
Our view of the Galile

Friday, June 10, 2022

Short and Sweet- Parshat Beha'aloscha 2022 5782


Insights and Inspiration

from the

Holy Land


Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

"Your friend in Karmiel"

June 10th 2022 -Volume 11 Issue 35 11th Sivan 5782

Parshat Behaloscha 

Short and Sweet


It was a radical change for me. See, in Seattle most of my shul did not read Hebrew. I would encourage them to daven in English while I read the prayers out loud in Hebrew. Davening wasn’t meant to be their Hebrew reading practicing time, rather it was meant to be their conversation with Hashem and thus should be in the language they understood. I used to intersperse our Shabbos morning service with explanations. Throughout each Shabbos morning service I would stop and talk about different parts of the tefilla; he blessings, the different psalms, Shema, e and of course the main silent amida and its structure. It was interactive. It made the teffila more meaningful and it challenged me to find new insights and ideas into the prayers I had been reciting since youth but sadly never really appreciated the depth that can and should be found in them. It was one of the main reasons I got into the field of Jewish outreach work in the first place. To make my yiddishkeit more real, inspirational and truthfully holier. There’s nothing like a few newbies drinking it all in to give you a sense that we truly have something special.


Now I’m generally a fast davener. The words just flow out as soon as I take my three steps back and forward and shift into gear. I’m talking to Hashem and frankly I’m a fast talker. When I was back in yeshiva though I would shlep my davening out really long in order to look really cool and yeshivish- isn’t it amazing what yeshiva guys think is cool? But I would find that while I did that I generally spaced out in the middle and found myself thinking about my upcoming exams. How I was going to get out of shiur or just where I was going to go out for dinner. Because it was Wednesday night and in yeshiva they were serving that old macaroni again, and Carvel had a buy one get one free sundae on Wednesdays. Now I would usually go with Rechnitz but he wasn’t feeling well, I didn’t see him by lunch. But maybe he was just cutting out of the exams that we had. So maybe I can go with Goldberg or Bassman….hmmm… Modim anachnu lach- bow down. Oops I’m in middle of Shemona esrey. See what I mean.


As I got older, I became more focused on just talking to Hashem. Saying the words of the prayer that I knew by heart and actually saying them and pretty much only them to Hashem. No extra thoughts, no space-outs, no ice cream. The trick I found was speed. If I was standing or drifting too much, I would lose it. This worked out well in my Seattle shul because they were reading in English and I didn’t want to lose them either by having them wait for me. We were all happy. We all talked to Hashem and then we had chulent.


Upon moving to Israel and starting my shul here though it was a decidedly different type of congregation. Almost all my congregants were religious and davening for years. Many of them were yeshiva graduates and black hat Kollel guys. They had loooong Shmona esrey amidas like most yeshiva guys do. After a few weeks it became patently obvious that there was a problem with the Rabbi- namely-“moui”. Because rather than what happens in most shuls where the congregation waits for the Rabbi to finish praying before continuing with the repetition of the amida, I was waiting for everyone else. I remember calling up my Rebbe and telling him how awkward it was being the first to finish. He reassured me that I wasn’t the first one. I had good company. No less of a Rabbinic figure than  the great Reb Chaim Brisker had the same problem.


It seems, he told me, that Reb Chaim also used to daven pretty quickly. Upon receiving his first rabbinic position his congregants began to complain. "What type of Rabbi do we have, who finishes davening so fast.?!" One of his backers on the board decided to try to preempt the problem and sat down with the Rav and told him what the problem was. The congregants were disappointed that the Rav finished davening so quick. It doesn’t look right. The Rabbi should be praying longer than the congregants not shorter. Reb Chaim asked the friend what he should do. After all, he said the prayers, he was done. There was nothing left to say. What does he want from him? The friend hesitantly suggested that perhaps the Rav would just remain standing in one place, as if he were still davening , perhaps he could be thinking about a Rambam or something else in learning during that time and then take his steps back a few minutes later. Rav Chaim looked at him and smiled. “I’m already doing that…” he said. Boom!


Now I don’t know if it’s a true story or not. But it certainly made me feel a whole lot better. If it could work for Reb Chaim then although I’m certainly nowhere near that great giant’s level and I’m sure that he accomplished more in his short prayer and had more kavana and connection with Hashem than I will ever have on my deepest Yom Kippur tefilla. But if he could get away with it with his baalei batim /congregants than I could mine as well.


The truth of the matter though there is something to be said for short and sweet prayers. Our sages tell us


Shulchan Aruch OC (1:4) Tov me’at im kavana mei’harbos b’lo kavana-  


It is better to have a little bit of supplications with intent and concentration than a lot without intent and concentration. This is even a law that is brought in Shulchan Aruch- the code of Jewish Law and the Taz even suggests that too much prayer can be a reason why he might have less kavana.

But even prior to the Shulchan Aruch we find this concept in last week’s Torah portion of Naso- for those of us in Israel and this week’s Torah portion of Behaloscha. At least according to the brilliant insight of the Ksav Sofer and with it perhaps an even deeper idea as to why one should perhaps focus more upon the succinctness of their prayer rather than trying to pack in as much as you can.


In Parshat Naso we are given the mitzva of the blessing of the Kohanim. In Israel we get to hear that every single day and twice on Shabbos! It’s awesome and worthwhile to move here just for that blessing. The Torah tells us Hashem commands Moshe to tell Aharon and his children


Bamidbar (6:23-28) This is how you shall bless the children of Israel, saying to them: "May Hashem bless you and watch over you.

May Hashem cause His countenance to shine to you and favor you.

May Hashem raise His countenance toward you and grant you peace.

"They shall bestow My Name upon the children of Israel, so that I will bless them.

It’s a holy blessing. The perfect blessing …After all Hashem Himself created it for us. Yet… I don’t know about you, but most people probably wouldn’t mind Hashem throwing in a line or two about some “real” things. Maybe that I should have a good living? Maybe that I should marry off my children? How about health, or wisdom? I mean don’t’ get me wrong. I have nothing against favor, peace and countenance (whatever that is… it sounds good). But I’ve got some real things I could use as well. Once Hashem is commanding the Kohanim to give us a blessing, what’s wrong with them asking us what our problems are and then having them bless us based on our needs?


He answers incredibly with a powerful Midrash. It says the Jewish people upon hearing this commandment for the Kohanim told Hashem, just the opposite. They said


“You have commanded the Kohanim to bless. All we need is Your blessing and from Your mouth…”

Hashem responded and told them


“Fear not, even though I told the Kohanim to bless you I will stand with them and bless you.”

The Ksav Sofer explains that the Jewish people understood that despite the fact that the Kohanim might bless them even for their particular personal needs, but ultimately Hashem is the only one that really knows what is right for me. Maybe it would be a terrible thing for me to be rich. Maybe it is the right time for me to get married, to have children or even to be healed from my illness. Maybe I am going through whatever challenges I have because that is precisely what is right and even better for me. I want Hashem to bless me. All we really need is what He determines is best for us. Hashem answers and tell the Jewish people, “Don’t worry it will be me giving the blessing." Their blessing- their words are only there to rest My presence upon you. But ultimately your blessing will come from Me.


In an almost identical idea he explains Moshe’s prayer for Miriam his sister who was stricken by leprosy. Moshe prays for her to be healed in the shortest prayer in the Torah


Bamidbar (12:13) Kel na refah na lah- Please Hashem heal her”


That’s it. Four words. Talk about a short Shmona Esrei… Rashi on the spot notes the brevity of Moshe’s tefilla and comments


Why did Moshe not pray at length? In order that the Children of Israel should not say ‘His sister is in distress, and he stands and prays a great deal’

Talk about badkvetchy, fault-finding congregants? The man’s sister is sick, and you begrudge him a long prayer on her behalf?! How could anyone blame him for praying long and hard for her healing? Answers the Ksav Sofer that the meaning of Rashi is quite the opposite. See, really all one needs to do is have a short prayer, quick and short to the point. You know what you would want and need. Ask Hashem for it and you're good to go. A long prayer just shows a lack of faith, as if I am trying to direct Hashem to do what I think is right for me.


Alternatively, the Talmud tells us that sometimes it is appropriate to think a lot during prayer. That is when you are davening for someone that you are not so close with.


 “A person who is praying for his friend should pray until he gets sick over him.”

To ask Hashem on behalf of someone else, one needs to feel the pain and trouble that the person they are praying for is in. You have to entirely feel as if you are the one that is sick. That you personally are the one that needs the healing hand of Hashem. You need to empathize entirely and then turn to God. But that is only necessary for someone you’re not close with.


 If Moshe would’ve prayed for a long time for his sister, it would’ve been a desecration of Hashem’s name, the Ksav Sofer suggests Rashi is saying. The people would’ve said, ‘Why does he need so long to pray for her?’. She’s his sister. He should be able to empathize right away. He should be feeling her pain immediately and quickly telling Hashem to heal her. Perhaps he has a grudge against her. Perhaps he was offended. Maybe he’s not so close to her as he should be. Therefore, Moshe davened a short prayer. He didn’t have any ill will against his sister. He felt her pain and he understood that proper prayer is short and concise without any need to tell Hashem how to do His job.


 Reb Chaim Kanievsky Zt’L was one of the greatest Rabbis of our times. People would come from all over the world for his blessings and to ask for his prayers on their behalf. The multitude of stories about his incredible power of saying just a few words and boom that always were on target are way too many to chalk off to legend. The man was connected upstairs and the things that he said and the blessings he gave worked. But what was fascinating and frustrating to most people that went to him is that his entire blessing or prayer never consists of more than a few words. His most common blessing was not even a word, it was just an acronym of 2 words. ‘BooHa!’ which stands for bracha v’hatzlacha-blessing and success. I always joked that when I get to that level I’m just going to say Boo! But Reb Chaim was no joking matter.


 Most people assumed that the reason he was so concise is because he didn’t want to disturb himself from his learning Torah which he was constantly studying. And that’s definitely true. But I believe that Reb Chaim if he felt it was necessary would’ve disturbed his Torah for hours to help and to do anything for another Jew. Rather, it was because Reb Chaim understood the lesson and secret of the Ksav Sofer; of what prayer and blessing is all about. Less is more when it comes to davening. Don’t elaborate on the blessing, make it as simple as possible. Let Hashem stand next to that simple blessing and may He be the one to bless you with what is right. Telling Him what to do detracts from what is right. All you need is a little BooHa and you’re in good hands.


 Yet, people still tried to tell Reb Chaim a little more. They’d grab his hand and try to explain fruitlessly what they really wanted. It usually didn’t help. And perhaps it doesn’t help in our own prayers as well. I know I could get in trouble for this idea, but hey, this is not a weekly publicly read magazine J. It’s just us friends here I don’t have to be as politically correct J. But it’s something to think about when we daven. Perhaps just focus a bit more on the words our Rabbis told us to say and leave out all the extra thoughts and ideas we feel we need to give to Hashem when we daven. A little with concentration could be more. It could be Tov- as our Rabbis said. Now if only I can figure out how to make these E-Mails shorter as well….sigh….


Have a GS or a SS,  

Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz


This week's Insights and Inspiration is sponsored by my dear friend and avid Holyland reader (especially the Era’a and Places column)  Ezra Cohen in honor of his niece Ruthi’s Travises wedding this past Tuesday in Modi’in. Mazel Tov to his sister Eeta, our good friend from Norfolk on this beautiful Simcha… May you only have simcha and nachas from all your kinderlach and may the young couple grow together to build a bayis ne’eman b’yisrael.

Mazel Tov!



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Final time for Kriyas Shema – 9:04 AM


MAARIV – 8:40 PM (ten minutes after tzeis)



The Young Israel of Karmiel would like to wish a hearty Mazel Tov on the two community Simchos this past week to the “founding” pillars of our community.


Mazel Tov to Rabbi Moshe and Ahuva Goldbaum on the wedding of their son Eliyahu this past week.

And Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Yaakov and Yedida Zubin on the wedding of their son Aharon today! It’s so wonderful to see the two families who’s sons were in  my Yonah’s class get married. Much of his and our families and many families of Olim who have come to Karmiel have benefited from them paving the way for us as Anglo’s or English speakers that have helped us all integrate and built our flourishing communities. May the young couples build Batei ne’eman B’yisrael L’sheim u’ltifferes and be a source of much yiddishe nachas to all of us.




“Ess, bench, zei a mensch!” Eat. Bentch and be a mentch!



answer below at end of Email


31) A holiday celebrated by Jews belonging to the Ethiopian community: _________

In the tradition of the Ethiopian Kingdom, the origin of their connection to Jewish culture and Jerusalem goes back to the days of:

A)  King Solomon

B)  The exile of the Ten Tribes

C)  King Herod

D)  Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie           




https://soundcloud.com/ephraim-schwartz/yesimcha  -In Chuzt La’aretz you have the Kohanim blessing in the Parsha… well you haven’t heard it right before unless you know my beautiful Yesimcha that contains it… Yitz Berry arrangements beautiful harmonies.. you need to hear this trust me…


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8VoPv4FDeM  - Lipa Shmeltzers beautiful and moving video Abaya and Rava…recorded at their grave not far from me…


https://youtu.be/mHtTH_3qzjA  -Rabbi Wallerstien Zt”l on his Shloshim so beautiful and sad what a loss “Ever feel like a loser”



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghv7JBiRosc   -Good Bye Uri Zohar- another great loss to our generation memorial in Hebrew


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIDR9SnBw7c   -I’ll admit I’m not the biggest Mordechai Shapiro fan (OK I’m not the fan of most new pop style music) but I can’t get enough of this song… Ana Hashem.. its truly magnificent…





Holy Meat - Behaloscha – This week we get into the meat and potatoes of our sojorn in the wilderness for forty years. Or maybe a more Jewish word for it would be the chulent of our desert stay. See, the parsha tells us how the Jewish people started to kvetch. They desired meat. “Enough with the Manna” they said. We need some good flaysh and we remember the free fish (probably lox, smoked fish and herring) we had back in Egypt. And so Hashem gets angry, Moshe gets angry. Hashem tells them they will have plenty of meat- just to show them that He can… and then he smites them in a huge plague. Ouch! It’s a strange story and it needs explanation.


The Pri Ha’aretz explains that it seems strange that they wanted meat. Didn’t the Manna taste like whatever they wanted. Also, what would be so bad if they want a nice kosher steak for a change? It’s not like they wanted something not kosher. They only ate Badatz? And what was this with the fish? A second ago they wanted steak and now they’re reminiscing about herring which they claim was free- but c’mon we know that the Egyptians- like the Nazi’s  in the concentration camps weren’t giving anything for free.So what’s up here?


He therefore explains that what the Jewish people really wanted was food that would increase their desire. The reason why we like meat and food in general is because it awakens the beast within us that is hungry. It’s not about nutritional content or even good taste or flavor. It’s that it makes us want more and more. It nurtures our animalistic side and brings it to the forefront. The Manna didn’t do that. It had all the nutrition and all the flavor of whatever we wanted, but it was purely spiritual. It didn’t do anything to increase more physical desire. In fact that was the reason Hashem concoted it for us in the first place. We were meant to grow into entirely spiritual beings in the wilderness. It’s why we were surroiunded by the clouds of glory and we were literally living in the shade of Hashem and eating holy food from His table. The only thing the Manna gave us was a desire for more spirituality. Not more chulent or steak.


That’s what they were complaining about. They wanted that physical desire back. That’s what Moshe and Hashem were so upset about. It’s like Hashem took out the tumor within us and even gave us a cancer and disease free ciggerette to smoke that was just as perfect as the good old Marlboro’s and here this guy is kvetching that he wants his old cancer sticks back… Not smart.


 He continues and says that it was the seemingly unrelated free fish they complained they missed as well was about. Fish symbolize desire. They swim in the sea of desire where they are surrounded by water all the time. Free, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t cost anything. Rather, our sages teach us, it is free from Mitzvos. Meaning they wanted food that was purely physical without any spiritual strings attached. Because there is one way that we can have a physical enjoyment of food that feeds our physical desire as well as a spiritual desire and that is if it is a mitzva to eat that food. Like the Gaon of Vilna says about Matza for example. Every bite is another Mitzva- and we should physically enjoy it. We are raising up our animal side in the process. That’s a good thing.


Shabbos is that day as well, when we do that each week. Interestingly, there’s a mitzva to eat fish and meat on Shabbos. The best tasting ones, the ones that bring out our most and deepest physical and animal desire. Because on Shabbos that act of eating is pleasuring the physical side in the form of a mitzva. The body won’t bring you down on this special day, because the act of eating in honor of the day that Hashem rested and that is dedicated to recognizing Him as the Creator and our Redeemer is in itself a holy act. We have sanctified it with the Kiddush introduction each meal. We are not kvetching but basking in the knowledge that Hashem loves us and has given us our bodies to be uplifted and to enjoy His delicious holy meat. So pull up a chair and dig in, boys…




The Widow of Tzarfat -873 BC- Eliyahu hid from Achav for about a year in Nachal Karit- which we said was the Wadi Kelt area near Yericho. But after a year Hashem decided it was time to start moving Eliyahu along. The famine he had decreed on Klal Yisrael was taken its toll and perhaps Eliyahu had it too good over there with his fresh water and “raven delivered” food from the table of Achav. So Hashem dried up the Nachal and told Eliyahu it was time for him to head to Tzarfat which is in Tzidon to a widow who Hashem had commanded him to be taken care of by.


Now today Tzarfat is the name of the country France. However that’s not in Tzidon which is in Lebanon. Although, interestingly enough, Lebanon was in fact a country that was created by France after World War I when it was put under the French Mandate after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire who had joined the Germans and lost to the Allies. Anywhere Tzfat and South was put under the British mandate who then created Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. While North of Tzfas was French who created Lebanon, Syria and Libya. So who knows maybe this is prophetic. But Tzarfat near Tzidon where Eliyahu was sent was far away from Achav and the center of Jewish life. It seems Hashem was getting Eliyahu for his eternal journey to far flung places.


There Eliyahu meets this woman and he asks her to bring him some water. When she obliges, despite the fact that she doesn’t have much herself, he ups he ante and asks her for some bread. Israelis never are shy about things. She pretty much tells him that all she has is a little flour and oil and some twigs left for her and her orphan son, but hey, she’s happy to give it to him if he likes and make him some bread.


 Whenever I read this story it reminds me of those awkward moments I and many have had on our year in Israel when we go to people’s houses for Shabbos and it is clear they don’t have much to eat for them and their family. They then tell us to take more…All the while we can see them glaring at their children and telling their own kids not to dare touch another piece of food as there’s not enough… Yeah… awkward..


Eliyahu though is ready for this. He tells her to take the oil and flour. Make some bread and give him the first piece and he promises her that all will be well. The oil and flour she has will last miraculously for as long as there is a famine. And so it was. This was a huge miracle and like most Jewish things there’s an argument about how it worked. Was it that the food just expanded and grew?  That the jugs never emptied and new food was created out of thin air? Regardless it was a miracle that one couldn’t really witness as Hashem’s miracles are generally hidden from the eyes. It’s His style.


Perhaps what’s interesting about this story as well is that Hashem was using this as a teaching point to Eliyahu. It’s easy for Eliyahu to be judgemental and quickly decree a famine on the Jewish people for their sins. But take a look at what starvation and poverty looks like up front, Eliyahu. See you also have mercy and compassion on people. You want miracles to take care of them. Well, so do I Hashem will tell Eliyahu soon. But first there’s one more story that Hashem has to pull off for Eliyahu to come around. Stay tuned next week.




Rabbi Greenberg was known for his lengthy sermons, noticed Berel get up and leave during the middle of his speech. Berel returned just before the conclusion of the service. Afterwards the Rabbi asked him where he had gone.

"I went to get a haircut," was the reply.

"But," said the Rabbi, "why didn't you do that before the service?"

"Because," Berel said, "I didn't need one then."


Rabbi Rosenberg was in the midst of one of his infamous lengthy sermons when all of the sudden, a large plant fell over right behind the pulpit, crashing to the ground.

Rabbi Rosenberg turned around to see what transpired, then turned back to the congregation, smiled sheepishly and said, "Well, that’s the first time I put a plant to sleep."


A Rabbi, a cantor, and a synagogue president were driving to a seminar when they were kidnapped. The highjackers asked the three of them to hand over all of their money and jewellery. When they replied that they hadn't any, the hijackers told them that immediately after their last wishes were fulfilled, they would be killed.

"My last wish," began the Rabbi, is to give a fascinating, complicated, long sermon that I have always wanted to but never been allowed to give."

"We will grant your wish," the hijackers replied.

"My last wish," said the cantor, "is to sing a beautiful, Yemenite style song, one of my own compositions lasting two hours. I have never been allowed to sing it."

"We'll let you sing it," replied the hijackers.

"What is your last wish," the hijackers asked the shul president.

"Please, please shoot me now.


 After a performance a cantor - trying to impress- tells the crowd that his voice is insured with Lloyds of London for 1 million dollars. A voice from the back of the room says "so what did you do with the money?"


 A Rabbi recounted this story: With all the instant messaging and texting lingo going around - with abbreviations like "LOL" and "OMG" and "BTW" - I asked a young lady named Baila if she would be going to shul this Shabbat, and she replied to me "JFK."

"JFK? What does that mean?", I asked.

Baila answered politely, "Just for Kiddush”.


A Rabbi was giving a speech and as Rabbis sometimes do, kept going on and on, and after going way over time he stopped and realized and he apologized saying "I'm sorry, I left my watch at home". One disrespectful guy in the crowd yelled, "But Rabbi, you have a calendar right in front of you!"


Yankel listened to the Rebbe at shul one Shabbos morning and when the Rebbe asked those with special requests to come to him at Seuda Shlisheet/(3rd meal) , Yankel came.

When it was his turn, Yankel sat down and the Rebbe asked, "What do you want me to help you with?"

Yankel said, "Pray for my hearing, Rebbe."

The Rebbe put one hand over Yankel's ear and his other hand on top of his head and prayed a while.

Then he removed his hands and asked, "Yankel, how is your hearing now?"

Yankel answered, "I don't know, Rebbe. It's next Wednesday at the courthouse!"


Answer is B -I just love it when it works out that the questions from the tour guide exam which I post here in order of the exam relate as well to the time of year when I post them. It’s like the hand of heaven is making this happen adding divine ruach hakodesh to what at first glance seems like random questions. Well this one is of course easy. The Parochet is the cover of Ark and it is of course meant to symbolize the covering in front of the Ark of the covenant- aron ha’bris in the Mishkan and Temple No although this is a pretty easy question for us religious Jews I imagine the Arab or Christian wannabee guides will get this wrong- as I would when it comes to the nonsense names of parts of their false places of worship. Information I pretty much deleted after I finished my exam. Sooo in honor of Shavuos the day when we go the Torah covered by the Paroches I got this one right and the score is now Schwartz 24 and 6 for MOT (Ministry of Tourism) on this exam.


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