, but we are an eternal nation, and relative to eternity fifty or even a hundred years (god forbid) is not even a drop in the bucket.


When I asked Yossi, where he gets his strength and conviction from, he told me about his daughter Chelli (short for Rachel). When Chelli was in third grade, a young girl of 9, she was traveling on a bus to school in the neighboring settlement and their bus suffered a missile attack from Arabs from who had targeted the school bus with the knowledge that it was full of school children. The two teachers sitting in the seat in front of her were killed and she was grazed by the missile that flew over her head, that had it been a millimeter lower…. Lo aleinu…we shouldn’t know. When he was wheeling his daughter who had been injured by shrapnel in her wheelchair a few weeks later around his Yishuv, she turned to him and said


Abba, y’know that in everything bad that happens, one has to see the and find the good


He turned to her and looked incredulously into her innocent and pure little 9-year-old eyes and asked her what she meant. And so Chelli elaborated for her simple father. She said


Hashem is good. And everything that He does has a purpose is good. So therefore, if something happens it must be that there is something good that is going on that we haven’t figured out yet. So we need to look for it. He wants us to find it.”


Once again, my thoughts turned to this parsha of Korach and it’s aftermath. The fire pans that remained and were burned from the incense offering that was used were dedicated and used to cover the altar in the Mishkan. It is mindboggling to think about. These tools that were used to rebel against Hashem became the covering for the mizbayach were all of our sacrifices were brought.


The Shem MiShmuel powerfully explains that what drove Korach and his men to the point of rebellion was their chutzpa. Their holy audacity that would not stop at anything to achieve their goal. Jewish chutzpa is a good thing. We are told that we should be bold like a leopard. Yet, it needs to be humbled at the altar. When they brought their incense offering by the command of Moshe they did so with holy intents. That holiness permeated those pans. Yet they were misdirected. They weren’t humbled to accept the will of Hashem. They needed to be integrated in the mizbayach where we sacrifice our own will and desire to that of our Creator. We need Chelli’s  and Yossi’s insight to recognize what is Hashem’s will and what is our own and then to try to find the good in His will. That then becomes the altar that atones for all of our sins. That is what will then return us back to our home.


There is a shul in Gush Katif that was discovered from the period of the Mishna 1800 years ago, with a mosaic floor that had a picture of King David playing a harp on it. Dovid lived in the Gaza strip for many years when he hid from Shaul. Our ancestors from the period of Avraham and Yitzchak who lived in Gerar through the Mishna, the Talmud and  in the 14th and 15th century was the largest Jewish settlement in Eretz Yisrael. In Hebrew and in the Torah it is called Azza- which also means chutzpa. It is that chutzpa that brought us there. It is holy Jewish audacity that returned Jews to those desolate sand dunes to rebuild and to plant in what the Arab for centuries called ‘cursed land’. And it is that same Jewish chutzpa and those shovels and pans of the sacrifices that have been made there and the recognition that the kavod Hashem is what is most important. As He is always good. It is those holy heroes that will merit for that harp of Dovid once again play the song of redemption in our land.



Have a remarkably holy Shabbos, 

Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz



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“A yid hot acht un tsvantzik pretzent pached, tsvey pretzent  tzuker, un zibentzik pretzent chutzpe A Jew is twenty-eight percent fear, two percent sugar, and seventy percent chutzpah.



answer below at end of Email


33)  The ceremony of the declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel  took place on (date): ____________


The  "Declaration of Independence" includes:

A)  The Partition Resolution

B)  The name of Jerusalem

C)  The borders of the State of Israel

D)  The construction of the Temple in the future 




https://soundcloud.com/ephraim-schwartz/yedid-nefesh -  BRAND NEW RABBI SCHWARTZ COMPOSITION THIS WEEK- listen to my newest song arranged and sung by Dovid Lowy! Use it this Shalosh Seudos and every one from now on and get extra Rabbi Schwartz points…


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e8aAdlfU5o   Mordechai Shapiro’s new Dancing in the Rain with lyrics…


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCZuNTdniDM    -Ba’Sof Yehiyeh Tov- Perfect song for this E-Mail from Asaf Harosh


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i558zXzbHg -Loving Joey Newcombs latest song also great for this week’s Email Hakol Mei-ito everythings from Him


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ukmz7glYA7Q -And check out his new Morroco Medley




Clothing Check- Korach – Korach has a place in infamy in Jewish history as being the man and his congregation that rebelled against Moshe and was swallowed up by the earth. Rashi notes that this parsha and story is adjacent to the mitzva of Tzitzit and he brings the Midrash that tells us that Korach approached Moshe in a garment made entirely out of the special blue Techelet thread that one wears on his 4 cornered garment to fulfill the commandment. He mocked Moshe saying that a garment made entirely out of tzitzit shouldn’t be obligated in strings as it is entirely blue. Similarly, the Jewish people shouldn’t require any special spiritual mediators between them and God. The entire nation is holy. We don’t need you or Aharon or the Levites to intermediate.


Korach was wrong. Our sages tell us that he was a great man; a scholar and even leader. But he was motivated by an awareness of the greatness of Hashem and his revelation in this world and expanding that. The thing that he was missing was humility. An awareness of the frailty of man and his distance from Hashem. The awesomeness of Hashem is certainly meant to engender a feeling of greatness of us and our potential and particularly the nation chosen by Hashem to reveal that to the world. But it has to be premised on a sense of humility and a feeling of negating one’s own ego to reveal that.


The Techelet on our clothing is there to take the simple clothes which cover up our bodies as just as Adam in the garden of Eden after he sinned was aware of the desire that runs through him. We as well have that yetzer harah that challenges us and can bring us down. So we wear clothing to cover that up. In Hebrew the word for clothing is begged- which also means to rebel. The clothing and our out-of-control desires are covered up to make us realize that naturally left as is our desires and bodies can run us amok. We are rebels. The Techelet that shows us upon that we can turn towards our purpose to service Hashem and keep our eyes to him. Korach was missing that point. And only saw the higher Techelet purpose. And thus, he sinned and failed.


Each Erev Shabbos our sages tell us


Chayav adam limashemesh begodov lifney Shabbos- Each Friday we need to check our clothing before Shabbos in order that we don’t forget something in our clothing and walk outside and carry it. The Nesivos Shalom sees in that phrase a deeper lesson. The letters of the word Shabbos also spell when rearranged the word boshes- shame. Each Erev Shabbos we need to check our begodim- our clothing or rebellions before Shabbos. We need to think about our week the sins we have committed and the distance we have grown in our weekdays from the holy place of Shabbos. It brings us as sense of humility and busha and we can then enter in Shabbos and reach our tachlis- the purpose of shamayim and aretz as we say in our prayers. The essence of all of creation.


We all wear special clothes on Shabbos, but as we place them on it our sages say we shouldn’t get carried away with this special day and holiness that we will get and experience. Start off checking those clothing. Remembering the humility of the week. Then you know you are truly wearing Shabbos clothes.




Yonah Ben Amitai 750 BC –So, we’ll take a break from our chronological People, places and Eras and quickly cover the reading that is the crux of our Yom Kippur Mincha Torah reading; the Book of Yonah. Yonah ben Amitai was a prophet in the times of the First Temple in the period of the King Yerava’am the second, a few decades before the 10 tribes of the north were exiled. There are various seemingly contradictory midrashim as to his early roots, Chazal put him much earlier at the period of Eliyahu Hanavi, being the child of the woman that he brought back to life. There are some sources that suggest he was from the tribe of Zevulun and others from the tribe of Asher.

It’s a famous story that every kindergarten child learns. But here in Israel, as always I try to connect and make the story more real and experiential by visiting sites where we can live it. So in a nut shell there are three parts of the story. Part 1) Hashem tells Yonah to go to Ninveh, which is near Mosul in Iraq, and tell them to do Teshuva. Yep Iraq was wicked back then as well. Yonah didn’t want to. He felt that if he got them to repent it would reflect bad on the Jewish people who were not repenting despite the rebuke they had gotten. So he goes to Yaffo/Jaffa to chap a ship to Tarshish which it seems is a city today called Tarsus in in Central Turkey. The idea being that if he fled the land of Israel then Hashem could not appear to him, as Hashem only reveals prophecy in Israel. This of course is story that I share by the port of Yaffo, today and you can even see a little film in the visitor center there.

The second part of the story is when he goes out to the sea and a huge storm comes and he allows himself to be thrown overboard, once it becomes apparent that it was Hashem sending the storm in his honor. The cast lots and his number came up… He gets swallowed by a fish (or possibly 2 or 3 according to the midrash) and he davens to Hashem and he is expelled he goes to Ninveh and gets them to repent. This story I like to share when I stand by the water of the Mediteranean and its stormy, so you can get a feel of what it felt like. That happens a lot by Rosh Hanikra. As well when I walk down into the grottos there I always feel like I’m going into the belly of the whale. Alternatively, in Eilat when you go to the underwater observatory you get a feel for that underwater experience of Yonah.

The third part of the story or the epilogue is Yonah sitting in the heat and he complains about the heat. Hashem lets a Kikayon tree grow above him. He feels great, until Hashem sends a worm to eat up the tree and it dies. Yonah faints from the heat and tells Hashem that it’s too much for him to bear. Hashem then points out to him that if he is concerned with the death of a tree, Hashem certainly needs to be concerned with an entire city. The Kikayon tree according to most biblical botanists- yeah that’s a real thing is castor been tree- although I’ve certainly seen it translated as a gourd tree, but I guess this castor must be some type of gourd. At least that’s what they tell me it is when I take my tourists to Neot Kedumim which the place to go to learn about biblical agriculture. 

That’s our story. Now it’s up to you on Yom Kippur to find the deeper meaning and inspiration behind this story.


The definition of chutzpah:

Is the man who killed his parents who asks for mercy from the court.

The judge asks “On what grounds should we grant you mercy?”

Man “On the account of I’m an orphan!”


What is the definition of chutzpah – it’s when someone is being treated for a multi-personality disorder and wants a……..group discount


Q: Did you hear about the Jewish ATM? A: When you take out some money, it says to you, what did you do with the last $50 I gave you?


A little old lady sold pretzels on a street corner for a dollar each. Every day a young man would leave his office building at lunch time and as he passed the pretzel stand he would leave her $1.00, but never take a pretzel.

This offering went on for more than 3 years. The two of them never spoke. One day as the young man passed the old lady's stand and left his dollar as usual, the pretzel lady spoke to him for the first time in over 3 years. Without blinking an eye she said: "They're $1.25 now."


2 Jewish guys are walking down a street when they see a Catholic church with a sign out front that says "Convert today and get $1000 dollars". The first Jewish guy says "Can you believe their chutzpah, thinking someone would convert for money?!".

 The other Jewish guy says "A thousand dollars?! I'm gonna go for it!" and runs into the church.

Well the first guy is shocked, he stands outside waiting for his friend who comes out 30 minutes later counting hundred dollar bills. The first guy says to his friend "I cannot believe you! How can you turn your back on your religion, your family, forsake every spiritual thing you held dear, for $1000 dollars?!"

The other guy looks up from counting his money and says "Wow, it's always about money with you people, isn't it?"


A little Jewish grandmother gets on the crowded bus and discovers that she doesn’t have the correct change for the fare.

The driver says, “I’m sorry ma’am but without the correct fare you can’t ride.”

She places her hand gently on her chest and says, “If you knew what I had, you’d be nicer to me.”


He lets her ride. She tries to move down the crowded aisle, but people won’t make way for her. She places her hand gently on her chest and says, “If you knew what I had, you’d be nicer to me.”

The crowd parts like the Red Sea. She reaches the back of the bus where there are no seats. No one gets up. She places her hand gently on her chest and says, “If you knew what I had, you’d be nicer to me.”

Several people jump up and insist that she take their seat. She settles into a good one by the window.

A woman leans over to her and says, “I know this is none of my business, but just what is it that you’ve got?”

The little Jewish grandmother grins and says, “Chutzpah.”


Issy is walking down the road with his friend Max after listening to him go on and on kvetching for a n hour. when he suddenly says.

 You know what, Max, You’re a walking economy”.

Whatever do you mean by that?” Asks Max.

Well , it’s likely this…. your hair line is in recession, your stomach is a victim of inflation and the combination of these factors about you is putting me into a depression!”


Yankel from Williamsburg puts up a sign that says “Boat for sale”

Yoily, his friend says, “But Yankel you only own a house and a car”

“Dat’s right” Yankel responded “And dey are boat for sale”



Answer is A  So I copped out a bit on this one, and imaginably I got the answer technically correct. I wrote that the date was the 5th of Iyar 1948. That was easy. I know when Yom Ha’Atzmaut is. On the other hand I wasn’t sure of the secular date, so I didn’t write it. If I had to guess I probably would’ve written the 5th of May which is wrong.


 It was actually the 14th of May. If they would’ve asked me when Cinco de Mayo is though I would’ve gotten that right. But the truth is since they didn’t specify what date (Hebrew or secular) I imaginably would’ve gotten the answer right. The second part of the answer though was fairly easy. They didn’t mention Jerusalem, certainly Jerusalem’s old city wasn’t even part of the State until 1967 and they didn’t know if they would get it. It was even controversial if they would mention Hashem or God and they settled on “Tzur Yisrael” the rock of Israel which could be open to definition with Ben Gurion begging that should suffice and not be forced to put to a vote, so forget about the building of the Temple. And no, they didn’t mention borders as they had no clue what the borders would be when the declaration was made what they would be.


 The correct answer, which is the Partition plan was mentioned as part of the justification for the establishment of the State. This is the final answer on this exam for the multiple choice section and so the final score would be Schwartz 25.5 and 6.5 for MOT (Ministry of Tourism) on this exam.

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