
Our view of the Galile

Friday, March 24, 2023

The Pearl in his Crown- Parshat Vayikra 2023 5783


Insights and Inspiration

from the

Holy Land


Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

"Your friend in Karmiel"

March 24th 2023 -Volume 12 Issue 23 2nd of Nissan 5783


Parshat Vayikra

The Pearl in His Crown

(Don’t miss our book offer and free sampler here Rabbi Schwartzes Pesach book Sampler! CLick! )

Our sages tell us that the month of Nissan “took 10 crowns”. It was the first of Creation, The day when the Shechina returned to our nation, Hashem’s Mishkan was coronated and it was the day when the first Priestly blessings were given amongst others. This year it took another “crown”. It took the precious neshoma of my wife’s youngest sister Yehudis Penina bas Avraham Tzvi, may her memory be blessed. It seems the ten crowns weren’t sufficient for this month to take. The crown needed it’s precious yiddishe ‘pearl’ to adorn it as well. And there was no pearl more precious and dearer than Yehudis was.

She was so young. She had so much love to give. She had only just a few years ago found her bashert; her soulmate Yoily, after so many years of davening, of emuna that one day she would find the neshoma that 40 days before she was born would complete her. Yoily was certainly her bashert. She had so much love for him. She was so happy when I first met the two of them together. He fulfilled her and she him. They were each other’s worlds. They had both found happiness.

Yet, it seemed that Hashem felt that those few happy years together was all that she needed to achieve what she was sent down this world to accomplish. The pearl was needed for the crown. And we, her husband, her siblings-step and half as well,which were just as precious and dear to her as all of her other ones, her parents, loved ones, her friends and all that were privileged to know her and receive her love and be touched by her spirit, warmth, smile and laugh for 41 short years are left here bereft with only her memory and her inspiration left.

It doesn’t make sense that we should be eulogizing Yehudis. That anyone should. It doesn’t make sense that she’s not here. She was the cute little sister of my wife. She was our flower girl. She was my children’s favorite aunt. The one closest to them in age that they could relate to. Her laugh. Her smile. And yes, her emuna that everything is from Hashem. That whatever suffering she had- and she had so much at the end, was what Hashem wanted for her. That she could get better. That miracles can and do happen. That she would have a life, a family. That she would be with us and us with her, for a lifetime. We just didn’t know how short that lifetime would be…

But Rosh Chodesh Nissan she was called back. This month of the ‘crown-taking’ is one that Jewish custom has it, that no eulogies are said, and thus I shouldn’t be giving one. You always have to love those people that start off their forbidden eulogies by saying “this is not really a eulogy”.

It is a month of joy. It is a month of redemption. It is a month of the inauguration of the Mishkan, of the Kohanim, of the Nesi’im- princes and of Kings. But I realized this morning perhaps an even deeper reason why no eulogies are recited this month. Why there is none that are recited today on this Rosh Chodesh- the head of the entire month and of all months. For today is as well the yahrtzeit of two other people for whom no eulogy was really said. Two people for whom no eulogy needs to be said.

Rosh Chodesh Nisan is the only other Yartzeit, besides for Rosh Chodesh Av when Aharon Ha’Kohein we are told died, that is recorded in the Torah. The Torah doesn’t tell us the date when Moshe Rabbeinu dies, when Avraham Avinu or any of the Patriarchs, Matriarchs or 12 tribes died. Yet on Rosh Chodesh Nissan-the day of no eulogies, on the same day that the Mishkan of Hashem was inaugurated, there was another parent that was burying his children. It was Aharon Ha’Kohen whose two children Nadav and Avihu were taken. It is their Yartzeit today as well.

When Aharon is told, his response is one silence and acceptance. There is no eulogy. There is no mourning on this special day. And perhaps from that time on there never was. Moshe tells Aharon that the two of them were even greater than him and Aharon themselves. That they were sacrifices that were brought up in the Mishkan to sanctify Hashem’s name.

B’krovai eh’kadeish- I become sanctified with those that are close to Me.

Those are the pearls and precious stones for My crown. There is nothing to mourn because they are right here next to Me. They adorn the Melech. It is that silent acceptance of Aharon, in the face of their brutal and incomprehensible “untimely death” on this special day when I came down to rest My presence back in my nation and build My home on this world, it is that incredible emuna that makes Me sanctified. It is that unwavering faith that we don’t understand everything… anything… that is the crown. That is how I can come down to this world. That is how the world can be redeemed in Nisan.

Yet, Moshe tells us that despite that there is no eulogy, that there is no questioning, yet he says there is crying.

V’acheichem kol bais Yisrael yivku es ha’sereifa asher saraf Hashem- And your brothers, all of Israel, will cry the fire that Hashem burned.

Aharon is silent, yet the nation, his brothers and sisters are all kol bais Yisrael- we are one house, we are one family united in this tragedy. We are crying. We’re not crying and even mourning their death, Moshe tells us. Rather, we are crying for the fire that Hashem had to send to bring that awareness of how special, how dear and how precious they were, and how holy they are to Him in such a fiery way. In a way that we realize that this is not something that is the normal way of the world. In a way that is even so painful to Him- as it uses that special name of mercy of Hashem in describing this fire that He brought. It is the sereifa asher saraf -the merciful Father in heaven.

It is the happiest day of the world since Creation, when Hashem’s presence was about to finally come down. It was not a day for tragedy. It was Nisan. Yet, it was on this day that Hashem in His mercy and caring for us needed to send us a message; to make us cry and appreciate how precious our lives are. How precious every act we do is. How we can’t take for granted one moment, one second, one act, one mitzva, one good deed and one smile that can light up the world. Aharon is silent, but Moshe tells him that we his brothers are crying and will always remember the fire and loss that is the legacy and final message his sons have left us in their deaths on this Rosh Chodesh Nisan.

There is something else precious about the crying of the nation. The Imrei Shefer says an unbelievable idea. He quotes a verse in Yirmiyahu

Al tivku la’meis v’al tanudu lo- do not weep for the dead and do not lament him

Becho becho l’holeich- rather weep you shall weep for he who is leaving

Ki lo yashuv od liros Eretz moladato- for he will not return to see the land of his birthplace.

 Our sages explain that the one that you should cry for is not the dead, rather it is for he who is leaving this world, they explain, without children. For they have no one that will carry on their legacy.

 He thus explains that Aharon was not mourning his children’s death. Rather it was the fact that they didn’t leave anyone to carry on their name and their legacy. They didn’t have kaddish zuggers. And in that case they would have to come back again to fix their sins. They were not at rest. Moshe told him therefore told him that when someone dies without children, if those that were close to him cry for that fire. If those dear ones shed tears and take up their lives, they keep their inspiration alive. Becho Becho- cry and cry for them. Then those special souls taken without children will never have to return to this world. They will remain the crowns of Hashem. The tears of Klal Yisrael will raise up any sparks left. They will be their children. They will be Yehudis’s children. And she will be at rest. She will not need to return to fix anything left. Her job is finally done/ Her suffering is finally over. She will adorn that crown of Hashem.

 This week we begin the Book of Vayikra, the book of the sacrifices. We don’t have sacrifices today, but on that first day of the  inauguration of sacrifices, Hashem taught us that the death of the righteous, their inspiration  and the tears that we shed over them can be and is just as powerful to connect us to Hashem. To bring us closer. Our parsha tells us that every sacrifice needed salt and wine libations. One of the students of the Gaon of Vilna the Margaliyos Ha’Torah writes that our salty tears shed over their death are the libations of the korban that is their deaths. It is why it says that the brothers of Irael will cry “es ha’sereifa” the word ‘es’ means ‘with’ the fire. Our tears are the salt and the libation that accompany and are poured over that sacrifice. It’s what makes the holiness eternal. It’s what brings us closer to our Father and Him closer to us.

 Yehudis suffered so much with her terrible illness over the past few years since it took over her holy precious body. Treatments, Chemo, prognosis after prognosis and such terrible suffering. Yet, she accepted that suffering and she fought hard to live longer and longer. She felt she had so much to live for. So much love to give and share. So much to experience and so much light to bring to the world. So many people to make smile. So many friends to cherish. She didn’t want to leave.

 Reb Yonasan Eibushitz in his eulogy on his father-in-law writes something so powerful and so earthshattering. He explains that righteous people do not leave this world until their body and soul agree to leave. Hashem fulfills the will of the righteous. It is only when they feel that they have completed what they were put here in this world to do. However many times, the tzadik’s soul does not want to leave this world. It feels that is has so much to give, so many to bring close and so much it can still do. And one’s soul cannot leave their body and return to Hashem until it is ready.Therefore Hashem brings pain and suffering upon their body until their soul can not bear to see the suffering of their body anymore. Despite that it is willing and wishes to remain and do more. Yet, it’s time is up. That suffering of its body finally connects the tzadik to his own core. It becomes at rest. It resigns itself that its job is over. It’s time finally to let go and come home. The rest of your brothers of Israel will cry that fire. Will live that life for you. Your job is up. We will be your children.

 Yehudis went off in peace with her family around her singing the songs that gave her so much comfort and so much love these past few months. She was given the opportunity to say good-bye, to express her appreciation to all that came and visited her whom she felt that gave to her-despite that all that came felt that we got so much more from her. She returned her soul to Hashem with Shema on her lips. She was an olah Temima- a pure offering. Parshat Vayikra this week is that call that Hashem called her from his heavenly abode and she is His crown.

 Nisan is the month of the Geula. The king needs His crown before He comes down to His eternal palace that will be built here this month. May the neshoma of our sister be the last korban Hashem needs to take. May she be the last pearl for his crown as we cry for her fire and her light. And may the neshoma of Yehudis Penina bas Avraham Tzvi be a meilitz yosher for her family and loved ones that should be comforted and souled with all those that mourn Tzion and Yerushalayim. Tihei Zichra Baruch.  


Have comforting Shabbos,


Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz


This week's Insights and Inspiration is dedicated as a zechus for Yehudis Penina bas Avraham Tzvi Z”L. May her holy neshoma have an aliya and may she be a meilitz yosher- a divine advocate to Hashem to bring consolation to all of those that mourn her and will miss her.

May her special husband Yoily, know no more tzaar, her mother and her siblings that cared so  much for her be comforted, and may all of us that she was dear to and loved fill that tremendous void she has left behind with merits, closeness and the simcha that she gave us as she will be our inspiration forever.

Tihei Zichra Baruch- may her memory be a blessing.




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Rabbi Schwartzes Pesach book Sampler! CLick!

Can you believe that Pesach is right around the corner? The great holiday is coming around the bend and I’m sure you’ve started getting ready with your preparations. Making your plans, cleaning your house, buying your matzos, finishing up your Chametz and even beginning to think about all of the inspiration that you will tap into this great holiday and that you will share with your family.

Well, as usual when it comes to inspiration and insights, we want to be here to help you and therefore we’ve got the best gift you can buy yourself or whoever you wish to share this holiday with. None other than Rabbi Schwartz’s two great books aptly titled

"The Most Enjoyable Book You'll Ever Read About Pesach"

That totally sold out is in its second printing and the follow-up that original work

From the Back page blurb

Really?!! The most enjoyable book about Pesach?

What will I find here that I haven't heard before?

You'll have to read it to find out. One thing we can guarantee is that this book will certainly be one that you will be able to enjoy over and over again.

With his world-renowned wit and wisdom and his love for every Jew, Israel, and inspiration (and chulent), Rabbi Schwartz brings to life the timeless and yet original messages and ideas that the holiday of Pesach can and should mean to every Jew.


Shabbos Ha’Gadol, Exile, the Plagues, Pesach Seder and Redemption

And great articles enjoyably and mystically titled

Just one Shabbos,

Kid-ding Around

Ani V’Atah

The Worst Jew

Bedtime Stories

Of Mouth and Men


Animal House

Jewish Trip Planning,

The Holy Prophet

A Song for the Ages

Make Me Proud

And many many more…


The- 'Next'- Most Enjoyable Book You'll Ever Read About Pesach""

Your Most Enjoyable Pesach Book 2.0.


From the slave pits in Egypt to the jungles of Africa, the streets of Jerusalem to the locked-down houses in Karmiel, Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz with his enthusiasm, inspiration and laughter, guides you through the holiday of Pesach as you've never experienced it before.

Whether you've joined him on tours, read his Mishpacha magazine columns, been inspired by his teachings, or whether you just like his picture on the cover of this book, you are sure to be enlightened, inspired and entertained. This year God Willing will finally be the year of Redemption IYH and you want to make sure your ready for that special passion of Eretz Yisrael and appreciate Pesach in the most enjoyable way with Rabbi Schwartz

Great chapters include

Imaginary worlds


Jungle time


The first seder

Zaydie maysehs


Hitting the jackpot

Galus america

The morning after

and much much more

It's the perfect Pesach Prep book, an amazing Seder accompaniment and the perfect way to enjoy your holiday as never before

From the back cover

Quotes- That Were Never Said

This is a really great book, I'm so glad that my son become a rabbi, tour guide, and author rather than a Doctor or a Lawyer ."-My Mother

Our father is a very wise man and we love listening quietly at the Shabbos table to his Torah E-mails -My children

"This is a really great book, I'm so glad that my son become a rabbi, tour guide, and author rather than a Doctor or a Lawyer ."-My Mother

 "This book has changed my life in so many ways; I attribute all my success in life to Rabbi Schwartz's insights and weekly Inspiration."-- Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz

 "I knew that when I threw him out of my Yeshiva it would inspire him to become the next leader of the Jewish people."- -Quite a few of my Rabbis and Principals

 This book contains no pictures of women and barely mentions any female names— besides the ones who make chulent- Most Jewish magazines

“I love being on a diet; it makes me feel so healthy."- The author

From the beginner to the greatest scholar, from the Kabbalist to the Chasid to the Yeshiva student, young and old, this book will definitely be the most enjoyable book you've ever read about Pesach.


This is almost as important as buying Matza!!

To order this book which is not available in stores this year, please respond to this E-Mail to Rabbi Schwartz

The book is a 65 NIS or $20 USD donation for one or both for 125 Shek or $36 to the Young Israel of Karmiel and Rabbi Schwartz'es weekly insights

 (plus shipping where necessary)

Please be in touch and be the first ones to get this for this year, before it hits stores next year...



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1) by the link on this page!




“A tropn libe brengt a mol a yam trern.”- A drop of love can bring an ocean of tears.



answer below at end of Email

16) The style of architecture which characterized construction in Tel Aviv in the 1920s is called:

"___________ architecture".

What characterizes the "International Style" of architecture?

A) combining different architectural styles from around the world

B) Renaissance symmetry and sloped roofs

C) simplicity and avoiding excessive ornamentation

D) aspiration to height and gliding arches



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzoP8xsPDM   - Ki Hinei Ka’Chomer a beautiful rendition from Bustan


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8pGeGgXQ00   -Gil Asher – Olam Shel Ahava- world of love


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzGPU_DWIuU   – One of the most powerful videos I’ve seen… a Jew comes to demonstrate against Judicial reform, against Chareidim, Against religious coercion- he then hears the song of Shabbos and his neshoma awakens… you have to see this…


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV3XUiUbCAM    – Moshe Shneider The time is Now beautiful




Naaman- 680 BC- Last week we introduced the concept of the Christians stealing Jewish stories and biblical figures and turning them into pre-configurations of the bubbeh maysehs of their New Testament. Well this week we continue the saga fascinatingly enough with Elisha bringing “salvation” to the righteous gentile general of the nation of Aram named N Naaman who suffered from leprosy.


Now the nation of Aram is located in Syria and is a larger region that goes all the way up to Turkey. It’s there where Avraham starts from in Charan, it’s where Yaakov hangs out by Uncle Lavan (Ha’Arami- as we say by the Pesach Seder) and its where 11 of 12 tribes are born! It’s where we shtam from. The King of Aram had waged war on Achav the previous king and Naaman had been the general that actually carried out the Divine punishment by killing Achav in battle. Hashem, our sages tell us, did this to show that He held this goyish general in higher spiritual esteem than He did the King of Israel. Pretty remarkable and an important lesson that we don’t have a monopoly on the favor of Hashem. Now although Naaman was an idolator, unlike Achav, Hashem didn’t hold it against him, because that what the culture he was born it- which is another important lesson. Yet, Hashem wanted to give him an opportunity to discover the truth. And what better place to do that than Eretz Yisrael!


Yet first Naaman had to be humbled and thus he was given leprosy. When he captured a young Jewish girl in one of his incursions into Israel, she advised him to go to the prophet of Israel in the Shomron who might heal him. It seems that even back there was an idea of going to tzadikim for yeshuos! And even goyim would buy into that…


Naaman turns to his King who then forwards this request to the King of Israel Yehoram. And here’s the tragic part of the story. Yehoram, didn’t believe that Elisha could do the job. He was angry and bitter at Elisha who had rebuked him for his idolatry, and he therefore saw this request as a ploy from Aram to wage war on Israel. So he rent his clothing and mourned. Crazy! Yet think about it in modern terms. Imagine the King of Syria or Iran wants a bracha from Reb Chayim Kanievsky to heal him. How do you think Bibi would react? How about if Lieberman, Lapid or Bennet were Prime Minister? Do you think that they would be fine with those “Chareidim” bring the salvation of Klal Yisrael. That’s what was going on…


Yet, Elisha hears about this and sends a message to Yehoram, that he will heal him. Let him come. And so Naaman journeys to Elisha. What happens? Stay tuned next week….




Yeah… sorry just not in the mood this week… next week I promise double…



The answer to this week”s question is C –This is one of those questions that most tourists are not interested in, yet it’s an important one for the tour guiding course. See, most people don’t really care about architecture, certainly not modern architecture. And 1920’s is considered modern in this 4000 year old country of ours. Yet, it is the Bauhaus architecture that was imported here by German Jews that came from Germany before the war which was known for it’s simplicity, which is basic square buildings on second stories with the carports underneath that would be cool and shaded that you see all over Tel Aviv that in fact gave the city it’s UNESCO World Heritage status as the “White city”. So yeah, it’s important to them. And of course I got it right as they knocked it into our heads. So that makes the score as of now  13.5 for Schwartz and 2.5 for Ministry of tourism on this exam so far…

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