
Our view of the Galile

Friday, August 13, 2021

Judges, Surgeons and Dreamers- Parshat Shoftim 5781 2021


Insights and Inspiration

                                                                       from the

Holy Land


Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

 "Your friend in Karmiel"

August 13th 2021 -Volume 11 Issue 44 5th Elul

Parshat Shoftim

Judges, Surgeons and Dreamers

I had a dream last night. There were seven bowls of red, meaty chulent full of beans and potatoes with those juicy marrow bones swimming around what looked like islands of Kishka. The simmering sound was like music of what could only be described as Shabbos zemiros that emanated from the highest spiritual spheres. It was a wonder. And then it happened seven skinny doctors holding knives in one hand came in and swallowed them all up leaving in their place seven little plastic tubs of Leben (Israel's sour cream yogurt mix that tastes really horrible and should be banned). I woke up in a sweat. It was terrifying. I rolled over and went back to sleep. And then I had the second dream.

 This time it was no less terrifying. I was by a Kiddush. My son-in-law Yaakov was there and he always takes care of me. There were seven heaping plates in front of me. There was herring anc crackers, rugelach, Yerushalmi Kugel with a pickle on the side and of course smack in the middle was my personal favorite a nice juicy piece of Yapchik- which is basically what they call in Hebrew "Ovehrrrnayyt" potato kugel with a slab of beef in the middle. As I was about to dig in though once again the incomprehensible happened. All of a sudden 7 small little spoons of chicken broth came into the room and swallowed up the whole thing. What was amazing was that the spoons didn't get any fatter. They just stayed the same frail pathetic brothy color. I woke up and didn't need Yosef to interpret my dream. It was my new reality. Hello Rabbi- Post-Gastric-Bypass- surgery Schwartz welcome to your new life…

 The truth is jokes and dreams aside it really has been a pretty fascinating experience this whole surgery thing. I'll admit I was a little nervous when the guy started shaving my belly. It kind of meant this was going to be for real. Lying there on the table and being rolled into the room, I envisioned a cow being taking to the slaughter, strapped down, helpless, bright lights shining in my eyes. They gave me that oxygen mask and I offered my final words of prayer and the next thing I knew I was groggy back in my hospital room. It was over. I was born again. Thank god I really didn't have any pain or even sores. The weird thing was that I didn't feel hungry at all. By Thursday when they released me it had been like three days since I last ate and frankly I really didn't feel like I needed to eat at all. As I write this on FridayI 've had about a few spoons of that Leben stuff, a Jello cup and two cups of chicken broth and I really do feel that I have to force myself to eat. It's very bizarre. I'm kind of like Moshe up in heaven I don't think it will go forty days and nights though.

Now I'll admit I've always been the one to say that not being hungry is never an excuse not to eat. What does hungry have to do with eating anyways? Which is probably the reason why I am where I am today. And the truth is I certainly was eyeing that packet of wafers on the kitchen table yesterday and I really did dream of food. But I don't know how to explain it. It's as if this surgery put some type of switch on my brain that is telling me. As good as it looks and might seem. You really don't want it. You're just fine without it. It's trayf and at least for the meantime it's working. It's kind of like what our sages tell us that during the second temple the Rabbis got together and removed the Yetzer Hara for Idolatry. That's all it took one little snooze under the lapscropic knife of Dr. Asaliya and it was all gone.

I really wasn't sure if I would write something this week or not, but so many of you E-Mailed, Whatsapped, and even donated money and sponsorships for my refuah shlaima that really touched me. As well I opened up the first verse of this week's Parsha and whadaya know Hashem didn't force me to go too far to find a tie in and an incredibly inspiring idea for myself and all of us as we enter this month of Elul.

The Parsha begins with the seemingly grammatically incorrect commandment of the establishment of Judges and enforcement officers.

 Shoftim V'Shotrim Titein Lecha B'Chol She'arecha- You shall place judges and officers in all of your gates

Asher Hashem Elokecha Nosein Lecha- That Hashem your God has given you.

V'shaftu es Ha'am Mishpat Tzedek- and they will judge the nation a righteous judgement.

 In English the grammatical "error" is not noticeable because in English "you" can mean both singular and plural. In Hebrew though, "you" singular is lecha while "you" plural is lachem. Seemingly the commandment here is one that is a national one. No individual can appoint judges or officers. The end of the verse even tells us that this so they will judge the nation. So technically speaking the verse should really read

 Shoftim V'Shotrim titnu lachem b'chol she'areichem asher Hashem Elokeichem Nosein Lachem.

 From here Reb Chaim Vital, The Shela Hakodesh and most classic Chasidic sefarim derive that the Torah in this verse in in fact referring to each Jew individually. We each have our own personal gates into our body and our souls and we each need to place judges and officers that will protect ourselves and ensure that we are living just and spiritually healthy lives.

 In fact the Reb Shlomo Sobel one of the old Yerushalmi Darshanim in his work Shloma Chadasha points out that if you take the letter "pei" out of the word shoftim-judges and the letter "reish" out of the word Shotrim-officers then you are left with the words shotim and shotim- fools and fools. The Pei and the Reish spell Par which means cow. He suggests that this is a hint to Torah. For the Talmud tells us that one that dreams about an Ox will be blessed with children that will be goring one another in Torah like an oxe. ( I wonder if that applies to one who dreams about steaks… Hmmmm). He brings other places as well where we see that cow is a euphemism used by our Rabbis for Torah. Thus if one appoints judges and officers with Torah then it's good it not then they will be fools and fools.

 Similarly when it comes to appointing the judges and officers over our own personal gates. The Nesivos Shalom explains these gates in various ways. The Zohar tells us that there are 7 gates in our face to our bodies and souls. The 2 eyes, ears and nostrils and the mouth. Upon each of these we have to appoint both judges and officers. The function of a judge is to determine intellectually what is the ruling. Is this good for me, is this bad? Should I be looking at this, should I be eating this? Is this something I should be listening to or even smelling? Yet as we all now judges can rule from today until tomorrow what we need to do or shouldn't be doing, but without a justice system that will enforce those rulings there is little chance of the laws being carried out. You can beg, plead, and have all types of information and educational campaigns about wearing masks or getting vaccines, but at the end of the day nobody is wearing them until you start handing out tickets. For better or for worse.

Thus we need officers for our bodies and our gates. We need to draw red lines that we cannot cross. They can be filters, they can be making sure not to go to certain places, to associate with certain people. They can time spend studying and learning the areas that we know that we are weak in. They don't have to be as dramatic as going under the knife and knocking your stomach down to the size of an egg. They shouldn't be as dramatic as that in fact. But we need to do it.  Our eyes, our mouths, our ears all are at risk of seeing, talking and hearing things we know they shouldn't. We need to appoint judges to discern those things and then the enforcers that will make sure we are protected.

 There is another interpretation of the idea of the personal gates that we have that the Nesivos Sholom points out. The idea of a gateway is that it is a point that we pass through to get from point A to Point B. In time we have gateway moments as well. Erev Shabbos is the gateway to Shabbos. Shabbos is the gateway to all of the blessing for the entire week. As well annually. Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are the gateways to the new Year and all of its decrees and things that will happen to us. Elul the month we have entered this week and the week where we always read this parsha of Shoftim is the gateway to Rosh Hashana. For it is on this gateway of Elul that we are each commanded to appoint our own personal judges and officers. It's a month not only of introspection when we review our actions, our weaknesses and our failings, but one where we also begin already appointing officers and putting measures into place to make sure that they won't occur anymore. That we will be better. That we will become the people we want to be. The people that sees in ourselves "Asher Hashem Elokecha nasan lach- That Hashem has given us everything. He is our God. The gifts we have are all his blessing. He is with us to make us better. That is the message of this month. It's what we need to do to ensure the perfect judgement.

 As I said last week, I have a long way to go to remove all of those extra unhealthy pounds physically and spiritually that I have to remove. But one thing is certain is that this Elul will certainly be one for me that is more mindful than I have ever been before. I have judges and officers all over what I'm putting in my mouth and what is coming in my belly. It is my hope that I have the inner personal strength to establish the personal boundaries and lines that are necessary to continue becoming the best Hashem has made me to be. If I do and we all do then maybe the dreams that we all will have of a better redeemed world will finally happen.

 Have a dreamy Shabbos,

Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz


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" A dokter tor men nit vintshn a gut yor.– Never wish a doctor a good year.


41) One of the regions where the “Jesus Yoshka Trail” passes:

A) Mount of olives

B) Bethlehem

C) Mount Arbel

D) Kursi


https://soundcloud.com/ephraim-schwartz/lulay-heamanti-kavey -In honor of the Month of Elul please listen and enjoy MY beautiful hartzig compostion Lulay He'amanti that we recite each morning in this month sung and arranged by Dovid Lowy.

https://youtu.be/4U101C4rLqU     Yaakov Shwekey another new release this time it’s a great new song "Fighter"


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUL1RCG_BDQ Udi Davidi has a beautiful moving new song Ata Imadi with lyrics by Chayala Neuhaus


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHErQrvvftQAnd of course you can't get into Elul without Yishai Ribbos classic Elul song..




King Me – Parshat Shoftim- One of the exciting mitzvos in this week's Parsha is the mitzva to establish a King. Interestingly enough the Torah tells us this mitzva with the same introduction as it does for a the mitzva of Bikkurim. It begins.


" Ki Tavo- When you come to the land  which Hashem your God gives to you to inherit it and to settle in it and you will say I will place on me a king like all of the nations that are around me.

 The parsha of bringing the first fruit is the beginning of Parshat Ki Tavo starts the same way but there though there is the addition of one word V'haya Ki tavo and it will be when you will come… We noted last week that the terminology of "it will be" is a language of simcha and joy. The difference between the two laws therefore would be what your intention of coming to Israel is for. If one comes to bring their first fruits to Hashem, to recognize that all we have is from His hand, His blessing then it is a moment of simcha when we come to Israel.

 On the other hand, if we are coming to Israel because we want to have a country and leaders like everyone else in the world. Sadly, in that scenario there won't be so much simcha or joy.

 But the truth is that even if that is our intent it won't make a difference, the Torah tells us. For the mitzva is

 To place a king upon you that Hashem your God will choose from amongst your brethren you shall place upon you as king.

 Our King inevitably will not be one that is inspired by the goyim around us, rather it will be one that Hashem selects for us. And even if we don't want it won't help because.

 Lo tuchal laseis alecha ish nochri asher lo achicha hu- you will not be able to place upon you a stranger who is not from your brothers.

 Eretz Yisrael is a land that is meant for us to come to reveal Hashem's glory. It needs a king down here and leader that will correspond and direct the nation to the King up in heaven. The power of Eretz Yisrael though is that even if you don't get that before you come here and you come with purely secular intentions. Ultimately after arriving Hashem tells us that we will see the light. His light. And we will understand that we will be unable to settle for anything less than the Melech Malchei Hamelachim here on this world.

 This month that King is in the field with us. By the time Rosh Hashana comes around in a few weeks may we merit to inaugurating Mashiach ben Dovid on his palace in Yerushalayim.



Sheva ben Bichri and Amassah- 840 BC Dovid is back home in Yerushalayim he has united the tribe of Yehudah behind him and the tribes of Israel as well had joined Dovid. Yet being that Yehudah only came after the other tribes, the tribe of Binyamin felt that they were being usurped once again by Yehudah who had only come late to the game. In this seemingly petty fight and argument enters one Sheva ben Bichri who renews the call that Dovid is an illegitimate King. Perhaps even his name Sheva is meant to connote the sin of Batsheva that he is reminding them of. The prophet had said Dovid would be usurped. Avshalom failed, so he obviously wasn't the who the Navi was reffering to. It was time for them all to join again and rebel and get rid of Dovid. And as quickly as Dovid returned to office, he was once again beset with putting down a new challenge to his kingship.

 Dovid who was seemingly still broygez at Yoav over his killing of Avshalom had appointed Avshalom's former general Yoav's cousin Ammasa as his general and he told him to take three days to marshal all of the Jews together to fight against Sheva's army which consisted of all of the tribes of Israel besides Yehuda. Ammasa however delayed. According to the Midrash he didn't want to disturb the Jews who were learning in Beit Midrash to come fight right away. After three days Dovid then calls Avishai, Yoav's younger brother and sends him out with Yoav to fight.

 They arrive at the large stone in Givon. Biblical Givon is located just north of Nebi Samuel where I like to tell this story as the the Palestinian village under Area B on the other side of separation fence. In the 1950’s there were wine vessels that actually dated back to the time of Yehoshua that said Givon on it. As well the arab name Al- Jib is reminiscent of the city name. And in fact the ancient pool is still there. Today there is jewish yishuv called Givon Hachadasha next to the Kfar. Yet it's very possible that the large stone which was like a bama- a high place of worship was not in Givon but overlooking Givon which this is a high place that does see that that even has a large carved rock there.

 By this rock Yoav spots Ammasa and he drops his sword and pretends to be coming to him unarmed. Ammasa sees him and Yoav then gives him a big hug grabbing his beard and then sticks his sword into his 5th rib and pretty much rips out his kishkas. Kind of like a gastric bypass surgery with a lot more blood and guts being disembowelled. When the other soldiers see this they are aghast at Yoav's action and the site of their former general all bloody. So they cover him up and then continue the pursuit of Sheva to the top of the north of Israel to Avel Beth Ma'acha laying siege on the city.

 This act of Yoav is one more that shows his disregard for Dovid's command and that will come back to haunt him. The lesson of Yoav is an important one that the Navi keeps repeating to us. Sometimes the talmidim or the chasidim make the fight of their Rebbi or master a personal one. They take it to places that the Rebbi never wanted it to go. That Hashem didn't want it to go. It is religious piety gone haywire and it is dangerous. Yoav will pay the price for these acts. Stay tuned next week for the battle against Sheva that will be one in an incredible way.



Why do all the patients love the surgeon who is also a stand-up comic? He leaves them in stitches.

 Where did the British surgeon safeguard the organs from his donors? He kept them in Liverpool.

Why does everyone look up to surgeons who successfully help people lose weight? What they do takes guts.

 Why does everyone love cardiac surgeons? They touch so many people's hearts.

How do most surgeons get so wealthy? They take a cut after every successful surgery!

How did a junior surgeon get entry into a prestigious medical conference? He made the cut.

Where do plastic surgeons source all of the new noses from? They buy them from the olfactory.

What did the nurse tell the surgeon when he asked her how the girl who swallowed some coins was doing? We haven't seen any change yet.

Why was one patient so relieved after his brain surgery? He had said that he wasn't sure about getting brain surgery, but then the doctor helped him change his mind.

 Why was the surgeon screaming "Typhoid, Measles, Tetanus!" in the hospital hallway? He liked to call the shots.

What would a surgeon say if a patient demanded that he close his own wound? Fine, suture self

Doctor Greenberg was checking his schedule two hours before his shift was over to see how many operations he had left. "Five done, tumor to go", muttered the doctor when he saw the sheet on site!

A mechanic was removing a cylinder-head from the motor of a Harley motorcycle when he spotted his cardiologist – Dr. Simon Goldstein in his shop. Dr. Goldstein was there waiting for the service manager to come take a look at his bike when the mechanic shouted across the garage "Hey Doc, want to take a look at this?"

Goldstein, a bit surprised, walked over to where the mechanic was working on the motorcycle. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, "So Doc, look at this engine. I open its heart, take the valves out, repair any damage, and then put them back in, and when I finish, it works just like new."

"So how come I make such a small salary – and you get the really big bucks? You and I are doing basically the same work!"

Dr. Goldstein paused, smiled and leaned over, then whispered to the mechanic, ''Try doing it with the engine running."


It's 10pm when the phone rings in Dr. Minkofsky's house. "It's Dr. Gold," says his wife, passing him the phone, "I do hope it's not another emergency."

Dr. Minkofsky takes the phone and says, "Hi, what's up?"

"Don't worry, everything's OK," replies Dr. Gold. "It's just that I'm at home with Dr. Lewis and Dr. Kosiner. We're having a little game of poker and we're short of one hand so we thought you might like to come over and join us?"

"Sure .... yes, of course," replies Dr. Minkofsky, putting on a serious voice, "I'm leaving right now." And he puts down the phone.

"What's happened?" his wife asks, with a worried look.

"It's very serious," Dr. Minkofsky replies. "They've already called three doctors."


Answer is C- I got this wrong. I don't know if I should take that a badge of honor or not. The truth is I really was debating about the right answer. See, I knew that the trail was in the Galile. It was one of the beautiful things about the Sanhedrin trail that was established in the same area. Why do we as a Jewish country need to sell goyish bubbeh maysehs despite the Christian pilgrimage dollars that it brings in when we are here to inspire them about the reality of holiness and the teachings of our sages. So knowing that I knocked out Bethlehem and Mt. Of Olives which are obviously not in this area. I was going to go with Mt. Arbel because that is in this area, but since I didn't know any yoshka stories there- and there really aren't- So I went with Kursi which is on the other side of the Kinneret and there was some miracle with wild pigs that they made up took place there. Turns out I was wrong and the correct answer was Arbel. Oh well… There goes my streak. But If I had to break my streak at least it was on a Christian question and not on anything really important.   So the score is 32 for Rabbi Schwartz and 9 for the Ministry of Tourism on this exam.


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